In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Human Development and Learning (EDU302)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. "The earliest emotional responses of the new born are generally diffused excitement and this slowly gives way to specific emotional patterns of anger, joy, fear, etc" is the example of which principle?

    1. Development is continuous process
    2. Development proceeds from general to specific
    3. Development follows patterns
    4. Development involves changes
  2. What are the two basics pattern of classifications of emotionally disturbed children?

    1. aggressive behavior and mature behavior
    2. aggregate behavior and withdrawn behavior
    3. aggressive behavior and withdrawn behavior
    4. aggressive behavior and aggregate behavior
  3. Graphic depiction of relationships among a set of concepts, terms, or ideas; usually organised by the student, but not always is known as:

    1. Concept maps
    2. Readings
    3. Advance organizer
    4. Outlining
  4. Psychomotor Skill is related to:

    1. Psych
    2. Individual difference
    3. Materialism
    4. Skill acquisition
  5. 'Nip the evil in the bud' is the best way to teach which type of students?

    1. Withdrawn
    2. Aggressive
    3. Abnormal
    4. Aggregate
  6. To help students with hearing problems in communication and learning, manual approach includes:

    1. sign language and finger spelling
    2. speech reading and essay writing
    3. speech reading
    4. foreign language
  7. Differences among humans that distinguish or separate them from one another and makes one as a single unique individual is known as:

    1. All differences
    2. Individual differences
    3. Self-differences
    4. Common differences
  8. Makes the new learning more meaningful and less arbitrary or random is called:

    1. elaboration
    2. Methods
    3. advance organizers
    4. reading
  9. Most of the learning-disabled children have difficulties in:

    1. reading and mathematics
    2. writing and mathematics
    3. speaking and Urdu
    4. reading and Urdu
  10. Which aspect of human development relates to the changes in the way an individual relates to others?

    1. Physical Development
    2. Social Development
    3. Emotional Development
    4. Intellectual Development
  11. According to ________ growth refers to structural and physiological changes.

    1. Hurlock
    2. Crow and Crow
    3. J.E. Anderson
    4. Liebert, Poulos and Marmor
  12. The ability to make or do something new that is also useful or valued by others is known as:

    1. Critical Thinking
    2. Innovation
    3. Problem Solving
    4. Creativity
  13. According to social psychologists, which one of the following is a function of social and psychological environment?

    1. thinking
    2. innovation
    3. creativity
    4. knowledge
  14. Which kind of thinking is focused, logical about ideas and experiences that lead to specific answers?

    1. Creative Thinking
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Divergent Thinking
    4. Convergent Thinking
  15. The learning disability is believed to be due to biological malfunctioning in:

    1. peripheral nervous system
    2. central processing system
    3. central nervous system
    4. peripheral processing system
  16. What does IQ stands for?

    1. Investment in education quotient
    2. Intelligence quotient
    3. Intellect quotient
    4. Intelligence question
  17. Learning disability is:

    1. parallel group of difficulty
    2. equivalent group of difficulty
    3. homogeneous group of disorders
    4. heterogeneous group of disorders
  18. Alferd Binet was a ________ psychologist.

    1. Greek
    2. French
    3. Italian
    4. United States
  19. Which of the following type of thinking requires skill at analyzing the reliability and validity of information, as well as the attitude or temperament to do so?

    1. Creativity
    2. Innovation
    3. Problem Solving
    4. Critical
  20. "the process of being mature" is the concept of:

    1. Growth
    2. Development
    3. Growth and Development
    4. Maturation
  21. Difference in attitude is to something which is related to which one of the following factors?

    1. Sociology
    2. psyche
    3. Medical
    4. Physical
  22. First Successful intelligence test was constructed by ________ in 1905.

    1. Alferd Binet
    2. Theodore Simon
    3. Alferd Binet & Theodore Simon
    4. David Wechsler
  23. The skill and attitude may be displayed regarding a particular subject matter or topic, but in principle it can occur in any realm of:

    1. Thoughts
    2. Creativity
    3. Exposure
    4. Knowledge
  24. What is meant by environment?

    1. Narrow
    2. Nature
    3. Mature
    4. Nurture
  25. Which one of the following best refers to children with social maladjustment and children with behavior disorders?

    1. Mental retarded children
    2. Children with emotional disturbance
    3. Gifted children
    4. Children with color blindness
  26. The ability in which analysis of complex and ambiguous situation is done and solution is found is known as:

    1. Innovation
    2. Creativity
    3. Problem Solving
    4. Critical Thinking
  27. Photos, Music, Places, Smells and Objects are the examples of:

    1. Interference
    2. Retrieval Cues
    3. Links
    4. Forgetting
  28. Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of concept maps?

    1. Aids in Creating a Presentation
    2. Allow for Quick Interpretation
    3. Aids in auditory Outcomes
    4. Illustrates the Hierarchy of Ideas
  29. In the everyday sense of constantly criticizing someone or something, a critical thinker does not necessarily have which one of the following type of attitudes?

    1. sikken
    2. neutral
    3. negative
    4. positive