Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
_______ is an example of a communication channel.
Narrative _______ are recorded in reported speech and instead of giving direct speech we use indirect speech.
In organizations, the flow of communication sometimes slows down because there are too many ________.
Choose the correct option. Make the ________ sound as if you are personally speaking.
Completeness is closely related to _______.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of completeness?
Communication which is tactful and "reader-centered" demonstrates ________.
A ________ resume emphasizes a list of skills and accomplishments, identifying employers and academic experience in subordinate sections.
When your message contains all the facts the reader or the listener needs, it is:
While writing a job application letter,the applicant should request an interview at ______ convenience.
Which one of these words is not a synonym for "promotion"?
Mark the following as True or False. Altruistic appeal is part of persuasive requests.
________ means that for a Company to survive, it must establish markets not only in its own country but also in many foreign countries. Thus employees must understand other cultures as well as their own country’s ethnic diversity.
In a _______letter, you need no special attention-getter because you have been invited to apply.
Which of the following is an example of Trite Expression?
Artifacts are objects used to convey _________ messages.
_______ messages include rejections, negative evaluations, and announcement of policy changes that don't benefit the reader.
Ethical communication is characterized by ________.
It requires no punctuation even after the salutation and the complimentary close. This is _______ style of punctuation.
Pre-employment tests attempt to provide _______, and quantitative information about a candidate’s skills, attitudes, and habits.
Identify the most related statement to the term enclosed in the inverted commas. "While initiating a sales offer you need to"
One of the basic purposes of a resume is to arise _______ of the employer.
A cover letter is meant ________.
Which of the following is not included in preparation for job interviews?
The buffer statement "we both know how hard it is to make a profit in this industry" shows:
Mark the following statement true or false. The Rhetorical theory introduces the ideas of senders and receivers and possible interference.
_______ represents the individual cultural variable.
"Establish some goals" means ________.
For an effective communication with a company, you need to have knowledge about:
The process of ________ has six components: sender/encoder, message, medium, receiver/decoder, and feedbacks.
_______ theory of communication lays emphasis on accuracy and deals with technical problems during the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver.
________ is commonly known as multiculturalism. It is the acceptance of varied cultures in schools, neighborhoods, or cities.
Mark the following statement as True or False. The people in Saudi culture prefer paragraph headings and visual divisions.
________ refers to the behavioral characteristic typical of a group.
Choose the correct option: A statement that is meant to bring the reader to a positive frame of mind is called ________.
An example of external communication is:
Which one of the following represents Physical Barriers of Communication?
In general, human beings are:
The aim of cross-cultural communication training is to:
The individualized, perhaps emotionally charged meaning assigned to words is called the ________ meaning.
When a receiver receives a message, they must first ______ the symbols.
________ culture is time-precise and its law specifies definite opening and closing hours for business.
Select the correct option. The main advantage of ________ resume is; without having to read through job descriptions, employers can see what you can do for them.
The process of International Communication demands to work with many _________.
While compiling resume your goal is to generate ________ immediately.
To write a good resume, you need to show that you ________:
Visual aids are distractions in oral presentation.
A(n) _______ is included to remind the reader to check for the additional pages of information.
________ is an expression of courtesy to put your reader in a friendly frame of mind.
End positively and friendly, starting clearly the desired action and offering any further help is ________.
Which of the following messages aim to influence audiences who are inclined to resist, so they depend heavily on strategic planning?
Select the correct option. In _______ organizations recruiting process is handled/conducted by human resource or personnel department.
Keeping in mind the 'punctuation styles', fill in the following blank: ________ punctuation requires no punctuation even after salutation and complimentary close.
All of the following are barriers to effective communication except:
The most important part in a business letter is the opening; the second most important part is ________.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good resume?
Mark the following statement as True or False. In order to make your message memorable one should avoid using words that evoke a physical and sensory impression.
A manager would give a message about a social event to her employees using a:
Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. Effective business communication is not ________.
Which of the following situations is best suited for an oral medium of communication?
Advertising directed at children is restricted in:
The best way to make the reader respond positively is to show him ________. Using this technique, you can make even a negative message acceptable for the reader.
Your purpose in a ________ is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal.
Communication is an important part of our _______ today.
Which of the following expressions would be acceptable in technical and business writing?
The closing paragraph of the business messages should be ________ and correct.
Choose the best option from the following. Te time alloted by a recruiter to read a resume is usually ________.
Identify the statement as ‘True’ or ‘False’. The rules of gift giving vary from country to country.
When the seller is at fault’ refer to one _______ of adjustment letter.
During the selection stage, the best approach is ________.
A common error in answering inquiries is failure to:
Which of the following is NOT the strategy for a good online writing style?
To communicate easily and effectively with our readers, we should apply the following _________ principles:
By choosing to speak from the floor instead of the dais, a speaker can show the audience a sense of:
Choose the best option from the following. While sending a resume to an organization keeps yourself in the ________ situation.
It is best to use a written channel when:
Company's operations and its strategic and tactical problems are only employer's area of concern.
The closing paragraph of the business messages should be _______ and correct.
Which of the following is NOT correct about nonverbal communication?
Hearing and listening are the same thing.
Which of the following is done differently on a Functional Résumé vs. a Chronological Résumé?
Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of ‘house style’?
Mark the following statements as True or False. 'Obnoxious' is the example of courtesy.
________ begins with something that will interest the reader.
Choose the most appropriate option from the following: Children shake your hand in _______, hug you in _______, and often stay in the background in _______ respectively.
Which of the following are examples of written communication?
The beginning of your letter should be considerate, courteous concise, clear and specific. Which of the following opening statement follows the above instructions?
Language is the most important tool of verbal communication and it is the area where cultural differences play its role.
"It discourages the 'secondary' conversations, helps a participant to focus on a topic but prevents participants from sharing valuable information." The above trait is exhibited by:
________ is achieved in part through a balance between precise language and familiar language
Choose the correct option. The heading, subject and date, and message are the main parts of _______.
If your message is specific, definite and vivid; you are applying which of the following principle:
Which of these business details would not normally feature as part of a letter head?
There are ______ kinds of Sales letters.
A typical recruiter devotes _____ seconds to each resume before tossing it into either the “maybe” or the “reject” pile.
Producing the desired ________ is one of the crucial variables of rhetorical theory of communication.
A receiver’s attitude towards a message can determine whether it is:
Before you can sell a product, you need to know what the product is all about.
In ________, decision time is held back as group consensus moves toward a decision. :
The way you ________ your message makes it clear whether your reader will respond favorably or unfavorably to the message.
One purpose of collection letters is ______.
Choose the correct option. At stage _______, too, stress on future sales, rather than on payment.
Identify the statement as ‘True’ or ‘False’. An intercultural communication model consists of national as well as individual cultural variables.
Choose the option from the following which is not a hallmark of chronological resume.
A perfect resume responds to the reader’s needs and _______.
Which of the following is a Concise form of ‘under any other circumstances than’?
An effective ________ should leave a sense of closure and goodwill with the receiver and make him act as desired.
Mark the following statement as True or False. 'Thank you' is the example of completeness.
_______ is an informal channel of business communication. It stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of the authority levels
Write a claim letter as soon as possible after the problem has been ______.
The ______ of sales letters has a choice of many different appeals.
________ consists of the voice qualities and vocalizations that affect how something is said rather than what is said.
Writing successful sales letters is _______.
Ethnocentrism means:
To communicate inter-culturally you should recognize ________.
________ tests also make assessment of dependability, commitment, honesty, and motivation of job candidate.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words. The ________ theory is helpful because it introduces the ideas of senders and receivers and of possible interference.
When your ________ using a simple and direct style. Use short, crisp phrases instead of whole sentences, and focus on what your reader needs to know.
The content and style of a speech and presentation ________.
A manager is meeting with the products department to discuss the feedback received from customers at a product convention. Identify the flow of communication.
Mark the following statement as True or False. The deductive approach starts with the main idea.
Business messages should be closed on a positive and courteous thought. Which of the following statements satisfy this guideline?
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