In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Essentials of Genetics (BIO301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Causes genes to not segregate independently. Causes genes to be more likely to be inherited together. Represents an exception to Mendel's Law of Independent assortment.

    1. Gene linkage
    2. Epistasis
    3. Polygenic traits
    4. Codominance
  2. Which two alleles are called co-dominant one another and are expressed when present?

    1. Allele A and Allele B
    2. Allele A and Allele O
    3. Allele B and Allele O
    4. Allele A and Allele i
  3. Barr body is the ________.

    1. Active X chromosome
    2. Inactive X chromosome
    3. Active Y chromosome
    4. Inactive Y chromosome
  4. Which one of the following is not an example of human sex linked disorder?

    1. Huntington's disease
    2. Color blindness
    3. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    4. Hemophilia
  5. Organism with a suppressor mutation is a ________ mutant but exhibits the phenotype of un-mutated wild type.

    1. Wild
    2. Natural
    3. Single
    4. Double