In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Business Mathematics & Statistics (MTH302)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The regression equation is the line with slope passing through

    1. The point (bar(x),bar(y))
    2. The point (x,y)
    3. The point (y,x)
    4. The point (bar(y),bar(x))
  2. Class width of the given data is defined as ratio of

    1. Range and number of values in the given data
    2. Range and the number of classes
    3. Range and mid point/value
    4. None of the given
  3. If a dice is thrown then the probability of getting an odd number or an even number is

    1. 1/2
    2. 1/3
    3. 1
    4. None of the given
  4. If the graph is very much scattered, then what can be the suitable value of r?

    1. r = - 0.9
    2. r = -0.5
    3. r = 0.1
    4. r = 0.8
  5. By ________ company evaluates that for every rupee generated in sales, how much is left over to cover basic operating costs and profit.

    1. markup
    2. margin
    3. markup & margin
    4. percent on cost
  6. Increase 60 by 20%, then increased value is ________.

    1. 74
    2. 75
    3. 72
    4. 73
  7. nCn =___________

    1. nC0
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. None of the given
  8. A marker that was bought for Rs. 60 was marked up 15% of the sale price. What is original sale price?

    1. 70
    2. 71
    3. 74
    4. None of the given
  9. In scatter diagram, clustering of points around a straight line indicates

    1. Linear regression
    2. Non-linear regression
    3. Curvilinear linear regression
    4. Both 1 and 2
  10. The sum of the deviations about the mean are always ______.

    1. Negative
    2. Zero
    3. Positive
    4. None of the given
  11. For the regression line: Y = a + bX, 'a' is the

    1. Slope of the regression line
    2. y-intercept
    3. x-intercept
    4. None of the given
  12. Plot scatter diagram helps us in finding the relationship b/w

    1. Two variables
    2. Three variables
    3. Constant & a variable
    4. Median & Mode
  13. If the cost of a certain goods item is Rs. 2400 and its selling price is Rs. 4500 then the markup rate is

    1. (4500-2400)/2400
    2. (4500-2400)4500 *100
    3. (4500-2400)/2400*100
    4. (4500-2400)/4500
  14. Which of the following is the better average?

    1. arithmetic mean
    2. geometric mean
    3. harmonic mean
    4. all of the given
  15. For mutually exclusive events A and B

    1. Probability of A intersection B > 0
    2. Probability of A intersection B < 0
    3. Probability of A intersection B = 0
    4. None of the given
  16. Round 3.1456 to 3 decimal places.

    1. 3
    2. 3.14
    3. 3.146
    4. 3.145
  17. In correlation analysis

    1. We consider several independent variables.
    2. We study the strength of the association between two variables.
    3. We consider the intercept with the Y-axis.
    4. We consider only one independent variables.
  18. For the regression line: Y = -X + 5, y-intercept is

    1. -5
    2. 5
    3. -1
    4. 1
  19. Which of the following convert 0.4 to percent?

    1. (0.4 / 100) %
    2. (0.4 × 100) %
    3. (0.4 + 100) %
    4. (0.4 - 100) %
  20. If the value of r is 0.8, then the coefficient of determination is

    1. 67%
    2. 64%
    3. 80%
    4. 75%
  21. If actual value is 180 and trend is 150, the seasonal variation is

    1. 30
    2. 40
    3. -30
    4. -45
  22. If a stock broker buys 200 shares at the rate of Rs.50 per share with a 3% commission then calculate his total cost

    1. 10,000
    2. 300
    3. 10,300
    4. 9,700
  23. A moving average is one of a family of similar techniques used to analyze

    1. Time series data
    2. Correlation data
    3. Regression model
    4. Fitting a curve
  24. If many data points are close to the mean, then the standard deviation is ______.

    1. 0
    2. Small
    3. Large
    4. Middle value
  25. A full ________ is 360 degrees.

    1. Parabola
    2. Sphere
    3. Circle
    4. Cone
  26. If the dependent variable increases with the independent variable then the coefficient of correlation is

    1. 0 to -1
    2. 0 to – 0.5
    3. 0 to -2
    4. 0 to 1
  27. Data of how many variables is presented by the line graph?

    1. one
    2. two
    3. three
    4. four
  28. Which of the following reveals the weakest fact.

    1. The measure of central tendency measures that value which depends only on the extreme values
    2. The measure of central tendency measures that value in tha data which occurs in the data most frequent times.
    3. The measure of central tendency measures the value which has tendency to lie in the central part of the data.
    4. The measure of central tendency measures the distance of values from means
  29. ________ measures the strength of thelinear relationship between the dependent and the independent variable.

    1. Simple correlation coefficient
    2. Distance value
    3. Y intercept
    4. Normal plot
  30. For a data, if mean > median then its distribution is

    1. asymmetrical
    2. symmetrical
    3. left asymmetrical
    4. right asymmetrical
  31. A statistical measure of the variability of a distribution around its mean is referred to as

    1. A probability distribution
    2. The standard deviation
    3. The expected return
    4. Coefficient of variation
  32. In Positively Skewed Distribution, which of the following is true

    1. Mean > median > mode
    2. Mode > median > mean
    3. Mean > mode > median
    4. None of the given
  33. More than one discount may be allowed on an item. In such case, first discount is allowed on the total price of the article and then the second discount is allowed on the amount payable

    1. after first discount
    2. before first discount
    3. both are offered at the same time
    4. None of the given
  34. The price of a car is Rs. 400000. The manufacturer offers a 20% trade discount. Then net price is

    1. 320000
    2. 310000
    3. 300000
    4. None of the given
  35. In negatively skewed distribution the true relation is

    1. A.M < MEDIAN < MODE
    2. A.M > MEDIAN > MODE
    3. A.M = MEDIAN = MODE
    4. None of the given
  36. Ahmed got 65 marks in mathematics in the first term exam. If he gets 80 marks in the mid term exam in the same subject, what is the percentage increase in the marks?

    1. 20.50%
    2. 23.10%
    3. 25.50%
    4. 26.20%
  37. Different ways of organizing univariate categorical data are

    1. The Summary Table
    2. Bar and Pie Charts, the Pareto Diagram
    3. Contingency Tables
    4. Only option 1 & 2
  38. ________ use the division of a circle into different sectors.

    1. Line graph
    2. Sector graphs
    3. Frequency Polygon
    4. Conversion Graphs
  39. A coat that cost 1700 Rs.To make the desired profit, 60% Markup on cost is needed. What is its Selling price?

    1. 2120 Rs
    2. 2520 Rs
    3. 2720 Rs
    4. 2920 Rs
  40. A television sells for Rs 3200, if there is 60% markup on selling price then the cost of the television is

    1. 1280
    2. 1160
    3. 1500
    4. 1560
  41. Contribution rate is equal to

    1. Contribution Margin per unit /Cost price per unit * 100
    2. Contribution Margin per unit /Sale price per unit*100
    3. Contribution Margin per unit /List price per unit*100
    4. Contribution Margin per unit /Purchase price per unit * 100
  42. FREQUENCY Function calculates how often values occur within a range of values.

    1. True
    2. False
  43. Ms. Faiza calculated a correlation coefficient of .75. Which of the following reflects the best interpretation of this?

    1. Weak negative
    2. Strong negative
    3. Weak positive
    4. Strong positive
  44. The equation of regression line is y + 5x = 0. What will be the intercept?

    1. 5
    2. 1
    3. 0
    4. -5
  45. In binomial distribution, each observation represents

    1. One of two outcomes ("success" or "failure")
    2. Only one outcome ("success")
    3. Only one outcome ("failure")
    4. None of the given
  46. The equation of the regression line is 2y + 5x – 3 = 0. What will be the slope and intercept of the line?

    1. slope = -5, intercept = 3
    2. slope = 5, intercept = -3
    3. slope = -2.5, intercept = 1.5
    4. slope = 2.5, intercept = -1.5
  47. Poisson probabilty density function has ________ parameter(s)

    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. None of the given
  48. If the net price of a printer is Rs. 2000 after 20% trade discount. Then what is the list price?

    1. Rs. 1600
    2. Rs. 1667
    3. Rs. 2100
    4. Rs. 2500
  49. The Marks of mathematics on weekly basis for three months Period Marks Moving Averages Month 1 Week 1 70 Week 2 60? Week 3 65 ? Month 2 Week 1 80? Week 282? Week 3 85 ? Month 3 Week 1 60 ? Week 2 75? Week 380. The Moving Averages will be ________.

    1. 65 68.3 75.7 82.3 75.7 73.3 71.7
    2. 65 70 75.7 82.3 71 72 71.7
    3. 65 71 73 82.3 75.7 73.3 71.7
    4. 65 68.3 70 72 73 73.3 71.7
  50. What is not a characteristic of poisson distribution.

    1. Either/or situation.
    2. mean number of successes per unit,m,known and fixed.
    3. p,chance unknown and large
    4. None of the given
  51. Suppose we developed the following least squares regression equation: Y = 3.5 +2.1X. Which of the following statements iscorrect?

    1. The dependent variable increases 2.1 for an increase of 1 in X
    2. The equation crosses the Y-axis at 3.
    3. If X = 5, then Y =14.
    4. X and Y are inversely proportional
  52. While solving the problem of selling price, following formula is entered in a cell on excel sheet as “=(1+A18/100)*A17”,where

    1. (1+A18/100) is the multiplication factor.
    2. (A18/100) is the %markup in fraction
    3. Both (a) and (b) are correct
    4. Both (a) and (b) are incorrect
  53. The syntax intercept (known y’s, known x’s) gives

    1. x- intercept
    2. y- intercept
    3. Both 1 and 2 are same
    4. None of the given
  54. A company gives 29% of gross salary as social charges to its employee. If social charges worth 377Rs, what is employee's GROSS SALARY?

    1. 377×100/29
    2. 377/29
    3. 29/(377×100)
    4. 29/377
  55. In scatter diagram the dependent variable is plotted on the

    1. x-axis
    2. y-axis
  56. The rate of change along the regression line is called

    1. Linear regression
    2. Non Linear regression
    3. Slope
    4. Curve
  57. If A and B are two square matrices. Then, at what condition they are the inverses of each other?

    1. If their products, in both orders, is a rectangular matrix.
    2. If their products, in both orders, is an identity matrix.
    3. If their products, in both orders, is a scalar matrix.
    4. If their products, in both orders, is a zero matrix.
  58. Gross Salary is same as Take Home Salary.

    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE
  59. If the data collected from a factory in three shifts; morning, afternoon and evening for four days. Then average of one day is known as

    1. Moving Average
    2. Weighted average
    3. Both 1 and 2
    4. None of the given
  60. If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population variance is

    1. 3
    2. 9
    3. 21.35
    4. 81
  61. The frequency of the required class can be obtained from the cumulative frequency

    1. by subtracting the cumulative frequency of the relative class from the next cumulative frequency
    2. by subtracting the cumulative frequency of the relative class from the total frequency
    3. by subtracting the cumulative frequency of the relative class from the previous cumulative frequency
    4. None of the given
  62. Find Simple Interest for 3 years at a rate of 5% on $2,000.

    1. $30
    2. $300
    3. $2,300
    4. $3,000
  63. If a matrix B with dimension 3x1. Then, which of the following is true for B?

    1. It is a row matrix.
    2. It is a square matrix.
    3. It is a column matrix.
    4. It is an identity matrix.
  64. Trimmed mean is the mean of ________.

    1. The remaining data
    2. The middle data
    3. The data from last
    4. None of the given
  65. The syntax slope (known y’s , known x’s) gives

    1. regression coefficient of y on x
    2. regression coefficient of x on y
    3. Both 1 and 2 are same
    4. None of the given
  66. The equation for the intercept of the regression line is Y=a+bX where b is

    1. Intercept
    2. Slope
    3. Equation
    4. Dependant variable
  67. Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the weakest correlation between two variables?

    1. 0.15
    2. -0.15
    3. 0.02
    4. -1.00