In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

School, Community and Teacher (EDU501)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Group learning should be ________.

    1. Discouraged
    2. Encouraged
    3. To some extent
    4. Motivate
  2. Nationalism is good example of:

    1. Cultural complex
    2. Cultural diversity
    3. Cultural heritage
    4. Cultural harmony
  3. Organizational supervision is conducted through:

    1. Permissive
    2. Centralized
    3. Democratic
    4. All of the given
  4. Beliefs values, norms attitudes and customs refer to:

    1. cultural war
    2. cultural pattern
    3. Cultural dilemma
    4. Cultural diversity
  5. School is the name of ________.

    1. Close interaction
    2. Strong interaction
    3. open interaction
    4. Partial interaction
  6. Peer learning, or peer instruction, is a type of ________ learning that involves students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss concepts, or find solutions to problems.

    1. Collaborative
    2. Conflict
    3. Assimilation
    4. Cooperation
  7. What are the three pillars of the society?

    1. School, community and teachers
    2. Society, community and teachers
    3. Community, Culture and society
    4. Teacher, community and society
  8. In ________ learning, students work together in small groups to complete a structured task or goal.

    1. Collaborative
    2. Cooperative
    3. Cooperation
    4. Assimilation
  9. According to 1998, the dropout rate of primary olevel in Pakistan is ________.

    1. 50%
    2. 60%
    3. 40%
    4. 70%
  10. Climate and landscape help the child in ________.

    1. History
    2. Education
    3. Geography
    4. Business
  11. ________ group are based on family and friends.

    1. Family and friends
    2. Profession
    3. Secondary
    4. Primary
  12. Which is not inherited by biologically but it is learnt socially by man in society?

    1. Money
    2. Intelligence
    3. Knowledge
    4. Culture
  13. The community surrounding the school has a ________ or indirect influence on the culture of the school.

    1. Known
    2. direct
    3. A little
    4. Nothing
  14. Parent can write fot the magazine:

    1. Relaxed to school issues
    2. Related to school education
    3. Related to parenting
    4. All of the given
  15. Primary group is based on ________.

    1. School and students
    2. Work place and profession
    3. Family and work place
    4. Family and friends
  16. What is the main reason of low literacy rate?

    1. Poverty
    2. Teacher qualification
    3. Strict school rules
    4. Teacher experience
  17. The study of earth is called ________.

    1. Geometry
    2. Geography
    3. community education
    4. Education
  18. Authoritative is the gender sign of ________.

    1. Humblest
    2. Power
    3. Softness
    4. Balance behavior
  19. Most important component of all these symbols of culture is:

    1. Objects with meaning
    2. Language
    3. Memory
    4. Art
  20. Cultural pattern of society has number of

    1. Cultural pattern
    2. Vernacular Culture
    3. Cultural complex
    4. Cultural diversity
  21. Environment, cleanliness, recycling fall in ________.

    1. Shared project
    2. Intergrade project
    3. Thematic project
    4. Individual project
  22. The role of community is to generate

    1. Sense of attachment
    2. Fun fare
    3. Self-projection
    4. Isolation
  23. ________ is to treat to each other equally without bullying each other or criticizing each other.

    1. Peace
    2. Spirit
    3. Social status
    4. Freedom
  24. Group formation is done on the bases of ________.

    1. Economic status
    2. Language
    3. Relatives
    4. Similarly family structure
  25. Who said "A school culture is a complex pattern of norms, attitudes, beliefs, behavior, ceremonies, traditions and myths in the very core of the organization"?

    1. John Dewey
    2. Barth
    3. Rosseau
    4. B, F Skinner
  26. Who are born to be leaders?

    1. Students
    2. Friends
    3. Administrators
    4. Teachers
  27. Many parents do not meet the school administrators or teachers because of the difference of ________.

    1. Respect
    2. Complex
    3. Education
    4. Social class
  28. Community education must have climate of ________.

    1. Naturalism
    2. Cooperation
    3. Partiality
    4. Impartiality
  29. A tool by which we are going to listen to others and say our opinion and look at the priorities of others and accept them.

    1. Competition
    2. Communication
    3. Cooperation
    4. Conflict
  30. A social process of observing one cultural group into harmony with another is called:

    1. Assimilation
    2. Accommodation
    3. Competition
    4. Cooperation