In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Agriculture Biotechnology (BT403)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The lacZ gene codes for the ________ of the enzyme β-galactosidase used in blue white screening.

    1. lacZ-θ subunit
    2. lacZ-β subunit
    3. lacZ-∂ subunit
    4. lacZ-α subunit
  2. Anything in the genome that is variable and can be used to compare individuals is called ________.

    1. Genetic marker
    2. Protein marker
    3. Molecular marker
    4. Morphological marker
  3. Agrobacterium is a ________ Bacteria?

    1. Gram positive
    2. non-motile
    3. Non-ubiquitous
    4. All of the given
  4. ________ are natural vectors for genetic engineering?

    1. Gene gun
    2. Bacteria
    3. Viruses
    4. Phage
  5. The first transgenic mouse being created by injecting a gene for a art growth hormone into a mouse embryo in ________ year.

    1. 1988
    2. 1982
    3. 1998
    4. 1992
  6. Multiple forms of the same enzyme coded by the different genes is called ________.

    1. Isozyme
    2. Holoenzyme
    3. APoenzyme
    4. All of the given
  7. The genetic markers should be ________ and ________.

    1. polymorphic, reproducible
    2. rare, reproducible
    3. polymorphic, heterozygous
    4. good, resistable
  8. ________ is a gene or DNA sequence with a known location on a chromosome.

    1. Molecular marker
    2. DNA marker
    3. Protein marker
    4. Genetic marker
  9. Which of the following methods are used to make Bacterial cells competent to take the foreign plasmid DNA.________?

    1. Calcium chloride method
    2. Electroporation
    3. Heat shock method
    4. All of the given
  10. The explants of the plant must produce phenolic compounds for activation of virulence genes in ________ mediated transformation.

    1. agrobacterium
    2. virus
    3. bacteria
    4. yeast
  11. Markers with visual identification are called?

    1. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
    2. Molecular Markers
    3. Morphological Markers
    4. Plant Markers
  12. Which property belongs to morpological markers?

    1. Exhibit dominance
    2. Exhibit deleterious effects
    3. Exhibit pleiotropy
    4. All of the given
  13. The interaction of genes that are not alleles, in particular the suppression of the effect of one such gene by another is called ________.

    1. Epistasis
    2. Metastasis
    3. Codominance
    4. Multiallelic
  14. ________ induces crown gall disease in Plants?

    1. A. tumefaciens
    2. A. rhizogenes
    3. E.coli
    4. All of the given
  15. The lacZ gene codes for the ________ of the enzyme β-galactosidase.

    1. lacZ-α subunit
    2. lacZ-β subunit
    3. lacZ-∂ subunit
    4. lacZ-θ subunit
  16. Transduction is the process by which foreign DNA is introduced into a cell by a ________?

    1. Gene gun
    2. Virus
    3. Bacteria
    4. Phage
  17. Bacteria having a plasmid containing ampicillin resistance gene can grow on a medium containing ________ antibiotic?

    1. cephalosporin
    2. Ampicillin
    3. kanamycin
    4. penicillin
  18. ________ is an example of genetic marker.

    1. GFP
    2. SNPs
    3. IAA
    4. FISH
  19. The most preferred methods for plant transformation is ________?

    1. Agrobacterium mediated
    2. Heat shock method
    3. Electroporation
    4. Calcium chloride method
  20. Which of the following is a tumor inducing Bacteria?

    1. Agrobacterium rhizogene
    2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    3. Agrobacterium subtilis
    4. E.coli
  21. Commonly transformation occurs naturally in ________.

    1. bacteria
    2. viruses
    3. plants
    4. animals
  22. ________ and ________ are utilized by A, tumefaciens as sources of carbon and energy.

    1. opines, agropines
    2. auxin, cytokinin
    3. Ti plasmid, T-DNA
    4. amino acids, sugar derivatives
  23. ________ refers to the state of being able to take up exogenous DNA from the environment.

    1. competence
    2. transformation
    3. microinjection
    4. Biolistics
  24. ________ treatment in the presence of divalent cations such as Ca2+ (in CaCl2) prepares the cell membrane to become permeable to plasmid DNA ________?

    1. Centrifugation
    2. Heating
    3. Chilling
    4. All of the given
  25. AFLP markers involves cleavage of DNA with ________ different enzymes.

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4