In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Nano Biotechnology (BT405)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Expand ROS

    1. Responsive oxygen species
    2. Reactive oxygen species
    3. Receptive oxygen species
    4. Responsible oxygen species
  2. ________ is used to avoid nanoparticles from agglomeration and they don't get deposited.

    1. Surfactant
    2. Algal Extract
    3. Ceramic
    4. Choloroform
  3. Which of the following is not an example of nanostructured materials?

    1. Nanocrystalline
    2. Nanocomposite
    3. Hybrid materials
    4. All of these are nanostructured materials
  4. Which of the following isn't a benefit of nanocoatings?

    1. Substrate waterproofing
    2. Prolonged substrate lifespan and application use
    3. Ultraviolet (UV) stability
    4. Urea preparation
  5. Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths between ________ and ________.

    1. 250 and 450 nm
    2. 400 and 700 nm
    3. 500 and 700 nm
    4. 200 and 350 nm
  6. Which of the following is a solar photocatalytic remediation, however has a weaker photocatalytic effect compared to TiO2

    1. Zinc dioxide
    2. Platinum oxide
    3. Sodium hydroxide
    4. Indium tin oxide
  7. ________ appear to be like graphite sheets rolled up with fullerene-type end caps, but have totally different properties compared to graphite?

    1. Graphene nanodots
    2. Graphene nanorods
    3. Carbon nanotubes
    4. Carbon nanowires
  8. Diameter of carbon nanotubes is

    1. <100 nm
    2. <50 nm
    3. 30 nm
    4. None of the given
  9. The drug resistance occurs due to the presence of

    1. Chemical barrier
    2. Physiological barrier
    3. Physiochemical barrier
    4. None of the given
  10. Which of the following biological polymers are used in the production of nanofibers?

    1. Protein, Collagen
    2. Lipids, Fats
    3. Protein, Lipids
    4. Collagen, Fat
  11. A molecule that specifically recognizes the analyte is known as ________?

    1. Biomarker
    2. Bioreceptor
    3. Biomachine
    4. Transducer
  12. The temperature stability of nanotubes in vacuum is

    1. 1900 °C
    2. 2300 °C
    3. 2800 °C
    4. 3200 °C
  13. One of the significant parameter used in the estimation of the concentration of biodegradable organic pollutants present in a water sample is ________?

    1. Biological oxygen demand
    2. Biochemical oxygen demand
    3. Chemical oxygen demand
    4. Catalytic oxidation
  14. When the gold treated with the Nanoparticles it changes from yellow to ________?

    1. Golden
    2. Orange
    3. Black
    4. Red
  15. Antibody-based biosensors are also known as ________.

    1. Microbiosensors
    2. Immunosensors
    3. Potentiometric Biosensors
    4. Biochips
  16. The quantum confinement effect is observed when the size of the nanoparticle is ________ to be comparable to the wavelength of the electron.

    1. large
    2. small
    3. constant
    4. equal to wavelength of electron
  17. The transduction methods used in biochips are ________.

    1. Surface plasmon resonance
    2. MRI
    3. CT scan
    4. Self Enhanced Resonance Spectroscopy
  18. Which of the following is incorrect about Gene chip?

    1. It is a slide attached DNA oligomers representing the entire genome of the species under study
    2. Array of immobilized DNA oligomers cannot be cDNAs
    3. Each oligomer is spotted on the slide and serves as a probe for binding to a unique complementary cDNA
    4. It is the most commonly used global gene expression profiling method
  19. A sensor which converts light rays into an electronic signal is:

    1. Optical sensors
    2. Sensors
    3. Biosensors
    4. Bioreceptors
  20. Who used the word Nanotechnology for the first time?

    1. Professor Claudio of SEPRL, USA
    2. Professor Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University
    3. Professor Patti Miller of Japan Science University
    4. Professor David of Japan Science University
  21. Smart coatings can also be passive in the sense of changing their optical properties due to:

    1. Thermochromic & photochromic
    2. wavelength
    3. infrared
    4. environmental conditions
  22. Different phases of liquid crystals can be distinguished by their

    1. Electric properties
    2. Magnetic properties
    3. Chemical properties
    4. Optical properties
  23. Liquid crystal is a phase that exists between

    1. Liquid and gas
    2. Gas and plasma
    3. Solid and liquid
    4. None of the given
  24. The material which contains two or more phase separated components with morphology of spheres, cylinders or networks with nano-sized dimensions is ________?

    1. Nanocylinder
    2. Nanostructure
    3. Nanocomposite
    4. Nanodot
  25. An optical sensor converts ________.

    1. Detects the presence of an object
    2. Light rays into an electronic signal
    3. It measures the changes in the temperature
    4. Measue distance as well as velocity of an object
  26. Which one of the following is neoplastic disease?

    1. Hypertension
    2. Coronary disease
    3. Cancer
    4. Parkinson's disease
  27. An amount of incident light is converted into an output current by:

    1. solar cell
    2. Photodiodes
    3. Optical Sensors
    4. Reflective Sensors
  28. The size range of Metal nanoparticles MNPs is

    1. 1-10 nm
    2. 10-100 nm
    3. 1-100 nm
    4. 100-1000 nm
  29. The self-healing properties of natural adhesives are due to the properties of the ________ contained in them?

    1. Proteins
    2. Glycans
    3. minerals
    4. covalent bond
  30. Which of the following is natural self adhesive material?

    1. Silver nanodots
    2. Nanobeads
    3. Nanocavities
    4. Diatoms
  31. Which process is mainly used in the formation of Nanofibers?

    1. Electroplating
    2. Spectrometry
    3. Cytometry
    4. Electrospining