In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Computer Graphics (CS602)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. When obtaining normals for a triangle, which of the following mathematical constructs is NOT used?

    1. Vector normalization
    2. Vector cross products
    3. Vector dot products
    4. Point-Point subtraction
  2. There is more penetration of light in case of ________ surfaces.

    1. Conductor (like materials)
    2. Nonconductor (like materials)
    3. Both conductor and nonconductor
    4. None of the given
  3. The attenuation formula is f = ________, where C, L and Q are the constant, linear and quadratic attenuation factors and d is the distance between the vertex being lit and the light source.

    1. 1/(C + Ld + Qd2)
    2. 1/(C + Ld + Qd)
    3. 1/(C + L + d + Qd2)
    4. 1/(Cd + Ld + Qd2)
  4. In the forms of texture mapping, Image to world space and world space to image, each suffers from different problems related to minification and magnification. Which of the two shows the following problem: When the texture is larger than the screen space it maps to, many texture units (texels) are never sampled?

    1. Image to world space
    2. World space to image
    3. X-axis
    4. Y-axis
  5. Which is the oldest in given types of the shading?

    1. Flat Shading
    2. Phong Shading
    3. Gouraud Shading
    4. None of the given
  6. Refractive index is a function of temperature, mostly due to density changes in materials with changes in temperature.

    1. True
    2. False
  7. ________ projection is obtained by projecting points along parallel lines that are not perpendicular to projection plane.

    1. Orthographic
    2. Oblique
    3. Perpendicular
    4. None of the given