Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Transition metals are coloured because of d-d transitions while organic molecules are coloured because of ________.
Amplitude (A) of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the ________ vector at the maximum in the wave.
which of the following is example of cation exchange Sorbents?
C6H13CH=CH2 is example of ________?
what is Epsilon in Beer Lambert Law?
________ of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the electrical vector at the maximum in the wave.
n to s* Transition occurs in O, N, S and ________?
________ Transition occurs in alkenes, carbonyl, azo compounds and alkynes.
Lymen series lies in ________ range.
Chromophores color-bearing functional group exhibits a characteristic absorption spectrum in the ________?
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