In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Consumer Banking (BNK603)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Other name of consumer banking is ________.

    1. Customer banking
    2. Retail banking
    3. Whole sale banking
    4. None of the given
  2. Which of the following is not the outcome of the best implemented Business Model?

    1. efficient
    2. unique
    3. strategic fit
    4. ineffectiveness
  3. Which of the following customer interface refers to all the knowledge that is collected from and utilized on behalf of the customers?

    1. Fulfillment and Support
    2. Information and Insight
    3. Relationship Dynamics
    4. Pricing Structure
  4. People rights as consumers are interlink with their rights as ________?

    1. Citizens
    2. Nation
    3. Civilians
    4. Population
  5. Which of the following is/are the strategic objective(s) of price bundling for a bank?

    1. Cross-selling to customers that only buy one of the products
    2. Retaining customers that already buy both of the products
    3. Acquiring new customers when they buy neither product for the time being
    4. All of the given
  6. Benefits attach to the bundle of products being offered by bank to its customers is called ________?

    1. Customer preposition
    2. Value preposition
    3. Service preposition
    4. None of the given
  7. Strategic Assets of a company includes:

    1. Brands
    2. Patents
    3. Infrastructure
    4. All of the given
  8. A person call consumer, when he/she purchase product for ________ purpose.

    1. Resale
    2. Personal
    3. Production
    4. None of the given
  9. "Easy paisa" is one of the following strategies of the "Tameer Microfinance bank" for becoming the profit booster:

    1. customer lock-in
    2. pre-emption
    3. choke point
    4. operating agility
  10. Scale is the part of which of the following profit booster segment?

    1. increasing returns
    2. competitor lock-out
    3. strategic economies
    4. strategic flexibility