In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Genetic Resources & Conservation (BT401)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Gene sanctuaries are the type of ________.

    1. Absolute cultivars
    2. Gene Bank
    3. ex-suito conservation
    4. In-suito conservation
  2. The natural protected area used for the conservation of genetic diversity is called ________.

    1. Gene bank
    2. Gene Pool
    3. Gene sanctuaries
    4. Habitat
  3. DNA banks are used for the storage of those species that cannot be conserved in ________ process of conservation.

    1. Invitro
    2. Invivo
    3. Insuito
    4. Excuito
  4. Sarus Crane is one of ________ Species at Runn of Kutch wildlife sanctuary.

    1. Endangered
    2. Threatened
    3. Vulnerable
    4. None of the given
  5. ________ is not generally seen in biodiversity hotspots.

    1. Endemism
    2. Species richness
    3. Loss of diversity
    4. Lesser interspecific competition
  6. Suitable light intensity range for most of the plant cultures is ________ μmol.

    1. 10-1000
    2. 1000-2000
    3. 100-3000
    4. 100-2500
  7. ________ is defined as the number of species represented in a specific region, landscape or an ecological community.

    1. Coevolution
    2. Commensalism
    3. Species richness
    4. Population density
  8. The type of coiling in DNA is

    1. Left-handed
    2. Zig-zag
    3. Right-handed
    4. Opposite
  9. Which of the following statement truly describes the Biosphere Reserve?

    1. protected areas to preserve genetic diversity in representative ecosystem
    2. A reserves area meant for preserving its natural vegetation, wildlife and natural beauty
    3. A reserves area meant for preservation and development of endangered species
    4. All of the given
  10. ________ is an example of an ex-situ conservation

    1. Sacred groves
    2. Wildlife sanctuary
    3. Seed bank
    4. National park