In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Gender Issues in Psychology (PSY512)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Which one of the following is not a form/variation of feminism?

    1. Cultural
    2. Radical
    3. Oppositional
    4. Liberal
  2. A type of research in which focus of investigation is a single case or a small sample is known as:

    1. Surveys
    2. Case studies
    3. Focus groups
    4. Interviews
  3. Who among the following is considered the first feminist writer in the medieval period?

    1. Marquis de Condorcet
    2. Mary Wollstonecraft
    3. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
    4. Christine de Pizan
  4. Excessive prenatal production of androgen from adrenal glands causes which of the following syndromes?

    1. XYY syndrome
    2. Adrenogential Syndrome
    3. Klinefelter syndrome
    4. Turner's syndrome
  5. when the gender perception of the researcher interferes in the accurate fact finding process it is ctegorized as:

    1. Interference
    2. Gender blindness
    3. Overgeneralizing
    4. Androcentricity
  6. "Personality is guided and run by basic energy; instincts are the source of energy", is the view point of:

    1. Ivan Pavlov
    2. J. B. Watson
    3. William James
    4. Sigmund Freud
  7. The first Women's Rights Convention was held in which of the following cities?

    1. Moscow
    2. New York
    3. London
    4. Washington
  8. When did the first scientific Society for Women established in Middleberg, Dutch Republic?

    1. 1791
    2. 1775
    3. 1700s
    4. 1785
  9. The modern Feminist movement emerged from which of the following areas?

    1. West
    2. South
    3. North
    4. East