In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=HRM623) (MGMT623)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. An organization's performance judged by the quality and quantity of the jobs performed is called:

    1. Productivity
    2. Performance effectiveness
    3. Growth
    4. Performance efficiency
  2. A leader who performs activities such as assigning specific tasks, specifying procedures to be followed, scheduling work and clarifying expectations of team members is exhibiting which of the following dimension of leadership defined by Ohio state group?

    1. Democratic
    2. Initiating structure
    3. Consideration
    4. Employee oriented
  3. Which of the following strategies are for cultivating exemplary followers?

    1. Empower them
    2. Acknowledge their power both publicly and privately
    3. Trust them
    4. All of the given
  4. Which of the following is called the foundation of leadership?

    1. Followership
    2. Situation
    3. Management
    4. Trust
  5. Followers that are more concerned about their own benefits and do not like to work in teams are called:

    1. Alienated followers
    2. Exemplary followers
    3. Proactive followers
    4. Pragmatic followers
  6. Which of the following followers work according to the rules and regulations defined by the leader or organizations?

    1. Alienated followers
    2. Exemplary followers
    3. Proactive followers
    4. Pragmatic followers
  7. Interpersonal roles include which of the following three roles?

    1. Disseminator, figurehead and liaison
    2. Figurehead, leader and liaison
    3. Disturbance handler, monitor and entrepreneur
    4. Monitor, resource allocator and negotiator
  8. According to Mintzberg, one of management's interpaersonal roles is ________.

    1. Spokesperson
    2. Leader
    3. Negotiator
    4. Monitor
  9. Conventional follower is important for a leader as they are ________.

    1. Highly creative
    2. Risk taker
    3. Whistle blower
    4. Conflict avoider
  10. Who fixes the blame for breakdown?

    1. Manager
    2. Leader
    3. Instructor
    4. Mentor