In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Modern Programming Languages (CS508)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Unlike C/C++, arrays in PHP are ________.

    1. Maps
    2. Templates
    3. Records
    4. Both Templates and Records
  2. In C# the value type and reference type variable are inter convertible through ________ concept.

    1. Tagged type
    2. Interfaces
    3. Boxing
    4. None of the given
  3. ________, an object that describes the basic characteristics of the browser, notably its type and version.

    1. Window
    2. Document
    3. Navigator
    4. Location
  4. In JavaScript, which of the given provides access to the contents of browser window?

    1. DOM
    2. BOM
    3. ROM
    4. COM
  5. PHP syntax looks like ________.

    1. ASP syntax
    2. C/C++ syntax
    3. Ada syntax
    4. Both ASP and Ada
  6. In ________ we can mke a pointer variable of value typr only.

    1. C++
    2. C#
    3. Java
    4. Both java and C++
  7. A variable in ________ cannot be used unless and until it is not initialized.

    1. C++
    2. C#
    3. ALGOL
    4. C
  8. Java code when compiled is converted into ________ code.

    1. Bit code
    2. Byte code
    3. Kbytes code
    4. Giga byte Code
  9. In C#, strings are ________.

    1. Non-Immutable
    2. Immutable
    3. Neither Immutable nor Non-Immutable
    4. Aliasable
  10. Managed or safe code in ________ is executed under the control of common language runtime (CLR) with automatic garbage collection, no explicit memory allocation and de allocation and no explicit destructor.

    1. C++
    2. Java
    3. Ada and C++
    4. C#
  11. C# code when compiled is converted into ________ code.

    1. MSIL
    2. MISL
    3. Bytecode
    4. machine native code
  12. In ________ the relationship between a get and set method is inherited, while in ________ it has to be maintained.

    1. Java, C++
    2. C++, C#
    3. Ada, Java
    4. C#, Java or C++
  13. In C# ________ can be inherited from other class but no inheritance from it. On the other hand ________ cannot be inherited and not inheritance from it possible.

    1. Private class, public class
    2. Sealed class, struct in C#
    3. struct in C#, Sealed class
    4. public class, inheritance class
  14. Which of the given statement is True if "$a" is not identical to "$b" in php?

    1. $a != $
    2. $a =! $
    3. $a !== $b
    4. $a ==! $
  15. In ________ Boolean expression is convertible into integer type.

    1. C#
    2. C++
    3. JAVA
    4. Ada
  16. Classes and objects of PHP are similar to ________.

    1. Classes and objects of Java
    2. Classes and objects of C++
    3. Classes and objects of Basic
    4. Classes and objects of C
  17. How many <script> tags can be used in the <head> element?

    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Many
  18. In how many places a javascript code can be placed?

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  19. Enumeration type in C# may take any type of ________ in contrast to C++ where it take only ________.

    1. Numeric value, integer value
    2. Value type value, numeric value
    3. Primitive type value, reference type value
    4. Value type value, reference type value
  20. ________ compile into machine independent language, independent code which run in a managed execution environment.

    1. C#
    2. Java
    3. C++
    4. Ada
  21. Which operator is used for concatenation in JavaScript?

    1. +
    2. |
    3. $
    4. dot(.)
  22. Which of the given operator is used to return a reference from a function in PHP?

    1. &
    2. &&
    3. $
    4. Dot
  23. Which of the following is not true about delegates?

    1. Delegates are value type
    2. Delegates are event based
    3. Delegates are like C/C++ function pointer
    4. Delegates are reference type