In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Research Methods in Biology (ZOO630)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The TAQ polymerase survive at

    1. 162 F
    2. 163 F
    3. 164 F
    4. 165 F
  2. Buffers maintain ________ either by absorbing or releasing Hydrogen ions.

    1. Temperature
    2. pH
    3. pressure
    4. Heat
  3. Low percentage gels are very fragile and are used to separate DNA molecules from 5 to ________ in size.

    1. 15 kb
    2. 10 kb
    3. 20 kb
    4. 25 kb
  4. The disadvantage of PCR with respect to taq polymerase is ________.

    1. Taq polymerase is not easily available
    2. Taq polymerase is expensive
    3. Taq polymerase is not pure
    4. Taq polymerase is difficult to deal
  5. Uses primers made with fluorescent dyes and specialized thermal cycles that enable researchers to quantify amplification reactions as they occur by ________.

    1. Real time PCR
    2. Multiplex PCR
    3. Nested PCR
    4. Fast PCR
  6. The double helix DNA separated into single stranded DNA at ________.

    1. 95 C
    2. 96 C
    3. 97 C
    4. 98 C
  7. Buffers used contain ________ to inactivate many nucleases.

    1. TA buffer
    2. TAE buffer
    3. EDTA buffer
    4. 10x buffer
  8. Steps for PCR procedure follow as

    1. Extracting DNA, Primer, Nucleotide, DNA polymerase
    2. Extracting DNA, Nucleotide, Primer, DNA polymerase
    3. DNA polymerase, Primer, Nucleotide, Extracting DNA
    4. Primer, Nucleotide, Extracting DNA, DNA polymerase
  9. Polymerase chain reaction is

    1. Quick
    2. Time taking
    3. Un-reliable
    4. un sensitive
  10. Samples are mixed with the ________ to increase their density.

    1. Fluorescent Dye
    2. Methylene Blue Dye
    3. Safaranin Dye
    4. Bromophenol Blue Dye