In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Database Management Systems (CS403)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The two basic types of record access methods are ________.

    1. sequential and random
    2. sequential and indexed
    3. Direct and immediate
    4. sequential and immediate
  2. Each course section is assigned a particular faculty member, and each course section corresponds to a particular course. Conceptually, what is the relationship between faculty and course (not course section).

    1. 1:1
    2. 1:M
    3. M:M
    4. Ternary
  3. Which file organization is allowed by a direct access storage device?

    1. sequential only
    2. Direct only
    3. indexed and direct only
    4. sequential, indexed and direct
  4. Suppose there are 8 rows and 4 columns in TABLE1 and 3 rows and 4 columns in TABLE2; what is the size of the cartesian product incase of CROSS JOIN between these two tables?

    1. 24
    2. 32
    3. 12
    4. 16
  5. ________ generally are complex views, views of views, and views of multiple tables.

    1. Dynamic views
    2. Simple view
    3. Materialized view
    4. Generalized view
  6. Which of the following is not related to Index sequential file structure?

    1. Records are stored in sequence and index is maintained
    2. Dense and non-dense types of indexes are maintained
    3. Track overflows and the file overflow areas are ensured
    4. We choose a number of buckets to correspond to the number of search key values we will have stored in the database
  7. A ________ index determines the storage order of data in a table.

    1. Primary
    2. Clustered
    3. Dense
    4. Secondary
  8. ________ provides rapid, non-sequential, direct access to records.

    1. Hashing
    2. Collision handling
    3. Non Hashing
    4. sequential
  9. Which of the following is true about TRUNCATE?

    1. Can be Rolled back.
    2. Activates Triggers.
    3. is DML Command.
    4. Resets identity of the table.
  10. The log file is also called ________.

    1. Non Transaction file
    2. Transaction file
    3. Temporary file
  11. There are ________ ways to create a new view in your database.

    1. Three
    2. Two
    3. Five
    4. Six
  12. Following are the characteristics of ________.
    i. No indexes to search or maintain
    ii. Very fast direct access
    iii. Inefficient sequential access
    iv. Use when direct access is needed, but sequential access is not.

    1. Index Access
    2. sequential Index
    3. Hashed Access
    4. Non Hashed Access
  13. Can be defined even when there is no data in the table. Existing values are checked on execution of this command. It supports selection of form; these are the major properties of ________.

    1. Sequential approach
    2. Direct approach
    3. View
    4. Indexes
  14. Views are generally used to focus, simplify, and customize the perception each user has of the ________.

    1. Database
    2. program
    3. Operating system
    4. View
  15. Which of the following is used to add or drop columns in an existing table?

    1. ALTER
    2. HAVING
    3. SELECT
    4. THEN
  16. Which of the following is the correct way to find out the size of cartesian product incase of CROSS JOIN?

    1. the number of columns in the first table multiplied by the number of columns in the second table.
    2. the number of columns in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table.
    3. the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of columns in the first table.
    4. the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table.
  17. Which of the following is not one of the properties of Transaction?

    1. atomicity
    2. consistency
    3. redundancy
    4. durability
  18. Which of the following is INCORRECT about VIEWS?

    1. It is not possible to left out the data which is not required for a specific view.
    2. A database view displays one or more database records on the same page.
    3. Views can be used as security mechanisms.
    4. Views are generally used to focus the perception each user has of the database.
  19. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Indexed sequential files?

    1. Records are stored in sequence and index is maintained.
    2. Dense and nondense types of indexes are maintained.
    3. Track overflows and file overflow areas can not be ensured.
    4. Cylinder index increases the efficiency
  20. Which feature of database provides conversion from inconsistent state of DB to a consistent state ensuring minimum data loss?

    1. User accessible catalog
    2. Data processing
    3. Authorization service
    4. Recovery service
  21. The index which has some of the key value is classified as ________.

    1. Linear index
    2. Dense index
    3. Non dense index
    4. Cluster index
  22. Which of the following statements is true about the views?

    1. view is always a complete set of all the tables in a database
    2. View can not be used for retrieving data
    3. The results of using a view are not permanently stored in the database.
    4. Rows can not be updated or deleted in the view
  23. Inverted files or inversions, Linked lists, B+ Trees, these are the three implementation approaches of ________.

    1. Sequential Access
    2. Hashing
    3. Non sequential
    4. Indexes
  24. Which of the following is a correct way of selecting all the columns from a table called PERSONS?

    1. SELECT FROM * Persons
    2. SELECT * FROM Persons
    3. SELECT * WHERE Persons
    4. SELECT WHERE * Persons
  25. cs403_0001
    Consider the given relations Student and Instructor as given below. Please note that Fname and Lname also denote the First Name and Last Name respectively.
    Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the two relations given above?

    1. The two relations are not union-compatible since their attribute names differ.
    2. The two relations are union-compatible since they have the same type of tuples.
    3. The set operations such as CARTESIAN PRODUCT and DIVISION can be pplied on these two relations.
    4. To find out the students who are not instructors, it is necessary to perform the operation Student ÷ Instructor.