In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Principles of Management (MGT503)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. In order to communicate, motivate and delegate a manager must have:

    1. Political skills
    2. Conceptual skills
    3. Technical skills
    4. Interpersonal skills
  2. The organization which has no interaction with its external environment is called:

    1. Open system
    2. Closed system
    3. Non-interactive system
    4. Moderated system
  3. In Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Which of the following style focused on exertion of minimum efforts to get required work done and to sustain organization membership

    1. Task management
    2. Team management
    3. Impoverished management
    4. Country club management
  4. Removing dissatisfying factors from a job would not necessarily make that job more

    1. Satisfying
    2. Dissatisfying
    3. Not Satisfying
    4. Not Dissatisfying
  5. Communication should be:

    1. From Top to Bottom level
    2. From Bottom to top
    3. Two-way
    4. None of the given option
  6. Delphi method is used for which of the following forecasts?

    1. Time series forecast
    2. Judgmental forecast
    3. Associative forecast
    4. All of the given
  7. Department Head, Project leader and division manager are positions associated with one of following level of management

    1. Top level
    2. First level
    3. Middle level
    4. None managerial level
  8. Grouping activities and resources in a logical fashion is called:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  9. The major contribution of the Industrial Revolution was the substitution of ________ for human power

    1. Electricity
    2. Water power
    3. Machine power
    4. Critical thinking
  10. Mr. Smith sets his eyes on the prize; he will play by the rules and even develop a huge amount of persistence towards getting that reward, it represents his _________ for work.

    1. Intrinsic motivation
    2. Extrinsic motivation
    3. Positive pole of neuroticism
    4. Positive pole of extraversion
  11. An appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation that depends on a wide variety of elements, is called:

    1. Open system
    2. Contingency perspective
    3. Entropy
    4. Quantitative perspective
  12. Strategies are drafted in order to achieve goals. This is a part of:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  13. In XYZ company Umar has motivated staff to attend training sessions to adapt new technological changes. Umar has performed the role as a ________.

    1. Disturbance handler
    2. Leader
    3. Liaison
    4. Entrepreneur
  14. Who is credited for the theory of motivation based on the hierarchy of needs?

    1. Abraham Maslow
    2. Douglas McGregor
    3. Henri Fayol
    4. Mary Parker Follett
  15. Which of the following BEST describes directional plans?

    1. Flexible plans that set out general guidelines
    2. Stringent plans that establish specific directions
    3. Formal plans that provide the directions of how to assemble the product
    4. General plans that allow the workers to change the schedule of production
  16. Inspiring people to be high performers is called:

    1. Controlling
    2. Leading
    3. Planning
    4. Organizing
  17. In quantitative forecasting, which one of following techniques uses historical data to develop forecast for the future?

    1. Scenario analysis
    2. Time series method
    3. Econometric model
    4. Sales force composite
  18. Which of the following is not part of leading function?

    1. Influencing function
    2. Taking the corrective action
    3. Motivating subordinates
    4. Dealing employee behaviour issues
  19. Idea of TQM was espoused by which one of the following quality experts?

    1. Adam Smith
    2. Edward Deming
    3. Henri Fayol
    4. Frederick Taylor
  20. All of the following are main features of Gantt Chart Except:

    1. Planning
    2. Controlling
    3. Hiring
    4. Scheduling
  21. Skills such as engineering, accounting, computer and manufacturing are most important for which level of management

    1. Top level
    2. Executive level
    3. Middle level
    4. First level
  22. The task environment of organizations consists of constituencies that have a direct impact on managers’ decisions and actions. The main constituencies are made up of customers, suppliers, competitors, and __________.

    1. Legislators
    2. Pressure groups
    3. Employees
    4. Lawyers
  23. The people who work under the first line managers are often called by all of following names EXCEPT

    1. Non managers
    2. Supervisors
    3. Skilled workers
    4. Semi skilled workers
  24. Which of the following statement Best describes a Procedure?

    1. An explicit statement detailing exactly how to deal with a decision
    2. A series of interrelated sequential steps to respond to a structured problem
    3. A set of guidelines that channel a manager’s thinking in dealing with a problem
    4. Allows a manager to use broad decision-making authority
  25. Which of the following interpersonal role emphasizes the contacts, that a manager has with those outside the formal authority chain of command?

    1. The Liaison Role
    2. The Leader Role
    3. The Figurehead Role
    4. The Spokesman Role
  26. How would you define the problem if all outcomes of every alternative are known?

    1. Bounded rationality
    2. Unbounded rationality
    3. Certainty
    4. Uncertainty
  27. Managers who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization are called:

    1. First-line managers
    2. Top managers
    3. Production managers
    4. Research managers
  28. If a company is paying minimum wage, when necessary, and applying the minimum standard to laws, such as affirmative action, it would be said to have fulfilled its:

    1. Social obligation
    2. Social responsibility
    3. Social responsiveness
    4. Social expectation
  29. Mr. A is a manager in XYZ Company, he has a reputation for being an open and honest person and understands how to motivate employees and customers, he is said to have good ________ skills.

    1. Sales
    2. Political
    3. Interpersonal
    4. Technical
  30. In textile mill, plant manager may telephone a yarn and wool supplier to make sure the amount of inventory available for next month. This role is known as

    1. Leader
    2. Figurehead
    3. Spokesperson
    4. Liaison
  31. Asma, a new manager at XYZ Inc. primarily worries about assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, and other resources needed to achieve her goals. Which function is Asma primarily concerned about?

    1. Organizing
    2. Controlling
    3. Planning
    4. Leading
  32. All of the following options are the regional trading alliance EXCEPT:

    1. European Union
    2. North American Free Trade Agreement
    3. World Trade Organization
    4. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  33. Plant managers come under which of following management levels?

    1. First-line managers
    2. Non-managerial employees
    3. Middle managers
    4. Top managers
  34. Environmental scanning establishes the basis for ________, which are predictions of outcomes.

    1. Scenarios
    2. Projects
    3. Budgets
    4. Forecasts
  35. Estimated cost of Sydney Opera House was:

    1. $7 Million
    2. $102 Million
    3. $95 Million
    4. $60 Million
  36. The major contribution of the Industrial Revolution was the substitution of ________ for human power.

    1. Electricity
    2. Water power
    3. Machine power
    4. Critical thinking
  37. An ABC company has short span of control. Workers receive orders from only their own supervisor for daily activities and also report to their own supervisor at the end of day. This principal is called

    1. Authority
    2. Scalar chain
    3. Unity of direction
    4. Unity of Command
  38. Which of the following is the accurate sequence of management functions performed by a manager?

    1. Planning, controlling, leading, organizing
    2. Planning, organizing, leading, controlling
    3. Planning, leading, organizing, controlling
    4. Planning, organizing, controlling, leading
  39. In a juice making company: sales manager has set the goal of increasing sales by 10% in summer season. At the end of summer, the manager will check whether goal has been achieved or not. This function is known as:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  40. In a shirt making firm, supervisor has assigned different tasks like cutting, making collars, stitching, pressing and packing to different workers to maximize efficiency in particular skill. This firm is practicing the concept of:

    1. Job description
    2. Job specification
    3. Job Specialization
    4. Departmentalization
  41. Organizations can play role in addressing global environmental issues through all of the following ways EXCEPT:

    1. Greening of Management
    2. Depletion of natural resources
    3. Fulfilling their social obligation
    4. Avoiding industrial accidents
  42. Amna has been given goals related to the rollout and sales of her department. Her success at implementing the strategy will be assessed by comparing actual performance against the goals. This comparison is known as:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Implementing
    4. Controlling
  43. In a football team specific positions that are played by different players to utilize and maximize their individual skills is called

    1. Job description
    2. Job specification
    3. Departmentalization
    4. Job Specialization
  44. Which of the following is a cultural dimension in which people expect others in their group to look after them and protect them when they are in trouble?

    1. Power distance
    2. Collectivism
    3. Short- versus long-term orientation
    4. Uncertainty avoidance
  45. In a call center, supervisor coordinates with manager on work shifts of subordinates on daily basis. This role is described as

    1. Leader
    2. Negotiator
    3. Resource allocator
    4. Disturbance handler
  46. Which of the following best describes the term "Total Quality Management"?

    1. Managing information in system
    2. Cost minimization
    3. Satisfying employees should be given more emphasis
    4. No compromise over product's excellence
  47. Global competition, accelerated product development by competitors, and increased demands by customers for better service have encouraged organizations to become more ________.

    1. Organic
    2. Mechanistic
    3. Technologically pure
    4. Task oriented
  48. All of the following are disadvantages of group decision making EXCEPT:

    1. Time consuming
    2. Group think
    3. Increased number of alternatives
    4. Disagreements
  49. Usman currently holds a management position within his company. His job responsibilities include maintaining a focus toward long-term issues that may impact the company as well as developing appropriate goals to guide the organization. Usman is most probably which type of manager?

    1. First line managers
    2. Middle level manager
    3. Operational manager
    4. Top Level Manager
  50. A human resource manager attending a local Society meeting for Human Resource Management would be functioning in which of the following role?

    1. Informational
    2. Leader
    3. Liaison
    4. Disseminator
  51. Which of the following is called output of a system?

    1. Services
    2. Material
    3. Human
    4. Information Resources
  52. Which of the following approach focuses on a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole?

    1. Process
    2. Function
    3. Systems
    4. Contingency
  53. Mega environment that includes the attitudes, values, norms, beliefs, behaviors and associated demographic trends that are characteristic of a given geographic area is called :

    1. The legal-political element
    2. The economic element
    3. The international element
    4. The socio-cultural element
  54. When managers avoid the rational decision-making model and find ways to satisfice themselves , they are following which of the following concept?

    1. Jurisprudence
    2. Bounded rationality
    3. Least-squared exemptions
    4. Self-motivated decisions
  55. All of the following are associated with conceptual skills for top level managers EXCEPT:

    1. Able to think complex situation
    2. Visualize organization environment
    3. Proficient in specialized field
    4. Understand communication in sub units
  56. Which of the following approaches to ethical decision-making focuses on the consequences of an action?

    1. Utilitarian approach
    2. Universalism approach
    3. Moral rights approach
    4. Justice approach
  57. XYZ Company has policy of employee’s job security, career progress and ensures that replacements are available to fill vacancies. This company is practicing which of the following principle.

    1. Initiative
    2. Remuneration
    3. Esprit de corps
    4. Stability of tenure of personnel
  58. Which of the following is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization's intellectual resources?

    1. Knowledge management
    2. Globalization
    3. The Internet
    4. Speed and quality
  59. Which stage of strategic management process determines; “What the strategy is”?

    1. Formulation stage
    2. Implementation stage
    3. Execution stage
    4. Evaluation stage
  60. Decision making is not perfectly rational due to which of the following reason(s)?

    1. Inadequate information
    2. Time and cost factors
    3. Limited human memory
    4. All of the given
  61. Which of the given skills are usually required at almost every level?

    1. Conceptual skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Technical skills
    4. All of the given
  62. In XYZ company employee satisfaction is decreasing due to some technological changes in business processes. HR manager has conduct sessions with staff to motivate them and to give them confidence. Manager has performed the function of

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  63. Which of the following is a cultural measure of the degree to which people will tolerate risk and unconventional behavior?

    1. Power distance
    2. Uncertainty avoidance
    3. Short- versus long-term orientation
    4. Individualism versus collectivism
  64. All of the following are managerial roles identified in Mintzberg’s Model EXCEPT:

    1. Informational
    2. Interpersonal
    3. Functional
    4. Decisional
  65. Which of the following statement best describes Social responsiveness?

    1. Firm’s capacity to adapt changing social condition
    2. Applying social criteria to investment decisions
    3. Firm’s obligation to meet its economic & legal responsibilities
    4. Firm’s obligation pursue long term goals that are good for society
  66. If a company provides job-share programs, builds a day-care facility, and only uses recycled paper, it could be said to be:

    1. Fulfilling its social obligation
    2. Socially aware
    3. Socially responsive
    4. Socially image conscious
  67. Which level of management makes decisions about activities such as acquiring other companies, investing in research and development and building new plants?

    1. Top managers
    2. Middle managers
    3. First-line managers
    4. Non-managerial employees
  68. In Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid which of the following style is more focused on efficiency in operations and bear minimum degree of interference of human element

    1. Task management
    2. Team management
    3. Impoverished management
    4. Country club management
  69. Which of the following is part of the 14 principles of management identified by Henri Fayol?

    1. Scalar chain
    2. Innovation
    3. Efficiency
    4. Motivation
  70. Mr. Ali in XYZ inc. is involved in creating and implementing comprehensive changes that will affect the entire organization. Mr. A is performing role as a:

    1. First line manager
    2. Top manager
    3. Middle manager
    4. None manager
  71. A culture where employees show a great deal of respect for authority and where titles and ranks are important would be an example of which dimension of national culture?

    1. Individualism versus collectivism
    2. Power distance
    3. Uncertainty avoidance
    4. Short- versus long-term orientation
  72. Ali is a manager in a multinational organization. He believes that the employees of the company are lazy and do not have much ambition. Ali can be classed as _______ manager based on the perspectives of Douglas McGregor.

    1. Theory Y
    2. Bureaucratic
    3. Theory X
    4. Administrative
  73. which one of the following skills is most essential to get most out of the people?

    1. Technical skill
    2. Human skill
    3. Conceptual skill
    4. Mechanical skill
  74. Primarily managers perform which of the following tasks?

    1. Selling
    2. Stocking merchandise
    3. Directing the activities of other people
    4. Ordering merchandise
  75. An approach that has contributed directly in decision making, scheduling, quality control is called

    1. Quantitative approach
    2. Qualitative approach
    3. Scientific management
    4. Administrative management
  76. All of the assumptions are related to theory Y EXCEPT

    1. Work is natural
    2. Work is natural
    3. Capable of self direction
    4. Can make Good decisions
  77. Lower-level managers typically confront which type of decision making?

    1. Unique
    2. Non-routine
    3. Programmed
    4. Non-programmed
  78. Ahmed was acting as a disturbance handler in an organization. Therefore he is performing which of the given role?

    1. Interpersonal
    2. Informational
    3. Decisional
    4. All of the given options
  79. The belief that businesses should be responsible because such actions are right for their own sake is known as which argument for social responsibility?

    1. Public expectation
    2. Ethical obligation
    3. Public image
    4. Discouragement of government regulation
  80. Standard charter when offered new feature of online funds transfer. It represents what factor to the other Pakistan’s banks in its specific environment?

    1. Customers
    2. Suppliers
    3. Competitors
    4. Public pressure groups
  81. When Ali decided to take corrective actions and provided damage control, he has performed in which of the following roles?

    1. Spokesperson
    2. Figure head
    3. Negotiator
    4. Disturbance handler
  82. The process through which raw materials changed into consumer products is termed as:

    1. Development process
    2. Transformation process
    3. Marketing process
    4. Procurement process
  83. Concept of Division of Labor was proposed by

    1. Edward Deming
    2. Henri Fayol
    3. Adam Smith
    4. Frederic Taylor
  84. XYZ Company has implemented the educational programs in public primary schools to improve children literacy and decision making skills. This represents that company is

    1. Meeting its social obligation
    2. Meeting social responsibilities
    3. Socially responsible
    4. Meeting its social commitment
  85. Which one of the following items best reflects the dimension of different cultures that exemplifies the extent to which individuals expect a hierarchical structure?

    1. Uncertainty avoidance
    2. Power distance
    3. Masculinity/femininity
    4. Long-term/short-term orientation
  86. Which of the following statement best describes Social Obligation?

    1. Firm’s capacity to adapt changing social condition
    2. Applying social criteria to investment decisions
    3. Firm’s obligation to meet its economic & legal responsibilities
    4. Firm’s obligation pursue long term goals that are good for society
  87. Following are the disadvantages of Division of labor Except:

    1. Increase monotony in Job
    2. Increase interdependency in tasks
    3. Increase in competencies of workers
    4. Increase the risk of unemployment
  88. Monitoring organizational progress towards goal attainment is called:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  89. Similar activities that are grouped together under one manager in an organization is called:

    1. Authority
    2. Unity of command
    3. Unity of direction
    4. Order
  90. In Pakistan CBR has introduced some new rules of income tax and sales tax and its mandatory for organizations to follow those laws. This environmental condition is known as

    1. Economic
    2. Political/legal
    3. Socio cultural
    4. Technological
  91. All of the following ideas were proposed by Charles Babbage EXCEPT:

    1. Costing
    2. Division of labor
    3. Profit sharing plans
    4. Production efficiency
  92. A learning organization develops the capability to:

    1. Add new training programs
    2. Accept conventional wisdom of the industry
    3. Continuously learn, adapt and change
    4. Work in teams
  93. Which of the following is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she can or cannot do?

    1. Procedure
    2. Policy
    3. Rule
    4. Solution
  94. Interpersonal and communication skills are often referred to as:

    1. Technical skills
    2. Conceptual skills
    3. People skills
    4. Planning skills
  95. All of the following are characteristics of total quality management EXCEPT:

    1. Intense focus on the competition
    2. Concern for continual improvement
    3. Improvement in quality of everything the organization does
    4. Accurate measurement
  96. The purpose to build the China Wall was

    1. To make their territories clear
    2. To defend their own area
    3. To protect the Silk Road
    4. All of the given
  97. Fredrick Taylor was the student of:

    1. Robert Owen
    2. Charles Babbage
    3. W. Edwards Deming
    4. Henry Towne
  98. An organization is called:

    1. The physical location where people work
    2. A collection of individuals working for the same company
    3. A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
    4. A group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders
  99. Providing fair wages to workers and giving reward based on performance and experience is called

    1. Equity
    2. Initiative
    3. Esprit de corps
    4. Remuneration
  100. Charles Babbage (an English mathematician) mainly focused his attention on _______.

    1. Efficiencies of production
    2. Division of labor
    3. Unity of direction
    4. Centralization
  101. Dell Company sells the variety of products like computers, laptops, accessories over the internet. Dell is engaged in

    1. Intranet
    2. Extranet
    3. E-commerce
    4. E- Business
  102. Activities such as taking visitors to dinner and attending ribbon-cutting ceremonies come under which of the following management role?

    1. Leader
    2. Liaison
    3. Figurehead
    4. Negotiator
  103. Tax revenues and government grants for a city are called its:

    1. Human resources
    2. Financial resources
    3. Physical resources
    4. Informational resources
  104. According to Adam Smith, the division of labor results in:

    1. Increased worker motivation
    2. Decreased worker specialization
    3. Increased worker productivity
    4. Decreased worker motivation
  105. The Egyptian pyramids were constructed in ________ years.

    1. 10 years
    2. 15 years
    3. 30 years
    4. 20 years
  106. Pakistan Federal government has passed disabilities act of 2005 to protect rights of disable persons and to give them flexibility in job. This comes under which of the following environmental sub context

    1. Economic
    2. Political/legal
    3. Sociocultural
    4. Technological
  107. Humans inhale oxygen out of the environment and exhale carbon dioxide into the environment. This is an example of

    1. Close system
    2. Open system
    3. Hybrid system
    4. None of the given
  108. A manager who strives to ensure the activities of the organization's employees are supported and blend well with those of individuals outside the firm could be said to hold which of the following interpersonal role within the company?

    1. Liaison
    2. Disseminator
    3. Figure head
    4. Entrepreneur
  109. Selecting an alternative in the decision-making process is accomplished by:

    1. Choosing the alternative with the highest score
    2. Choosing the One You Like Best
    3. Selecting the alternative that has the lowest price
    4. Selecting the alternative that is the most reliable
  110. Which of the following does not belong to criticism of Weber’s bureaucracy model?

    1. Impersonal application of control
    2. Emphasis on strict division of labor
    3. Adherence to formal rules and procedures
    4. Career advancement process to be based on merit
  111. Which one of the following is an example of organization?

    1. Hospitals
    2. Colleges
    3. Factories
    4. All of the given
  112. Low level management has complete authority to make decisions in case of:

    1. Centralization
    2. Decentralization
    3. Scalar Chain
    4. Order
  113. Modern management techniques ensure the different firm to create competitive advantage through

    1. People
    2. Process
    3. Machine
    4. Technology
  114. A manager transmits the information outside the organization. He is performing which of the following role?

    1. Spokesperson
    2. Representative
    3. Disseminator
    4. Agent
  115. Power and authority that are concentrated at the upper levels of the organization as much as possible, is called:

    1. Authority
    2. Unity of command
    3. Unity of direction
    4. Centralization
  116. Top level managers are concerned with broad but critical decisions, hence they mostly require:

    1. Conceptual skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Technical skills
    4. All of the given
  117. The management process includes all of the following management functions EXCEPT

    1. Planning
    2. Innovating
    3. Leading
    4. Organizing
  118. Which one of the following ethical approaches exemp,ifies the belief that every person has fundamental human rights that should be respected as well as protected?

    1. Justice approach
    2. Rights approach
    3. Individualism approach
    4. Utilitarianism approach
  119. In the pyramid of management levels, non-managerial staff is placed at/in:

    1. Top
    2. Middle
    3. Bottom
    4. None of the given options
  120. Associations of different nations like European Union & NAFTA have been established to:

    1. Share the armies of each other
    2. Stabilize the political systems
    3. Promote open trade among nations
    4. All of the given options
  121. Which one of the following types of managers establish goals, overall strategies and operating policies of an organization?

    1. Top manager
    2. Middle manager
    3. First-line manager
    4. Non-managerial employee
  122. Which managers are required to have conceptual and technical skills in equal percentage?

    1. First line managers
    2. Middle managers
    3. Top managers
    4. None managers
  123. In which period of management, a framework was developed for improvements in areas like science, statistics, operations and engineering

    1. Classical Theories
    2. Pre-classical Period
    3. Quantitative period
    4. Contemporary Period
  124. The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate is called:

    1. Coordination
    2. Specialization
    3. Delegation
    4. Span of control
  125. In Maslow's need hierarchy, status is an example of what type of need?

    1. Physiological
    2. Esteem
    3. Safety
    4. Social
  126. Razaq is explaining a company policy to new employees. He is performing which one of the following roles?

    1. Decisional
    2. Interpersonal
    3. Organizational
    4. Informational
  127. A guest at a hotel complains that the room hasn’t been thoroughly vacuumed. This is an event that occurs occasionally and can be handled with a standardized, routine response. This would be a:

    1. A programmed decision
    2. Ill-structured decisions
    3. Novel decisions
    4. Non-programmed decisions
  128. A person who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals is called:

    1. A very intelligent individual
    2. A supervisor of production work
    3. A manager
    4. An operations supervisor
  129. The organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change is called:

    1. Virtual organization
    2. Learning organization
    3. Traditional organization
    4. Bureaucratic organization
  130. Cultivating a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather knowledge and share it with others in the organization so as to achieve better performance is called:

    1. Knowledge management
    2. Technical management
    3. Software management
    4. Systems management
  131. The quantitative approach has contributed directly in the areas of:

    1. Planning and control
    2. Control and leading
    3. Organizing and control
    4. Planning and leading
  132. All of the following assumptions are related to theory X EXCEPT:

    1. Need to Control
    2. Workers seek security
    3. Capable of self direction
    4. Avoid self Responsibility
  133. Organizational culture is similar to an individual’s:

    1. Skills
    2. Personality
    3. Motivation
    4. Ability
  134. In a stitching unit of garments factory, supervisor has assigned different tasks like cutting, making collars, stitching, pressing and packing to different workers to maximize efficiency in particular skill. He is practicing which of the following management concept?

    1. Job Rotation
    2. Job Specialization
    3. Job Specification
    4. Job Description
  135. ________, identifies the order of activities to be performed in order to achieve a particular goal.

    1. Budgeting
    2. Linear programming
    3. Break-even analysis
    4. Scheduling
  136. All of the followings titles are associated with first line managers EXCEPT:

    1. Foremen
    2. Supervisors
    3. Line managers
    4. Division manager
  137. Nestle and ICI have taken steps to address human rights issues in their overseas factories. This represent that these companies have

    1. Social obligation
    2. Social Screening
    3. Socially responsibility
    4. Social responsiveness
  138. Interest rates, inflation rates, and stock market indexes are all examples of which of the following factors of an organization's general environment?

    1. Economic
    2. Political
    3. Social
    4. Technological
  139. The first step in the decision-making process is which of the following?

    1. Developing decision criteria
    2. Allocating weights to the criteria
    3. Analyzing alternatives
    4. Identifying a problem
  140. When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is called:

    1. Meeting its social obligation
    2. Meeting social responsibilities
    3. Being socially responsive
    4. Paying attention to the bottom line
  141. which one of the following activities would be included in the controlling function of management:

    1. Explaining routines
    2. Determining organizational goals
    3. Monitoring progress towards goal achievement
    4. Motivating employees
  142. Organization that work with ________ are more dynamic, listen to needs of its customers take feedback from its environment and change according to the market trends

    1. Open system
    2. Close system
    3. Hybrid system
    4. All of the given
  143. An area in the environment that if exploited may generate high performance is called organizational:

    1. Strength
    2. Weakness
    3. Opportunity
    4. Threat
  144. What type of an organization actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge?

    1. Enlightened organization
    2. Conceptualized organization
    3. Learning organization
    4. Modern organization
  145. President of an advertising agency has introduced a new reward system to motivate the employees and to improve employee’s morale. President has performed the role as

    1. Leader
    2. Entrepreneur
    3. Liaison
    4. Disturbance handler
  146. The ______ of a strategy specifies the range of markets in which an organization will compete.

    1. Scope
    2. Distinctive Competency
    3. Resource deployment
    4. Effective strategy
  147. The idea that employees should also share the profit of organization was given by:

    1. Frederick Taylor
    2. Robert Owen
    3. Charles Babbage
    4. W. Edwards Deming
  148. All of the following are elements of management process EXCEPT

    1. Planning
    2. Leading
    3. Pricing
    4. Controlling
  149. What is the best term to describe the process of attempting to influence other people to attain the organization's objectives?

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  150. Each subordinate should report to one and only one superior is called:

    1. Authority
    2. Unity of command
    3. Unity of direction
    4. Order
  151. Executive vice president, president, managing director, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board are positions associated with which of the following levels of management?

    1. Team leaders
    2. Middle managers
    3. First-line managers
    4. Top managers
  152. CEO of Siemens presents $10000 scholarships to the winners of Math, Physics and Computer Science in a high school. He is acting the role of:

    1. Figurehead
    2. Leader
    3. Spokesperson
    4. Liaison
  153. A new commercial bank employee who notices stares from other officers because he does not wear conservative work attire is experiencing what aspect of groups?

    1. Role conflict
    2. Norms
    3. Status separation
    4. Cohesiveness conflict
  154. The management function that defines goals and establishes strategies to achieve them is called:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  155. Which one of the following scientists is most closely associated with the Hawthorne studies?

    1. Adams
    2. Mayo
    3. Lawler
    4. Barnard
  156. Investigating and hearing discussions about competitor’s planned upcoming marketing programs at a banquet. This role is described as

    1. Monitor
    2. Disseminator
    3. Liaison
    4. Spokesperson
  157. Group decision making is considered effective and has following characteristics EXCEPT:

    1. Diversity of alternative is available
    2. Groups are prceived as more legitimate
    3. Maximize the chance of solution acceptance
    4. Obstruct creativity and innovation
  158. Amir is representing his company at the local Chamber of Commerce Annual Business Recognition luncheon. He is performing which one of the following managerial roles?

    1. Negotiation
    2. Monitor
    3. Figurehead
    4. Liaison
  159. XYZ Company encourage its employees to bring creativity and innovation in their work and give them confidence to make their own work plan. This company is practicing which of the following principle

    1. Equity
    2. Initiative
    3. Esprit de corps
    4. Unity of Command
  160. Which of the following organization is rigidly controlled and efficient?

    1. Organic
    2. Mechanistic
    3. Horizontal
    4. Learning
  161. Knowledge management involves encouraging the members of the organization to:

    1. Improve the educational level of the average employee
    2. Develop new training programs to help new employees
    3. Develop a corporate university
    4. Systematically gather information and share it with others
  162. The three skills technical, human, and conceptual required for managers were proposed by:

    1. Henri Fayol
    2. Robert L. Katz
    3. Frederic Taylor
    4. Edward Deming
  163. The degree to which decision making is confined at a single point in an organization is described as ________.

    1. Unity of command
    2. Chain of command
    3. Span of management
    4. Centralization