In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Cultural Anthropology (SOC401)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Local knowledge systems seek spatially, situation-bound so it relies on:

    1. Social bond information
    2. Context-bound information
    3. Psychological thinking of people
    4. Non-context-bound information
  2. Which type of anthropology strove to be useful to 'practical men' of colonial administration in the 1930's to access public funds?

    1. US Cultural
    2. French
    3. Social
    4. British
  3. In which of the following societies, age sets crosscut kinship ties and form strong supplemental bonds?

    1. Non-commercial societies
    2. Non-stratified societies
    3. Stratified societies
    4. Class societies
  4. Which of the following is an example of an ascribed quality?

    1. Teacher
    2. Caste
    3. Student
    4. Doctor
  5. An age set is a common form of ________ associations, evidenced around the world.

    1. Non-voluntary
    2. Voluntary
    3. Professional
    4. Achieved
  6. All humans today are ________ genetically identical.

    1. 96.9%
    2. 98.9%
    3. 99.9%
    4. 97.9%
  7. Development Organizations include:

    1. National and international NGOs
    2. World Bank
    3. UN agencies
    4. All of the given
  8. Members who possess variably ascribed characteristics fall under:

    1. Rotating Credit Associations
    2. Regional and Ethnic Associations
    3. Local and nation associations
    4. Multi-ethnic Associations
  9. Belief systems perform certain ________ functions by providing emotional comfort by explaining the unexplainable

    1. Social
    2. Psychological
    3. Religious
    4. Normative
  10. Which one of the following are non-kin and non-territorial groups found in all types of societies and cultures around the world?

    1. Integrations
    2. Immigrations
    3. Assimilations
    4. Associations
  11. Ethnic categorization implies a connection between ________ inheritance and culture.

    1. Ethical
    2. Social
    3. Biological
    4. Environmental
  12. Most characterizations of local knowledge are defined in complete contrast to:

    1. Scientific knowledge
    2. Community knowledge
    3. Cultural knowledge
    4. Social knowledge
  13. The term "indigenous knowledge" is being used in a context of non-western or anti-western knowledge by:

    1. Eco-zones inhabited by ethnic groups
    2. Iroquois inhabited groups
    3. West Indians
    4. Social groups of west
  14. All of the following are the commonly recognized American ethnic groups EXCEPT:

    1. Latinos
    2. Bulgarians
    3. African Americans
    4. European Americans
  15. Development necessitates a kind of social analysis of the situations which the proposed ________ will be designed to address.

    1. Revolution
    2. Intervention
    3. Organization
    4. Nation
  16. Immigrants require ethnic integration to adopt the culture of majority. This approach called:

    1. Melting pot
    2. Assimilation
    3. Multiculturalism
    4. Pluralism
  17. Intense sunlight in tropical latitudes has selected for darker skin color as a protection from intense ________ radiation.

    1. Ultraviolet
    2. Visible light
    3. Infrared
    4. X-rays
  18. Forced racial segregation in South Africa was known as

    1. Apartheid
    2. Genocide
    3. Pluralism
    4. Assimilation
  19. Which of the following is the distinct characteristic of local knowledge?

    1. Controlled experiments
    2. Situation-bound
    3. Non context bound
    4. Transferable information
  20. Which of the following refers to an identification with, and feeling part of, and ethnic group and exclusion from certain other groups because of this affiliation?

    1. Ascribed identity
    2. Social ethnicity
    3. Race
    4. Ethnicity
  21. Young warriors, Nadi of Kenya were given spears and shields in the past and told to bring back wealth to the community is an example of:

    1. Generation
    2. Gender
    3. Association
    4. Age set