Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Software Engineering is the combination of tools, techniques and ________.
Consider the following statement: int a,b=10; Which of the following is correct:
A context diagram is used
Which of the following is NOT among one of the four layers of the Object Oriented (OO) design pyramid
The formula for calculating the Cyclomatic Complexity of a program is:
An external entity that interacts with a system is called a(n):
Strong cohesion implies that:
The three basic principles that guide maintainability are: (a) clarity (b) enhancement (c) flexibility (d) simplicity
Function testing falls under ________ testing technique.
Chip level testing for hardware is equivalent to ________.
A life line represents the object's life during the interaction in a sequence diagram while its notation is depicted by ________.
The raising of the imaginary error flag is simply called raising or ________ an error.
In Collaboration diagrams, sequence of messaging is shown by ________.
Software ________ is the process of examining the software product against its requirements.
In UML based Object Oriented model of a system, a composition relation between two objects is shown by a ________ sign on the Whole side of a relation line.
After integrating subsystems into a system, and then testing this system as a whole is called
The goal of ________ is to translate the customer's desire for a set of defined capabilities into a working product.
The system specification describes the
Which of the following is not a possible server in client server environment?
The order in which bytes of one word are stored is ________ dependent.
More powerful hardware resulted into the development of ________ powerful and ________ software.
The form for (;;) should be used for
In UML based Object Oriented model of a system, the diamond sign is used to depict ________ relations between two objects/classes.
The Use case diagram does not show which actors interact with each use case
The idea behind exception handling is to raise some error flag every time ________.
Exception handling is a powerful technique that separates error-handling code from ________ code.
A ________ relationship indicates that one entity is composed of one or more parts which are themselves instances of that or another entity.
Complex expressions:
Exception handling provides:
The context diagram is used as the top level abstraction in a ________ developed according to principles of structured analysis.
The C/C++ language does not define the alignment of items within
In order to make a code more portable, Instead of using vendor specific language extensions, use ________ as much as possible.
A use case represents:
Some bit field members are stored: I) left to right II) right to left III) in circular array
Class variables should never be declared public. Public variables violate which of the following:
Testing individual components independent of other components is called:
The number ________ is the most abused symbol in programs written in C or C++.
Verification and validation are the processes in which we check a product against its ________ and the ________ of the users who will be using it
A good program must contain ________ infeasible paths.
In the case of action-oriented approach, data is decomposed according to:
Return values in synchronous messages are:
The method of dividing and assigning different portions of a large system to different groups for construction is called ________.
Use cases construction is a technique used for:
The architecture components for product engineering are
Transactions are the ________ that must be remembered through time.
________ requirements cause frequent modifications in user interface.
________ diagram does not capture control flow information, it just shows the flow of the data in a system.
________ is one of the techniques to document domain knowledge.
________ Testing of system is not possible
________ and ________ are two important tools that helps in managing the program complexity.
Data cannot flow from one external entity to other external entity because:
System ________ are built to allow the System Engineer to evaluate the system components in relationship to one another.
The greatest advantage of exception handling is its ability to handle:
When a small set of functions (which use each other) is so overwhelmingly the bottleneck, there are two alternatives:
In the classical thin-client architecture, the entire processing is carried-out by ________.
In Data Flow Diagram, the entity or system, outside the boundary of this system is called
The size of ________ plays a significant role in making the program easy or difficult to understand.
An arrow in Data Flow Diagram (DFD) represents
Which indent size eliminates the chance of code lines splitting?
Prototyping is used when there is ________ regarding requirements.
The expressions with logical operators can be evaluated only from ________.
The focus of sequence diagrams is:
The criteria used to assess the quality of an architectural design should be based on system
x = 0; // x is floating pt Which written form of above line of code is more in line with the self-documentation philosophythan the code above.
Comma ( , ) is very dangerous because ________.
If Cat is derived from Mamal Class, and Mamal is derived from Animal Class, then:
In use case diagram, an ellipse signifies a(n):
For equivalence partitions, we divide the problem in ________ obvious categories.
In Data Flow Diagram (DFD), data flow can:
________ is a technique in which we construct a model of an entity based upon its essential characteristics and ignore the inessential details.
There are some types of requirements that can not be documented in the use cases.
While establishing the services for an object, the following fundamental questions should be asked
Performance, Security and maintainability are the types of ________ requirements.
A ________ is not the real product but just a real looking mock-up of what would be eventually delivered.
Be very careful when you use functions with side effects - functions that change the values of the ________.
Code should not be:
GOTO statements violate the idea of
Which of the following sentence is true regarding user interface design?
Global variables in C++ should always be referred to by using the
System models include:
________ is an extremely powerful technique for dealing with complexity.
The complexity of a program may ________ if there are exceptional paths in it.
The intent of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) is to define:
________ is a technique that can be used to reduce customer dissatisfaction at requirement stage.
Which type of testing is not concerned with how the inputs are transformed into outputs?
Different messages in sequence diagrams includes:
A self documenting code is a code that explains itself without the need of comments and extraneous documentation, like ________.
"is" prefix should be used for ________ variables and methods.
A DFD is normally levelled (adding more levels of abstraction) as
Coupling is a measure of ________ of a module or component.
In data flow diagram (DFD), Create, Update, Delete and Read operations are normally called:
Objective of ________ is to show that the program does not work.
A ________ is a variance from a desired product attribute.
Which one is used to describe flow of data or control in an application
The modules that interact with each other through message passing have ________.
In ________ the analyst determines all the sources of requirements and where do theses requirements consume
A change becomes ________ because of close presence of data and functions.
When an error is thrown the overall system (on the lookout for this error flag) responds by ______ the error.
________ structure represents the internal organization of the various data and control items.
Defining the services of an object means:
The three most important characteristics of an object are:
Software Design discusses ________ aspect of software development.
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