In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Human Resource Management (MGT501)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. According to which of the following theories we can learn through observations and personal experiences?

    1. Operant conditioning theory
    2. Social learning theory
    3. Reengineering theory
    4. Learning theory
  2. Organizational Behavior deals with:

    1. Investor's behavior
    2. Shareholder's behavior
    3. Employee's behavior
    4. Customer's behavior
  3. Which one of the following activity is related to the records keeping stage of development of Human resource management?

    1. Scheduling vacations
    2. Calculating Staffing cost
    3. Application of labor laws
    4. Quality enhancement
  4. Authority is classified among _______ levels of categories.

    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 3
  5. According to which of the following interview type, several applicants are being interviewed by one or more company representatives?

    1. One-to-one interview
    2. Panel interview
    3. Group interview
    4. Stress interview
  6. For minorities or the affected classes, ________ is much fruitful than equal opportunity employment.

    1. Affirmative Action
    2. Workforce Diversity
    3. Merit based Selection
    4. None of the given
  7. Which of the following management function a manager needs to be performed to examine the deviations from standards set in the planning stage.

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  8. Organizational commitment can be developed through promoting ________.

    1. Shared values
    2. Employee incentives
    3. Bonuses
    4. None of the given
  9. Which one method of job analysis is universally superior?

    1. Individual interview method
    2. Group interview method
    3. Observation method
    4. None of the given
  10. Which of the following areas are affected by the reengineering?

    1. Cost
    2. Quality
    3. Speed
    4. All of the given
  11. Which of the given term is used to represent the segments of jobs held by an individual throughout his/her life time?

    1. Responsibility
    2. Career
    3. Occupation
    4. Position
  12. Adeel is responsible for representing his organization to outsiders, which of the following role is being played by him?

    1. Monitor
    2. Spokesperson
    3. Disseminator
    4. Disturbance handler
  13. All of the following are the new trends at workplace for individuals except

    1. Flex time
    2. Education
    3. Standard of living
    4. Restructuring
  14. Which one of the following option best describes the action taken for eliminating the present effects of past discrimination.

    1. Equal Employment Opportunity
    2. Affirmative Action
    3. Backlash
    4. All of the given
  15. Which of the following components consists of a person's beliefs, opnions, knowledge, and information?

    1. Affective component
    2. Cognitive component
    3. Behavioral component
    4. Objective component
  16. Which of the following statements best defines the term "committed workforce"?

    1. They are always on time
    2. They are very hardworking
    3. They do their job as if they own the company
    4. They do their jobs without any mistake
  17. Attitude reflects an individual's feeling or judgement about something therefore it is to be said that attitudes are ________.

    1. Emotional statements
    2. Evaluative statements
    3. Complex statements
    4. Simple statements
  18. Many studies have shown that people are more committed to their jobs if:

    1. They work in isolation
    2. Their participation is valued
    3. They have high rank in the hierarchy
    4. They become the part of union
  19. A management function focusing on setting organization's goals and objectives is:

    1. Planning
    2. Organizing
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  20. When a HR Manager reports on successful cost control with a new health-care package, the primary management function being performed is:

    1. Planning
    2. Organization
    3. Leading
    4. Controlling
  21. Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during:

    1. Mechanistic period
    2. Catalytic period
    3. Organistic period
    4. Strategic period
  22. Periodic reductions in a company's work force to improve its bottom line often called

    1. Rightsizing
    2. Dismissal
    3. Termination
    4. Downsizing
  23. Job description concentrates on which of the following aspects?

    1. KSA of an individual
    2. Job duties & responsibilities
    3. Job worth in an organization
    4. All of the given
  24. Which of the following is NOT a goal of HRM?

    1. Integration of HRM with the corporate strategy of the organization
    2. Producing the desired human behaviour that helps to achieve the organizations goals
    3. Creation of a flexible environment that can easily adopt change
    4. To ensure proper delivery of products
  25. Due to work force diversity, it has become a challenge for the manager to have grip on the ______ of all the workers working in the organization.

    1. Personality
    2. Education
    3. Potential
    4. None of the given
  26. The procedure of initiating a document that specifies job title, department, the date the employee is needed for work, and other details, is known as:

    1. Employee request
    2. Employee appropriation
    3. Employee requisition
    4. Employee demand
  27. Which of the following disciplines deals with the impact of individual's behaviour in an organization?

    1. Organizational culture
    2. Organizational norms
    3. Organizational behavior
    4. Organizational rules
  28. Ahmad is working for XYZ organization. He is confronting time management issues at the workplace. being a manager of the organization which of the following skills set you will require to help Ahmad in this situation.

    1. Technical skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Conceptuals skills
    4. Learning skills
  29. Which of the following statement is true to be an outstanding performer on the job?

    1. It is necessary to please your boss by paying him or her particular attention
    2. It is necessary to do late sittings with an aim to influence your supervisor’s perception
    3. It is necessary to take an initiative to do more than what is expected
    4. It is necessary to control or influence your boss in a tricky way
  30. Which of the following is not a function of HRM?

    1. Recruitment
    2. Training
    3. Procurement
    4. None of the given
  31. Which one of the following components of attitude represents a person's opinions, knowledge, and information?

    1. Affective component
    2. Behavioral component
    3. Objective component
    4. Cognitive component
  32. The main source of information is

    1. Upgraded technology
    2. Human mind
    3. Competitors' pressure
    4. Research & Development
  33. Which one is not true about the Re-engineering?

    1. Stress level may be magnified
    2. Conflict level may get severe
    3. It may leave the employees confused and angry
    4. People remain unaffected
  34. The mass movement of technically skilled people from one country to another is known as:

    1. Immigration
    2. Brain drain
    3. Transfer
    4. Shifting
  35. Which one of the following is best description of the selection process?

    1. It matches goals and objectives of structural changes of the organization
    2. It provides remedial skill training, when necessary
    3. It builds a large applicant pool
    4. It assesses probable job success of applicants
  36. Which one tool is helpful for identifying and preparing the individuals for upper level positions?

    1. Succession plans
    2. Replacement charts
    3. Skills inventories
    4. All of the given
  37. Which of the following is a micro-level challenge faced by an organization?

    1. Work force diversity
    2. Restructuring
    3. Legislation
    4. Technology
  38. Which one is true statement about groups?

    1. A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team
    2. A group is always a team
    3. A group is like a team
    4. Team and groups are same
  39. Which one of the following functions of Human Resource Management is related to career counseling of employees?

    1. Training and development
    2. Planning & selection
    3. Compensation & benefits
    4. Maintenance of HRIS
  40. Which of the following term contains information regarding machines and equipment used at workplace?

    1. Job analysis
    2. Job specification
    3. Job description
    4. Job evaluation
  41. Most line managers are responsible for:

    1. Staff functions
    2. Not for staff functions
    3. For some staff functions
    4. None of the given
  42. 'Fair employment legislation' is applicable to which of the following?

    1. Collective bargaining
    2. Planning & selection
    3. Training & development
    4. Grapevine network
  43. ________ of an organization is achieved by combining capital, raw material and human resource.

    1. Sales
    2. Capital
    3. Input
    4. Output
  44. Today's team-based organizations rely mainly on ______, which do not have depatmental affiliation and function independently.

    1. Self-managed teams
      Quality circles
    2. Cross departmental teams
    3. Process teams
    4. Virtual teams
  45. Productivity = _______.

    1. Effectiveness x Efficiency
    2. Effectiveness / Efficiency
    3. Effectiveness - Efficiency
    4. Effectiveness + Efficiency
  46. Which selection tool is considered least by HR managers while hiring an individual?

    1. Candidate interviews
    2. Reference letters
    3. Application blanks
    4. Academic records
  47. Which of the following discipline deals with the impact of individual's behaviour in an organization?

    1. Organizational culture
    2. Organizational norms
    3. Organizational behaviour
    4. Organizational rules
  48. In how many stages transformation of personnel management took place into human resource management?

    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  49. Ahmad is dissatisfied at work and decided to quit. Which of the following component of attitude is represented in this statement.

    1. Cognitive
    2. Affective
    3. Behavioral
    4. Learning
  50. Which of the following issues were more prominent during catalytic period of transformation from personnel management to Human resource management.

    1. Rules and regulations
    2. Mergers and acquisitions
    3. Re-engineering
    4. All of the given
  51. Mr. Ali works in an organization where he gets remuneration on the basis of number of units produced rather than the hours he works or the performance. It is actually an example of:

    1. Wage
    2. Salary
    3. Piece meal
    4. Commission
  52. How can companies provide career counseling, development advice and therapy for employees seeking to grow in their careers?

    1. Provide career coaches
    2. Encourage role reversal
    3. Establish a corporate campus
    4. Offer online career centers
  53. The term "people" is one of the components of an organization which refers to:

    1. Society
    2. Customers
    3. Human resource
    4. General public
  54. When an organization establishes a proper day care responds to the ________ challenge.

    1. Technology
    2. Empowerment
    3. Increasing dual career families
    4. Quality work
  55. Which of the following practice involves the selling off portions of the company and making severe staff reductions?

    1. Redesigning
    2. Restructuring
    3. Organizational designing
    4. Reengineering
  56. Which of the following is the major objective of training function of HRM?

    1. To attract qualified applicants to fill the job vacancies
    2. To give employees the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively
    3. To help a new employee adjust himself to the new job and the employer
    4. To monitor employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels
  57. Which of the following is not a type of role?

    1. Task Oriented Role
    2. Relationship Oriented Role
    3. Individual Role
    4. None of the given
  58. The frequency of conducting performance appraisal is based on:

    1. Environmental challenges
    2. Training sessions
    3. Job analysis
    4. Organizational policies
  59. Which of the following statement is not an example of attitude.

    1. Knowledge and information held by a person
    2. Happiness at securing a higher position
    3. Opinion about a new product
    4. Cost of developing a product
  60. The efforts of organization to groom its incumbents so that they may perform frugally in the assignments on their expected esteemed hierarchies may be referred as:

    1. Education
    2. Development
    3. Training
    4. None of the given
  61. Which one of the following action taken by the organization is much fruitful than equal employment opportunity for minorities or the affected classes?

    1. Affirmative Action
    2. Workforce Diversity
    3. Merit based Selection
  62. The mental process to pay attention selectively to some stimuli and cues in our environment is known as:

    1. Perception
    2. Personality
    3. Attitude
    4. Ability
  63. The intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services is called?

    1. Technology
    2. Structure of Organization
    3. Leadership
    4. Human Resource
  64. A group is made up of different people, when analyzing group diversity what characteristics needs to be consider

    1. Age
    2. Gender
    3. Religion and culture
    4. All of the given
  65. Following are the individual challenges which today's organization is facing except

    1. Empowerment
    2. Job Insecurity
    3. Total Quality Management
    4. Brain Drain
  66. Which of the following is an example of informal group?

    1. Taskforce
    2. Social Networks
    3. School
    4. Board of directors
  67. Job analysis can be performed in all of these ways EXCEPT:

    1. Observing hourly workers
    2. Reviewing exit interviews conduct with departing employees
    3. Studying diaries or daily journals that managers kept over a six-month period
    4. Listening to sixteen assembly line workers in a group discussion
  68. Individual career development depends on

    1. Job performance
    2. Growth opportunities
    3. Key subordinates
    4. All of the given
  69. Which of the following is not a reason for growing importance of Human Resource Management?

    1. Knowledge base is the foundation of organization's core competencies
    2. Effective disbursement of finances to each department
    3. Success depends on people's skills, knowledge and abilities
    4. Employees play a major role to distinguish organization from their competitors
  70. Human resource management considers organization as:

    1. Entity
    2. Process
    3. Person
    4. Staffing
  71. What is the difference between human resource management in a large and a small organization?

    1. Small organizations can afford to hire only specialists as compared to large organizations
    2. Small organizations do not need any human resources management professionals as compared to large organizations
    3. Small business need only employment department activities and therefore hires only recruiters as compared to large organizations
    4. Small organizations usually have generalists who perform a variety of HRM tasks as compared to large organizations
  72. Which of the following skills are required most by the Top-level managers?

    1. Technical skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Conceptual skills
    4. All of the given
  73. How do companies facilitate workforce diversity?

    1. By relying on external support systems for minority workers
    2. By encouraging employees to challenge beliefs and values of other employees
    3. By organizing social activities
    4. By reinforcing traditional values
  74. For inclusion of diversity in the workplace what kind of differences should be consider?

    1. Religious & culture
    2. Racial & ethical groups
    3. Gender
    4. All of the given
  75. The goal setting, Policy making & Strategy formulation are related to which of the following management functions?

    1. Planning
    2. Controlling
    3. Leading
    4. Organizing
  76. An organization wants to change the way the functions are performed. Management has decided to sale off the portion of the company for making it more efficient and therefore more profitable. This process is called:

    1. Restructuring
    2. Recycling
    3. Reconditioning
    4. Reengineering
  77. The loss of intellectual property(human resource) when competitors take away key employees is known as:

    1. Brain drain
    2. Reengineering
    3. Restructuring
    4. Outsourcing
  78. Which of the following is mandatory for the formation of an organization?

    1. An individual
    2. Two or more individuals
    3. A proprietor
    4. An employee
  79. An activity in an organization aimed at creating greater efficiency by eliminating certain jobs is:

    1. Downsizing
    2. Righsizing
    3. Selection
    4. Recruitment
  80. Successful organizations treat their employees as:

    1. A liability
    2. An asset
    3. An assistant
    4. A subordinate
  81. Which of these is not a technique used to manage the surplus of the workforce?

    1. Early retirements
    2. Creative Recruiting
    3. Restricted hiring
    4. Reduced hours
  82. It is often perceived that "Women are bad drivers" is an example of

    1. Backlash
    2. Stereotyping
    3. Diversity
    4. Resistance
  83. Which of the following levels of managers develop organizational wide goals.

    1. Middle
    2. First-line
    3. Low
    4. Top
  84. The cognitive component of a person consists of his ________.

    1. Emotions
    2. Knowledge
    3. Attitude
    4. Feelings
  85. Which of the following term is described as "The process of determining the human resource needs of an organization and ensuring that the right number of qualified people are positioned in the right jobs at the right time"?

    1. Job planning
    2. Resource planning
    3. Human resource planning
    4. Succession planning
  86. For which of the following level of managers technical skills are more important

    1. Top level managers
    2. Middle level managers
    3. First line managers
    4. Non-management personnel
  87. The HR managers are generally known as:

    1. Line manager
    2. Functional manager
    3. Staff manager
    4. Operational manager
  88. Which one is the quality of informal group?

    1. They are social in nature
    2. They have designated work assignments
    3. They are established by the organizations
    4. They have predefined norms
  89. Attracting and retaining personnel on which of the following position is least challenging job in a garment factory?

    1. Job of a dress designer
    2. Clerical job in Finance department
    3. Job of marketing executive
    4. Head of stitching unit