In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Pakistan Studies (PAK301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. North Western areas are Muslim majority areas. We will not only keep these majorities but will turn them into a Muslim state. Muslims should get rid of Indianism. It is better for Muslims and Islam. Who said this?

    1. Allama Iqbal
    2. Quaid-i-Azam
    3. Ch. Rehmat Ali
    4. Hafiz Jhalandari
  2. Who was called as the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity?

    1. Sir Agha Khan
    2. Gandhi
    3. Quaid-e-Azam
    4. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  3. What does The Objectives Resolution's draft 1949 say?

    1. Sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah alone
    2. Sovereignty belongs to the Government alone
    3. Sovereignty belongs to the People alone
    4. Sovereignty belongs to the Constitution alone
  4. Which Constitution of Pakistan is described as the presidential type constitution?

    1. The Constitution of 1956
    2. The Constitution of 1962
    3. The Constitution of 1973
    4. The Objectives Resolution
  5. Muslim's demand of Separate Electorate was accepted in?

    1. Rowlett Act
    2. Lucknow Act
    3. Nehru Act
    4. Fourteen Points
  6. When did the Muslim community observe "Day of Deliverance"?

    1. On October 22, 1937
    2. On December 22, 1938
    3. On September 26, 1939
    4. On December 22, 1939
  7. Who coined the name, PAKISTAN, for the Muslim state?

    1. Allama Iqbal
    2. Quaid-i-Azam
    3. Ch. Rehmat Ali
    4. Hafiz Jhalandari
  8. What was the main objective of the Hindu revivalist movements in India?

    1. To compel the British to go from India
    2. Revival of Hinduism and purity of the days of wedas
    3. To convert the Muslims into Hinduism
    4. To get independence from the British
  9. From which university Chaudhry Rehmat Ali got his higher education?

    1. Monique University
    2. Oxford University
    3. Cambridge University
    4. Aligarh University
  10. When was the Joint Electorate adopted for all Pakistan by the National Assembly?

    1. 1954
    2. 1955
    3. 1956
    4. 1957
  11. In which years the principle of joint electorate was opted by the National Assembly of Pakistan?

    1. In, 1955
    2. In, 1956
    3. In, 1957
    4. In, 1958
  12. In which constitution of Pakistan One House Parliament was introduced?

    1. The Constitution of 1973
    2. The Constitution of 1962
    3. The Constitution of 1956
    4. All of the given
  13. Who was the head of Nehru Report Committee?

    1. Motilal Nehru
    2. Jawaharlal Nehru
    3. Gandhi
    4. Lal Bahadar Shastri
  14. When did the First Basic Principles Committee present its final report?

    1. In September, 1950
    2. In December, 1950
    3. In August, 1950
    4. In April, 1950
  15. When did the rule of East India Company end in the Sub-Continent?

    1. In 1857
    2. In 1947
    3. In 1858
    4. In 1885
  16. When did Chaudhry Rehmat Ali write "Now or Never"?

    1. In 1930
    2. In 1931
    3. In 1932
    4. In 1933
  17. Why did Muslim League perform poorly in the elections of 1937?

    1. Due to the organizational problems and opposition by local Muslim groups
    2. Because the British government was against the Muslim League
    3. Because the Congress Party was very famous among the masses
    4. The elections were not transparent and clearly rigged by Congress
  18. Which constitutional document is proved to be the 'foundation' of the constitutional developments in Pakistan?

    1. The Constitution of 1956
    2. The Constitution of 1962
    3. The Constitution of 1973
    4. The Objectives Resolution 1949
  19. What was the reaction of Non-Muslims on The Objectives Resolution?

    1. Highly appreciated by the non-Muslims
    2. Highly condemned by the non-Muslims
    3. No response from the Non Muslims
    4. Slightly condemned by the Non Muslims
  20. What task was assigned to "Shahabuddin Commission" set up in 1960?

    1. To hold presidential Referendum in the country
    2. To examine the causes of failure of parliamentary system
    3. To give legal shape to the constitution of 1956
    4. To introduce Basic Democracy system in Pakistan
  21. Who dissolved thr First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?

    1. Muhammad Ali Bogra
    2. Governor General Ghulam Muhammad
    3. Major General Iskander Mirza
    4. Khawaja Nazimuddin
  22. During the Khilafat Movement, "Chaura Chon" tragedy assumed greater significant. Which of the following incidents was peculiar to that?

    1. Countrywide strike of the traders
    2. A police station was burnt in a village
    3. Communal riots erupted
    4. The people refused to pay Government taxes
  23. Who gave philosophical explanation to the ideology of Pakistan?

    1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Quaid-e-Azam
    4. Sir Agha khan
  24. When did Indian Patriotic Association was set up?

    1. In 1885
    2. In 1887
    3. In 1888
    4. In 1889
  25. In which year Sir Syed wrote "Risala Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-Hind"?

    1. 1857
    2. 1858
    3. 1859
    4. 1864
  26. Who took the responsibility of framing the constitution of Pakistan after the death of Quaid-a-Azam?

    1. Khawaja Nazimuddin
    2. Hussain Shahid Suhrawardy
    3. Iskander Mirza
    4. Liaquat Ali Khan
  27. When did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan go to England?

    1. In 1869
    2. In 1864
    3. In 1874
    4. In 1877
  28. Who gave practical implementation to the concept of Two Nation?

    1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Quaid-e-Azam
    4. None of the given
  29. Which BPC Report is also called as Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula?

    1. First BPC Report
    2. Second BPC Report
    3. Third BPC Report
    4. None of the given
  30. Why Rowlett Act is called as a black law?

    1. Because it was in black and white
    2. Because this law was for the blackish community
    3. To this law political leaders were exempted
    4. To this law British govt had authority to arrest any political leader
  31. When did Governor General Ghulam Muhammad dissolve the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?

    1. In October, 1956
    2. In October, 1955
    3. In October, 1954
    4. In October, 1953
  32. Who did introduce Din-e-IIahi?

    1. Jahangir
    2. shehansha Akbar
    3. Aurangzeb Alamgir
    4. Shahjahan
  33. In which year All India National Congress was founded?

    1. 1906
    2. 1877
    3. 1885
    4. 1911
  34. What Iqbal did after coming back to India from Europe?

    1. He started work on the roots of Muslim decline and the mechanism to uplift the Muslims
    2. He started to organize the Muslim League and the Muslim society
    3. He started to take an active part in the Muslim politics of the Sub-Continent
    4. He started to work for the minorities living in India at that period of time
  35. In which year Hindi-Urdu controversy was started?

    1. 1861
    2. 1863
    3. 1867
    4. 1865
  36. Who used the word NATION for the Muslims of Sub Continent for the first time?

    1. Quaid-e-Azam
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    4. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
  37. Who was the First president of Muslim League?

    1. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
    2. Wiqar-ul-Mulk
    3. Nawab Salimullah
    4. Sir Agha Khan
  38. What was the purpose of Muslim League branch in London?

    1. To organize the the Muslim community in London
    2. To emphasize the british against the Muslims
    3. To create better understanding between Muslims and British Government
    4. To highlight the misunderstandings and conspiracies of the Hindus against the Muslims
  39. Which one of the following clarifies the scope of power, relationship among various institutions within the government and society?

    1. Constituent Assembly
    2. Constitution
    3. National Assembly
    4. Senate
  40. Who abrogated the Constitution of 1962 on March 25, 1969?

    1. Field Martial Ayub Khan
    2. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
    3. General Yahya Khan
    4. Ghulam Muhammad
  41. The British won over the Muslim rulers due to their?

    1. Industrial developments
    2. Scientific developments
    3. Modern war strategy
    4. All of the given
  42. Which partly formed government in NWFP after the elections of 1037?

    1. Unionist Party
    2. Khudai Khidmat gar party
    3. United Party
    4. Muslim League
  43. What was the main objective of Urdu Defense Society was set up in 1873?

    1. Urdu should be taught in the Aligarh College
    2. Urdu should not be replaced with Hindi
    3. To introduce Urdu at ordinary person level
    4. Urdu should be made compulsory subject
  44. Whose treatment was very brutal with the Moplas which caused Mopla Revolt?

    1. British Government
    2. Hindu extremists
    3. Hindu Landlords
    4. Sikh community
  45. Why did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his colleagues advise the Muslims to stay away from the Congress Party?

    1. Because it was headed by the Hindus
    2. Because Muslim representation was less in Congress
    3. Because Congress policies did not protect the Muslim interests
    4. Because Sir Syed wanted to have Muslim organization
  46. When was the First BPC Report presented to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?

    1. In, 1950
    2. In, 1951
    3. In, 1952
    4. In, 1953
  47. Which was the educational movement during Independence War?

    1. Khilafat Movement
    2. Aligarh Movement
    3. Hijrat Movement
    4. Bhagti Movement
  48. What was sure about Pakistan?

    1. That Pakistan would be An Islamic state
    2. That Pakistan would be A secular state
    3. That Pakistan would be A democratic state
    4. That Pakistan would be An Islamic Democratic state
  49. Who is said to be the pioneer of Two Nation Theory?

    1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
    4. Quaid-e-Azam
  50. In which city All India Muslim League was founded?

    1. Lucknow
    2. Delhi
    3. Lahore
    4. Dhaka
  51. The magazines "COMRADE and HAMDARD" were written by?

    1. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
    2. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
    3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    4. Zafar Ali Khan
  52. Which Muslim leader was the opponent of Two Nation Theory?

    1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
    4. Quaid-e-Azam
  53. During the Khilafat Movement, "Chaura Chori" tragedy assumed greater significant. Which of the following incidents was peculiar to that?

    1. Countrywide strike of the traders
    2. A police station was burnt in a village
    3. Communal nots erupted
    4. The people refused to pay Government taxes
  54. When the title of Sir was conferred to Allama Iqbal?

    1. In 1916
    2. In 1922
    3. In 1927
    4. In 1930