Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
The length of DNA in a cell is ________.
Machine learning is used when
________ breaks cell membrane and nuclear envelope causing cells to burst open and release DNA.
How many reads are required to map at 1 RPKM with a transcript of 2Kb length from a total of 40 Million Mapped reads?
In 3D-1D Bowie Algorithm there are ________ distinct states (1D profiles) for 20 amino acid.
If you want to create a fingerprint, you might look at ________ different STRs at different places to create a profile.
iTasser input is ________.
Polymerase Chain Reaction is a
How much percentage of DNA sequence is unique enough to differentiate two humans.
How genes affect persons response to drug is study in ________.
In homology modeling fewer than ________ of the predicted first hits are true remoted homologues.
Which tool is used for threading ________.
Mass spectrometry is used to sequence ________ length proteins.
________ is a process of organizing objects into groups whose members are similar in some way.
CAT is repeated continuously ________ times in a row.
________ replicate a small amount of DNA to create a larger sample for analysis.
What is meant by ADME in pharmacokinetics?
Protein core is ________.
A forensic scientist will need at least ________ pieces of DNA to be compared.
Lysis Solution removes the ________ proteins from the DNA.
________ is encrypted sets of numbers that reflect a person's DNA makeup.
All human share ________ percentage of their DNA sequence.
An association rule has ________ parts.
Neural network is an interconnectrd web of ________.
In PCR the DNA sample is heated to ________ separate the thread.
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