In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Statistics and Probability (STA301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The data which has not undergone any statistical treatment is called:

    1. Discrete data
    2. Secondary data
    3. Primary data
    4. Qualitative data
  2. If a significance level of 1% is used rather than 5%, the null hypothesis is:

    1. More likely to be rejected
    2. Less likely to be rejected
    3. Just as likely to be rejected
    4. None of the given
  3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the arithmetic mean?

    1. It is influenced by extreme values
    2. Fifty percent of the observations are larger than the median
    3. The sum of the squared deviations from the mean is always minimum
    4. The sum of the observations from the mean is zero
  4. For positively skewed distribution
    Mean ________ Median ________ Mode

    1. =
    2. <
    3. >
  5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

    1. The t distribution is symmetric about zero
    2. The t distribution is more spread out than the standard normal distribution
    3. As the degrees of freedom get smaller, the t-distribution's dispersion gets smaller
    4. The t distribution is mound-shaped
  6. In a set of 10 values all the values are 5, what will be the P50?

    1. 2
    2. 5
    3. 10
    4. 20
  7. An automobile is running, during the first 60 Km, at the rate of 10 Km/hr. During the second 60 Km at the rate of 30 Km/hr, while during the third 60 Km, its speed was 40 Km/hr. What method is more appropriate to calculate the average speed?

    1. Median
    2. Arithematic mean
    3. Harmonic mean
    4. Geometric mean
  8. Atmosphere pressure is the example of:

    1. Constant
    2. Qualitative variable
    3. Quantitative variable
    4. None of the given
  9. A ________ is a range of numbers inferred from the sample that has a certain probability of including the population parameter over the long run.

    1. Hypothesis
    2. Lower limit
    3. Confidence interval
    4. Probability limit
  10. For a particular data set the Pearson's coefficient of skewness is greater than zero. What will be the shape of distribution?

    1. Negatively skewed
    2. J-shaped
    3. Symmetrical
    4. Positively skewed
  11. What factor determines the shape of the t-distribution?

    1. Degree of freedom
    2. Critical value
    3. Frequency of data
    4. Probability
  12. Hypergeometric probability distribution has

    1. (n, k) parameter
    2. (N) parameter
    3. (N, n, N − k) parameter
    4. (N, n, k) parameter
  13. The proportion of males in Pakistan is at least 0.48, the alternative hypothesis H1 is

    1. P ≤ 0.48
    2. P = 0.48
    3. P < 0.48
    4. P ≥ 0.48
  14. If a significance level of 5% is used rather than 1%, the null hypothesis is:

    1. Less likely to be rejected
    2. Just as likely to be rejected
    3. More likely to be rejected
    4. None of the given
  15. Serious disadvantage of using range as a measure of dispersion is that it is based on only:

    1. Minimum Values
    2. Maximum Values
    3. Both Minimum and Maximum values
    4. None of the given
  16. In a binomial experiment successive trials are:

    1. Dependent
    2. Independent
    3. Both dependent and independent
    4. None of the given
  17. The total number of samples when sampling is done without replacement is equal to:

    1. \(N^n\)
    2. \(C_{n}^N\)
    3. \(N - n \over N - 1\)
    4. 1
  18. In how many ways, a team of 11 players can be chosen from a total of 16 players?

    1. 4368
    2. 2426
    3. 5400
    4. 2680
  19. If f(x, y) is bivariate probability density function of continuous random variables X and Y then marginal density function of Y i.e. h(y) is:

    1. \(\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f(x,y)\,dx\)
    2. \(\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f(x,y)\,dy\)
    3. \(\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f(x,y) \,dx \,dy\)
    4. \(\int\limits_a^b \int\limits_c^d f(x,y) \,dy \,dx\)
  20. By definition f(y | x) = ________

    1. f(y)
    2. f(x,y)
    3. \(f(x,y) \over h(x)\)
    4. \(f(x,y) \over h(y)\)
  21. A judge can acquit a guilty person is the example of

    1. Type I error
    2. Type II error
    3. Correct decision
    4. No information regarding this
  22. The shape of the Poisson distribution is:

    1. Negatively skewed
    2. Positively skewed
    3. U shaped
    4. J shaped
  23. Which of the following is correct option to find P(X + Y ≤ 1) ?

    1. f(0, 0) + f(0, 1) + f(1, 2)
    2. f(2, 0) + f(0, 1) + f(1, 0)
    3. f(0, 0) + f(1, 1) + f(1, 0)
    4. f(0, 0) + f(0, 1) + f(1, 0)
  24. Which of the following is a measure of absolute dispersion?

    1. Skewness
    2. Mean Deviation
    3. Coefficient of variation
    4. Kurtosis
  25. The value of x2 can never be

    1. Zero
    2. Less than 1
    3. Greater than 1
    4. Negative
  26. In normal distribution, β2 = ________:

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 0
  27. If mean of X2 distribution is k then variance will be:

    1. k2
    2. 2k
    3. 1/k
    4. k
  28. In sampling from a large population with sigma = 35, the standard error of the mean is found to be 4 next. The size of the sample used is:

    1. 56
    2. 77
    3. 25
    4. 15
  29. A good way to get a small standard error is to use a ________.

    1. Repeated sampling
    2. Small sample
    3. Large sample
    4. Large population
  30. If total probability of joint probability distribution f(x, y) is ONE then what will be the total probability of its marginal pdf h(y)?

    1. One
    2. Less than one
    3. Anywhere between zero and one
    4. Depend on given values
  31. If Xm is maximum and X0 is minimum value in a data set then formula for co-efficient of dispersion is as:

    1. \( {X_m - X_0 \over X_0 - X_m} \)
    2. \( {X_m - X_0 \over X_m + X_0} \)
    3. \( {X_0 + X_m \over X_0 - X_m} \)
    4. \( {X_m + X_0 \over X_m - X_0} \)
  32. The covariance of a random variable with itself is:

    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Its variance
    4. Its correlation
  33. The number of parameters in a Poisson distribution is (are):

    1. 1
    2. 0
    3. 2
    4. 3
  34. Which one of the following is not a type of frequency curve?

    1. The symmetrical frequency curve
    2. The extremely skewed frequency curve
    3. The U-shaped frequency curve
    4. Frequency polygon
  35. Which one is the measure of central tendency:

    1. Variation of the distribution
    2. Average of the distribution
    3. Scatterness of the distribution
    4. Dispersion of the distribution
  36. For α = 0.01, the critical values of z for two tailed test are equal to:

    1. −2.58 and +2.58
    2. −2.33 and +2.33
    3. −1.645 and +1.645
    4. −1.96 and +1.96
  37. In a one-way ANOVA:

    1. The interaction term has (c - 1)(n - 1) degrees of freedom
    2. An interaction term is given
    3. An interaction effect can be tested.
    4. There is no interaction term
  38. In hypothesis testing, suppose the critical value is |Z| > 2.33. This value shows that the applied test is ________?

    1. One tailed test
    2. Two tailed test
    3. Right tailed test
    4. Left tailed test
  39. If P(X=x)=0, then f(x) is a ________ probability function.

    1. Univariate
    2. Bivariate
    3. Continuous
    4. Discrete
  40. An urn contains 4 red balls and 6 green balls. A sample of 4 balls is selected from the urn without replacement. It is the example of:

    1. Binomial distribution
    2. Hypergrometric distribution
    3. Poisson distribution
    4. Exponential distribution
  41. In hyper geometric distribution formula, N= number of units in the population, n = number of units in the sample, and k is defined as:

    1. number of failures in the sample
    2. number of failures in population
    3. number of successes in sample
    4. number of successes in population
  42. In case of a frequency distribution, the 7th decile is given by the formula:

    1. l+ h/f (n/10-10c)
    2. l+ h/f (7n/10-c)
    3. l+ 7h/h (n/10-c)
    4. l+ f/h (7n/10-c)
  43. From the table given below, how many students obtained marks 80 or above:


    1. 15
    2. 8
    3. 5
    4. 3
  44. Total number of words formed by 2 vowels and 3 consonants taken from 4 vowels and 5 consonants is equal to

    1. 60
    2. 120
    3. 720
    4. 520
  45. The weights of 7 students were measured and recorded as follows:
    53.0, 54.5, 57.2, 51.7, 57.4, 50.5, 52.8
    The stem part is:

    1. 5, 4, 5, 8, 7
    2. 523, 50, 51, 54, 52, 57, 58
    3. 53, 54, 57, 51, 50, 52
    4. 0, 5, 2, 7, 4, 5, 8
  46. For test hypothesis Ho:μ 1 = μ 2 and H1:μ1 < μ2, the critical region at 0.05 level of significance and n > 30

    1. Z less and equal 1.96
    2. Z> 1.96
    3. Z>1.645
    4. Z<-1.645
  47. Which statement is true for a discrete Uniform distribution?

    1. It is absolutely symmetrical distribution.
    2. Sometimes it becomes symmetrical.
    3. Its graphical shape of the data is like "U".
    4. Cannot say anything without observing the actual data.
  48. Dividing interquartile range by 2 we get:

    1. Co-effient of range
    2. Mid range
    3. Semi Inter Quatile Range
    4. None of the given
  49. Which of the following is a characteristic of the normal distribution:

    1. It is a skewed distribution
    2. It is bell-shaped
    3. It is not asymptotic
    4. It is leptokurtic
  50. The parameter of the chi-square distribution is ________.

    1. v
    2. v − 1
    3. v − 2
    4. v − p
  51. For any two estimators T1 and T2, if VAR(T1) < VAR(T2), then T1 is:

    1. Consistent
    2. Unbaised
    3. Sufficient
    4. Efficient
  52. From the given data, which one of the following chart we can draw:


    1. Simple bar chart
    2. Multiple bar charts
    3. Component bar chart
    4. Pie chart
  53. Number of HoursFrequency
    0 - 940
    10 - 1950
    20 - 2970
    30 - 3940
    What is its class interval?

    1. 9
    2. 10
    3. 11
    4. 5
  54. Which scale of measurementis more suitable in the following example?
    The number of response given in a specified time period.

    1. Ordinal Scale
    2. Interval Scale
    3. Ratio Scale
    4. Nominal Scale
  55. The probability of an event always lies between:

    1. 0 and −∞
    2. −1 and +1
    3. −∞ and + −∞
    4. 0 and 1
  56. E(4X + 5) = ________

    1. 16 E(X)
    2. 16 E(X) + 5
    3. 12 E(X)
    4. 4 E(X) + 5
  57. In normal distribution, β1 = ________:

    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
  58. When the population is normally distributed, population standard deviation is unknown and the sample size is n = 15, the confidence interval for the population mean is based on

    1. the z (standard normal) distribution
    2. the t distribution
    3. the Binomial distribution
    4. the Poisson Distribution
  59. What is the median for the following data:

    1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 5
    4. 7
  60. The degrees of freedom for a t-test with sample size 14 is:

    1. 14
    2. 13
    3. 7
    4. 0
  61. An experiment was conducted to estimate the mean yield of a new variety of wheat. A sample of 20 plots gave a mean yield of 2.9, and a 95% confidence interval of (2.48, 3.32). This means:

    1. We are sure the true mean yield of this new variety is between 2.48 and 3.32
    2. We are 95% confident that the true mean yield of this variety is 2.9
    3. We are 95% confident that the true mean yield of this variety is between 2.48 and 3.32
    4. None of the given
  62. What is the graphical shape of the chi-square distribution?

    1. Positively skewed
    2. Negatively skewed
    3. Uniformly distributed
    4. Norrmally distributed
  63. From the table given below, how many students obtained marks between 60 and 69?


    1. 64.5
    2. 12
    3. 60
    4. 7
  64. A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that at least one head appears?

    1. 1/8
    2. 7/8
    3. 4/8
    4. 6/8
  65. A diagram in which each circle is divided into different sectors is called

    1. Simple Bar Chart
    2. Multiple Bar Chart
    3. Component Bar Chart
    4. Pie Chart
  66. The degrees of freedom for a t-test with sample size 6 is:

    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 7
  67. β is the probability of:

    1. Accept H0/H0 is false
    2. Reject H0/H0 is true
    3. Accept H0/H0 is true
    4. Reject H0/H0 is false
  68. The conditional probability function f(x|1) = ________

    1. f(1,1)
    2. f(x,1)
    3. \(f(x,1) \over h(1)\)
    4. \(f(x,1) \over h(x)\)
  69. To determine a sample size which test we use ________.

    1. z
    2. t
    3. F
    4. None of the given
  70. Which of the following is an unbiased estimator of population σ2?

    1. \(\sum (x - \bar x)^2 \over n\)
    2. \(\sum (x - \bar x)^2 \over n-2\)
    3. \(\sum (x - \bar x)^2 \over n(n-1)\)
    4. \(\sum (x - \bar x)^2 \over n-1\)
  71. For Platykurtic distribution, b2 (moment ratio) will be:

    1. Greater than 3
    2. Less than 3
    3. Equal to 3
    4. Equal to zero
  72. Value of harmonic mean is lower than ________.

    1. Arithmetic Mean
    2. Geometric Mean
    3. Both arithmetic mean & geometric mean
    4. None of the given
  73. When we draw the sample with replacement, the probability distribution to be used is:

    1. Binomial
    2. Hypergeometric
    3. Binomial & hypergeometric
    4. Poisson
  74. If S.D(X) = 5 then S.D(\(2X + 5 \over 2\)) = ________

    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 7.5
  75. The mean of a distribution is 30, the mode is 24 and the standard deviation is 4, then the coefficient of skewness will be:

    1. Less than zero
    2. Equal to zero
    3. Greater than zero
    4. None of the given
  76. ________ is a range of numbers inferred from the sample that has a certain probability of including the population parameter over the long run.

    1. Hypothesis
    2. Lower limit
    3. Confidence interval
    4. Probability limit
  77. Positive square root of variance is known as:

    1. Mean deviation
    2. Range
    3. Standard Deviation
    4. All of the given
  78. Which type of the curve is represented by the following shape?

    1. Bell shape curve
    2. semi-symmetrical curve
    3. Positively skewed curve
    4. Negatively skewed curve
  79. In a cumulative frequency polygon, the cumulative frequency of each class is plotted against:

    1. Mid-point
    2. Lower class boundary
    3. Upper class boundary
    4. Upper class limit
  80. Suppose that a sample space S consists of four simple events: A, B, C, and D. That is S = {A, B, C, D}. If P(A) = .4, P(B) = .3, P© = .2, what is P(D)?

    1. 0.2
    2. 0.9
    3. 0.1
    4. None of the given
  81. Dividing mean deviation by mean we get a pure number known as

    1. Co-efficient of mean deviation
    2. Co-efficient
    3. Co-efficient of quartile deviation
    4. None of the given
  82. What is 'fm' in the formula of mode:

    1. First Frequency
    2. Last Frequency
    3. Maximum Frequency
    4. Minimum Frequency