In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Immunology (BT302)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Th1 cells release cytokine like IFNy upon activation which is inhibitory for ________.

    1. macrophages
    2. CTL
    3. Th2 cells
    4. mast cells
  2. IL-12 is produced by dendritic cells & macrophages which enhance the cytolytic activity of ________.

    1. cytotoxic T-cells
    2. NK cells
    3. T helper cells
    4. phagocytic cells
  3. Chemokines are cytokines that are responsible for ________,

    1. leucocytes proliferation
    2. leucocytes migration
    3. leucocytes inhibition
    4. leucocytes killing
  4. S. aureus produces ________ enzyme to resist the process of phagocytosis.

    1. protease
    2. coagulase
    3. oxidase
    4. lysozyme
  5. Vesicular pathogens are presented in combination with class I MHC to ________.

    1. T cytotoxic cells
    2. T helper cells
    3. B-cells
    4. NK cells
  6. Cytokines are ________.

    1. Diverse group of non-antibody proteins
    2. Diverse group of antibody proteins
    3. Diverse group of non-antibody lipids
    4. Diverse group of non-antibody cells
  7. Major form of change in antigenic structure results in new strains of microbe is called ________.

    1. Antigenic shift
    2. Antigenic drift
    3. Antigenic Variation
    4. Antigenic mutation
  8. Th2 cells upon activation secrete cytokines like IL-4 and IL-5 which activate ________.

    1. APC
    2. CTL
    3. Macrophages
    4. B-cells
  9. Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha is produced by activated ________ in response to microbes or either products.

    1. monoctyes
    2. T-cells
    3. macrophages
    4. lymphocytes
  10. The mechanism of immune evasion by Listeria monocytogenes is ________.

    1. inhibition of phagolysosome formation
    2. inactivation of reactive oxygen species
    3. disruption of phagosome membrane
    4. inactivation of reactive nitrogen species
  11. Cytokines, Interferon gamma & Interleukin (IL-1), are produced by ________.

    1. basophils
    2. neutrophils
    3. macrophages & monocytes
    4. T helper cells
  12. Cytokine ________ is involved in the class switching of antibody to lgE.

    1. TGF-β
    2. IL-5
    3. IL-2
    4. IL-4
  13. These all are true for immune avasion EXCEPT ________.

    1. Maximizes the ability of organism to develop infection
    2. Enhance the ability of tumor cells to evade
    3. Occurs either by weak immune response
    4. Humoral immunity connot be evaded only
  14. Upon CTL degranulation, polyperforin channels are developed in the presence of ________.

    1. Magnesium
    2. Factor B
    3. Calcium
    4. Factor D