Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
The Turing test result of program DOCTOR developed by Joseph Weizenbaum was:
The repetitive use of an instruction or sequence of instructions is called ________.
A clear flag state indicates that the resource is ________.
A file's ________ is normally stored as a separate file on the same mass storage device as the ________.
A ________ is a collection whose entries have a hierarchical organization similar to that of an organization chart of a typical company.
Microsoft Office includes:
Some of the elements of a spreadsheet are:
In MS-word different type of effects on the text can be applied with:
The default theme of MS-Word document is:
The ________ consists of the instructions that tell the control unit to request an activity within the arithmetic/logic unit.
American throws away pieces of paper each year which is equal to:
In MS Word, we can highlight a text using color from group ________.
Design phase is followed by ________.
We can use Boolean operators specially to find relevant pages.
________ tag only shows the particular pages related to it.
Binary notation is a way of representing numeric values using only the ________.
The Binary Search Algorithm, what will be mid value in second level of recursion in the following array. {45, 77, 89, 90, 94, 99, 100} and key = 99
The device that is used to store data is called:
Ethical issues are related to:
Which of the following statement is true?
Usual way of protecting software is:
Which unit transfers the data from memory into the general purpose registers?
A CPU consists of three parts ________.
To select shapes that are hidden or behind text we can click:
This ________ view of the database is called a database model.
In binary search, first of all value check at a point
Files can be downloaded or uploaded using ________ protocol.
The field of artificial intelligence is being pursued along paths:
We can add charts in MS-word from group:
Easy access to online health centres is because of:
Robots identifies veins by:
Phase 1 of problem-solving steps is ________.
The storage of a value with a fractional part requires that we store not only the pattern of 0s and 1s representing its binary representation but also the position of the ________.
Third generation language attributes refer to
The simplest form of array is the ________ array.
Which of the following softwares help us optimizing the various business processes of an organization as a single system instead of a number of loosely coupled stand alone systems?
Shortcut for Track Changes in MS word is
The node at the top is called the ________ node.
When you search in the Google by typing Google finds all those pages which contains
The binary search algorithm uses ________.
TLD stands for ________.
If a process is allowed to access memory cells outside its allotted area, it can ________ data being used by other process.
In particular, the chart that indicates the entire game is overseen by a function named ________.
One bit can contain only ________ value.
American use about 680 pounds of paper in a year:
________ is used to combine different relations into one relation.
What is the full form of JSP?
Let a list Fred, Alex, Diana, Byron, Carol After sorted first sublist our list would be
Most ________ codes use today are Huffman codes.
By using 16 bits in 2's complement notation how many maximum positive number can be represented
We need ________ memory to store data permanently.
An algorithm is ________ and distinct from its representation.
Turing gave a percentage of a machine that will have a chance to pass Turing test in year.
A track that leads to a simulation oriented methodology:
The first group in Design Ribbon of MS PowerPoint is:
________ is a system that guards a private network.
The process involved in a ________ is like copying the data rather than moving it.
ENIAC stands for:
How many iterations are required to find 88 in the following array? {5, 6, 77, 88, 99}
A data cell of a table contains
The process of using DNS to perform a translation is called a ________.
Word processor like Microsoft Word is an application that
The option of bullets is in group:
FTP ________ could check all incoming files for the presence of known viruses and block all infected files.
Time required to move the read/write heads from one track to another.
Plagiarism is a major problem in:
Proofing group is in which ribbon of MS Word?
Actions according to environment knowledge:
There are many types of sensors including:
What is the full form of ASP?
The set of tasks that ensures the software is correctly implements a specific function is known as
Which type of registers is used in program execution?
Editing group have commands:
Which of the following language is related to functional paradigm.
While sending a message it is the ________ layer's responsibility to provide an address that is compatible with the Internet infrastructure.
________ was the first to implement the web.
A charity organization of London is:
How do you initialize an array in C
________ is exemplified by two transactions, each of which makes a deduction from the same account.
USA has passed legislation allowing the government to actively monitor citizens in the name of:
________ begins the paragraph with a large letter that spills down into the text:
If you search on Google that "how can I hack?", then it would be so ________ for your security.
This finding maximum number function will keep on going until we reach at the last value [12, 18, 299, 38, 999, 89, 101, 500, 801, 45]
The option of justify is in group:
Ribbon has types of commands:
ICQ, AIM and MSN Messenger are the examples of ________ services.
A program DOCTOR developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in the mid-1960s named as:
Information security Risk include:
We can apply bullets from home ribbon group called:
Which Excess notation is used to represent 100 as Zero?
Attacks that can be made to prevent access to websites:
________ is a short version of binary digit, a smallest unit to store data.
Act that ranges government restrictions on wire taps to include transmissions of data is:
In MS Word, we have to write an equation with 2 as a number and 3 as its power. Which option is suitable for this purpose?
10.011 added to 100.11 produces
A single algorithm can be represented in ________ way(s).
________ tag is used to write paragraph in HTML document.
Find option inludes:
Approximately how many entries a typical dictionary in a word processor can contain?
Attacks can be made to prevent access to websites by crashing:
If you want to search for an exact phrase on Google then enclose it in ________.
The hackers normally add many ________ to such websites as the information seeker of free music.
User can see directories or files by using ________.
When we draw a table in MS word the table have initial column(s):
Content filtering works by matching ________ of characters:
Access to the forbidden literature is because of:
Information available on the web is:
Design ribbon can have:
Sometimes when a device is continuously running it damages us by:
The test that machines will have a chance to pass according to Turing was of:
onFocus executes the specified JavaScript code when ________.
In excess notation ________ of bits are used to represent each value.
Non terminating expansions may also be a source of ________.
The description of the object's properties is called
A significant example of iterative techniques is:
TIFF is abbreviation of ________?
The people present arround the e-waste gain:
Gaming addiction can cause problems:
Programming languages are well-designed so that each statement has ________ meaning.
People are working in sitting position due to computer science and thus have more chance to develop:
If the test for termination of a loop is executed after the execution of body then loop is known as ________.
OR operator is also represented by ________ sign.
In MS Word, shortcut key of cut is ________.
Learning procedural knowledge usually improves a process:
What is the output of the following code? int sum = 14; if (sum < 20) cout < < "Under"; if (sum > 20) cout < < "Over";
If right circular shift is performed on a ________ eight times, same bit pattern is obtained as it is started.
CAN-SPAM Act applies in:
Which of the following modems is slowest?
Software licenses are:
In the United States the Privacy Act of 1974 was to protect citizens from abusive use of databases:
An object is actually a special case of the more general concept of a ________.
Software packages that allow users to access hypertext on the Internet are called ________.
0011 + 0010 = ________
In binary Notation 11111111 is
RAM stands for:
Leibniz's machines were achieved by observing the ________ positions.
The binary of 8 in 2's complement notation will be 1000, what will be the binary of -8?
A model which represents the shift away from strict adherence to the waterfall model is:
Which of the following is true about problem solving?
________ is a tool that is used to organize data, such as a check register.
We can increase the size of text from home ribbon group called:
George Boole, who was a pioneer in the field of mathematics called ________.
Which software testing refers to tests that do not rely on knowledge of the software's interior composition?
An alternative to translators
Copyright can be applied on:
Page group includes options:
Contact Risks include:
If the RGB scheme is used to display an image of size 1024*768 pixels then the image will require ________ of storage.
The instruction code to halt machine cycle is
Most famous word processor is:
George Boole invented the ________ operations.
A program that is believed to be correct and a program that is correct. The two are
Hyperlinks have by default color:
CD stands for:
Which of the following data types are recognized by JavaScript?
UTF-8 uses 24 to ________ bits.
A ________ is a storage area that contains such an encoded address.
________ network fails if a single node fails.
________ is not only used as a means of retrieving data from mass storage but also as a means of retrieving items from large blocks of data stored in main memory.
Quantity associated with each position is ________ the quantity associated with the position to its right.
In binary Addition 1+1 is =
Digits on left side of point represent the
Researchers are trying to develop systems that exhibits intelligent behavior in ________ track.
Which registers act as temporary holding places for data being manipulated by the CPU?
Binary notation has ________ representation.
If you are interested to search a query for a specific file type, you can include such ________ in the query.
Trialware Softwares are used for
In MS Word, Paste option is a part of home ribbon group called ________.
Bit-map images compresses using the ________ algorithm.
Which one can lead user to leave your website?
When we apply header it is ahown at:
Page Setup Group is in which ribbon of MS Word?
Home ribbon contains groups:
________ can store unique pattern of 21 bits.
Which is the correct format to find out a value from any given list?
If we want to link two sections of a same document we generally use:
In context of environment, computer science have impacts:
The hexadecimal notation for: 111010000101010100010111
Disk operating system is ________ operating system
To identify individual cells in a Computer's main memory, each cell is assigned a unique "name", called its ________.
Which from the following is not a relational operator.
The end of a list is called the ________.
Table group is a part of ________ ribbon:
A pseudocode must have a consistent, concise notation for representing recurring ________ structures.
Any variable in JavaScript can hold any type of value, and the that type can change midway through the program.
With computer science the access to private information has:
________ keyword is used in python language to define a word.
Which of the following is a robot used in medical field :
Which of these describes stepwise refinement?
RGB stands for
How many common forms of data mining?
If the result after comparison of two variables in relational operators is False, then if statement returns value
There are ________ Basic Boolean operations are.
A software license is a ________ between the owner and user of a software product that grants the user certain permissions to use the product without transferring ownership rights to the intellectual property.
In 16 bits ________ can be store only.
________ loop structure referred to as a posttest loop.
When an application wants to display something on the screen, it notifies the ________.
The traditional development phase of the software life cycle does not include the stage.
In MS Word, shortcut key to select the whole text in a document is ________.
You can use ________ search engine for searching images, movies, games or educational content.
The first programming language designed for the non-technical users was:
Bit is:
Repeated erasing slowly ________ the silicon dioxide chambers.
In ________ one user can executing several tasks simultaneously.
Voice over IP has ________ modes.
The style group in the home ribbon is the:
Correct syntax is
Matching geometric characteristics technique cannot read:
how Instruction can be fetched from the main memory to CPU?
________ is a layered structure consisting of a number of homogenous and simple processing elements.
Float CGPA=2.5; If (CGPA>=3.0) Cout<<"Give Scholarship"; Else Cout<<"Sorry you do not qualify for the Scholarship"; It will show output
On social media, sometimes, a particular ________ is very popular.
Which of the following is not the advantage of TCP over UDP?
________ is the most demanded job in United State.
The ________ ribbon is the ribbon that helps you to design your slides as per your requirement.
CPU and RAM are connected with ________ to communicate with each other.
________ is used to store colorful images.
Robots can be guided by an
The term ________ refers to a collection of data that is multidimensional in the sense that internal links between its entries make the information accessible from a variety of perspectives:
In MS Word, Justify option is used to give spaces to the paragraph on left and right side ________.
Cloud computing services provide reasonable guarantees of ________ and ________.
In CS, we store and link data in an organized way using
Which of the following is used to store data in computer?
A device that responds to stimuli from its environment:
The purpose of system ________ is to describe the software's internal composition so that the software can be maintained later in its life cycle.
The pattern in which computer are connected together to form a network is called :
Which tag is used to create a list item?
Which of the following is not true about firewall?
Computer science has made hacking bank account:
Data were stored in memory, programs were part of the ________.
If we want to end a page at a specific point and move to the next page we can use:
A ________ is a file that is accessed in a special manner from its beginning to its end as though the information in the file were arranged in one long row.
Ctrl+z is used for:
Over which type of bus CPU can fetches its instructions from memory?
Information that was once buried in arcane records has become accessible because of:
Generally how many steps a machine cycle have?
Matching geometric characteristics technique of recognizing images is used in:
________ refers to functional paradigm.
Major component of syntactic analysis is:
If we are interested to see the map of some location, we can use map operator in the following way:
What does MIDI stand for?
________ displays the document as it would appear if printed and is the default view.
Computer security is also known as ________.
The E-mail client sends message to:
Electronic Theft include:
Suppose we have an array named as "Student". And we want to store 123 at index one (index 1). So which statement is true?
Control structure iterates a set of instructions based on the provided condition called
One term could mean more than one thing for example word: "Jaguar" is used in two meanings such as:
Hexadecimal notation uses a ________ symbol to represent a pattern of four bits.
Which one is a unary operator?
Process states include the value of the program counter as well as the contents of the ________.
What will be the output of following OR expression 1010 OR 1111?
Which of the following is the component name of iterative structures in which initial stage is established.
Dynamic ram - Stores bits as tiny electric Charge.
In some cases, the data collection process is readily apparent, in others it is:
One of the major uses of the ________ operation is for placing 0s in one part of a bit pattern while not disturbing the other part.
In MS Word, the option of justify is in group ________.
In main memory each cell has unique ________ address.
This conceptual view of the database is called a ________ model.
In ________ if two modules interact with the same item of data, then modifications made to one module may affect the other.
RISC is abbreviation of ________?
Undo is used by:
IPR stands for:
Process of understanding what the characteristics of images means refer to:
We can customize indentation with:
Main memory is also called ________.
The most popular system for representing integers within today's computers is ________'s complement notation.
Requiring certain degree of uniformity of the style, size and orientation of symbols is a(n):
According to famous Job market website most of the jobs are available in ________.
What does VoIP stands for ________.
Appearance of each pixel is encoded to form ________.
Smallest unit of storage is:
A styles option includes font:
A paradigm works on object called
________ is also consider as character.
Each sound have a ________.
Command that can immediately go to a page or any marked location within your document.
The fifth group in the home ribbon is the:
A mark or any other distinctive sign associated with products is called:
What will be the output of following pseudo code? def FindFactorial(): fact = 2 i=1; While (i<=7) fact=fact*i; i=i+1; print(fact)
Eye for long amount of time is not meant to look:
Sds (Secure Digital Memory Cards) provide up to
In MS Word, shortcut key of paste is ________.
Computer hardware is the collection of
To move from one page to other page on the web, a hyperlink is given which is
Data can come from:
The amount of paper American use in a year is:
Process is a ________ activity.
HDTV is the abbreviation of ________.
Suppose you are the presenter and you want your audience in touch during presentation then what will you do?
________ tells how many places are required to move radix point.
Average amount of time required for the desired data to rotate around to the read/write head once the head has been positioned over the desired track.
The special eye-catching effects between each slide of MS PowerPoint is called:
In ________ digits on right side represent the fractional part.
Which of the following is not true about pseudo code?
Font group includes options:
Ethics and legality are essential in many industries including:
Which of the following language is used for server side scripting?
CPU required at least ________ to fetch the instruction from memory.
A specific example is the ________ series of standards, which address numerous industrial activities such as design, production, installation and servicing.
Illustration is a part of ribbon:
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