Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
The study of full complement of proteins expressed by a genome is called
Which of the following is not protein fragmentation technique.
Which of the following is untrue anout the modification of PAM matrices?
In Corey-Paulin-Koltun Diagram, each atom is represented by ________.
Who discovered diffraction pattern for DNA?
Mfold gives out (output) several structures along with their ________.
An alpha helix is formed by hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen of an amine group and the backbone carbonyl group how many amino acids upstream of it?
How many proteins does the human body produce?
The ________ tool compares nucleotide sequence against DNA database.
GenBank database is maintained by ________.
Which one of the following is not a tool for protein visualization?
Which of the following is the smallest of the RNAs?
Beeta-pleated sheets are the examples of ________.
Laboratory work using computers and computer-generated models generally offline is referred as:
X-ray diffraction data helps measure ________.
Name any two frequently used scoring matrices
Sum of stabilizing and destabilizing energies can help determine the ________.
Dot plot of repeating elements would be small crosses on plot.
Which of the following is untrue about the Unweighted Pair Group Method Using Arithmetic Average?
The BLAST program was developed in ________ .
Zuker's Algorithm involves energy ________.
Unfolding of a protein can be termed as ________.
Beta Sheets are secondary structure that can be formed as a result of ________.
________ are the units of proteins.
In dynamic programming we can do multiple sequence alignment upto ________
DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein, this process is termed as
The basic idea of thermodynamic stability is to maximize bonding in order to minimize the free energy.
Bioinformatics can deliver:
RNA is the genetic material in
Which of the following is not a benefit of BLAST?
If two atoms are participating in a covalent bond, their distance will be equal to?
Alpha helices and beta sheets are formed because of ________.
Messenger RNA is only ________ of RNA content in the cell.
GenBank and SWISSPORT are example of
Which of the following is not a benefit or a factual of FASTA over BLAST?
Which of the following statements about amino acids is correct?
The first RNA processing event is
For which one of the following activities, bioinformatics is used in modern biological sciences?
Ribbon diagram use cylinders or spiral ribbons to represent alpha-helices and broad, flat arrows to represent beeta-strands.
Translation is the process in which
Dynamic Programming uses a "________" to deal with matches, mismatches and gaps.
CLUSTALW is a more recent version of CLUSTAL with the W standing for ________.
Which of the following doesn't describe local alignment?
Amino acids are mostly synthesized from
All of the following are protein sequence database, except ________.
The greater the number of bonds between the amino acids, the ________ stable a protein becomes.
BLASTX uses protein sequences as queries to search against a protein sequence database.
How many types of secondary structures can be formed possibly by folding of RNA?
To determine the number of each type of interaction within a protein, we need to find its inter atomic distances.
X-Ray Crystallography data shows that hydrogen atoms of N-Term may come together with Oxygen atoms of C-term amino acid at ________ position.
In multiple sequence alignment (MSA), we have ________ .
Which of these bonds is not involved in forming the secondary structure of a protein?
The ________ E-Value, the more significant the hit.
The interactions which holds and stabilizes the sub-units in 4' structure of proteins are:
The putative ORF can be translated into a protein sequence, which is then used to search against a protein database.
Elongation of transcription and RNA processing are all interconnected?
All of the following are protein sequence databases except ________.
Which of the following is the correct order of organization of genetic material from largest to smallest?
Amino acids are chained together by ________.
Nussinov-Jacobson (NJ) Algorithm is a dynamic Programming (DP) strategy to predict ________.
The identification of drugs through genomic study is known as
X-Ray data need a minimum of ________ resolution.
Which of the following is not an ionization techniques in proteins?
Messenger RNA is
Amino acids are joined together to form polypeptides. Each amino acid is attached to another by a peptide bond. What functional group is created when amino acids are joined together?
A Protein Data Bank (PDB) data file for a protein structure contains only x and y coordinates of atoms.
rRNA is synthesized by:
Balls and sticks are solid spheres and rods, representing atoms and bond, respectively.
Which one of the following is not a "Sequence Alignment Tool"?
The secondary structure of a protein consists of all but one of the following, which is odd one out?
What are 2 things required in order to successfully use the dynamic programming technique?
Black analysis methods use substitution matrices such as the PAM and BLOSUM matrices to score matches.
Addition or removal of amino acids from protein sequences or nucleotides from DNA or RNA sequences is known as?
Alpha Helices are formed by hydrogen bonding between ________ and ________ atoms in the protein backbone?
In a similar way to structure prediction methods can be evaluated using RMSD to measure the similarity between two molecular complexes.
FASTA format start with ________ symbol.
RNA is found in the nucleolus of the cell and DNA is found in
GeneBank and UniPort have
The procedure of aligning two sequences by searching of patterns that is in the same order in the sequences?
74- Scoring Matrices contains,
Which algorithm is used by global alignment?
There are 64 codons in the genetic dictionary as:
Which one of the following methods can be used for statistical evaluation of data?
________ compares protein sequence against protein databases.
All are nucleotide sequence database, except
The scoring of gaps in a MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment) has to be performed in a different manner from scoring gaps in a pair-wise alignment?
C-Alpha atoms are traced to recreate the ________ protein structure.
The Alignment method suitable for finding out conserved patterns in DNA or Protein sequences is
The peptide bond in protein is:
Which of the following is not a variant of BLAST?
In multiple sequence alignment ________ .
The major element of secondary structure in myoglobin and hemoglobin is:
Which of the following methods are broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results.
The correct order of progressive alignment steps for multiple sequence alignment is ________ .
Choose the incorrect statement out of the following?
Which is the default scoring matrix used in BLAST?
Which one of the following issues are addressed by using computational methods, data processing techniques and algorithms?
mRNA directs the building of proteins through a sequence of
In GenBank, specific gene can be searched by using?
What is the source of protein structures in SCOP and CATH?
Which one of the following types of bond is principally responsible for holding the α-helix shape of a protein secondary structure?
Which of the following is the character based phylogenetic tree construction methods?
Single letter code of Tyrosine is ________.
In the alpha helix the hydrogen bond:
The Phi and Psi values of a Beta-strand composed of all D-amino acids will mainly occupy which quadrant in the Ramachandran plot?
Block analysis methods use substitution matrices such as the PAM and BLOSUM matrices to score matches.
Your lab partner is using BLAST, and his best E-value is 3. This means that
Which one of the following are Archaea?
Bioinformatics is the interdisciplinary relative new development of ________.
Progressive alignment methods use the dynamic programming method to build a MSA starting with the most related sequences and then progressively adding less related sequences or groups of sequences to the initial alignment?
In Bottom up proteomics, Enzyme ________ is used to cleave the proteins.
Analyzing or comparing entire genome of species known as,
Which of the following doesn't describe PAM matrices?
Visualization methods are very important in viewing molecular properties on molecules. Of particular note is the rendering of molecular surfaces according to their various properties (that can be expressed numerically).
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