In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Bioinformatics I (BIF401)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The study of full complement of proteins expressed by a genome is called

    1. Proteome
    2. Proteomics
    3. Genomics
    4. Protein formation
  2. Which of the following is not protein fragmentation technique.

    1. Microarray
    2. CID
    3. ECD
    4. None of the given
  3. Which of the following is untrue anout the modification of PAM matrices?

    1. At one time, the RAM250 scoring matrix was modified in an attempt to improve the aligment obtained
    2. All scores for matching a particular amino acid were normaliszed to the same mean and standarf deviation, and all amino acid identities were given the same score to provvide an equal contribution for each amino acid in sequence alignment
    3. This took palace in 1976
    4. These modifications were included as the default matrices for the GCG sequence alignment programs in in versions 8 and earlier and are optional in later versions
  4. In Corey-Paulin-Koltun Diagram, each atom is represented by ________.

    1. Solid Sphere
    2. Balls and sticks
    3. Ribbons
    4. Folds
  5. Who discovered diffraction pattern for DNA?

    1. Watson and Creeks
    2. Rosalyn Franklin
    3. Newton
    4. None of the given
  6. Mfold gives out (output) several structures along with their ________.

    1. Atomic positions
    2. Sequences
    3. Energetic stability
    4. All of the given
  7. An alpha helix is formed by hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen of an amine group and the backbone carbonyl group how many amino acids upstream of it?

    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  8. How many proteins does the human body produce?

    1. As per hypothesis of "One gene = one protein" So, there should at least ~20,000
    2. Hypothesis of "One gene = two protein" So, there should at least ~40,000
    3. Hypothesis of "two gene = one protein" So, there should at least 10,000
    4. No relation of gene and protein
  9. The ________ tool compares nucleotide sequence against DNA database.

    1. blastn
    2. blastp
    3. blastx
    4. tblastn
  10. GenBank database is maintained by ________.

    1. Brookhaven Laboratory
    2. DNA Database of Japan (DDBJ)
    3. European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
    4. National Centre of Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
  11. Which one of the following is not a tool for protein visualization?

    1. Rasmol
    2. CHIME
    3. Paymol
    4. None of the given
  12. Which of the following is the smallest of the RNAs?

    1. Messenger RNA
    2. Transfer RNAs
    3. Ribosomal RNAs
    4. All of the given
  13. Beeta-pleated sheets are the examples of ________.

    1. Primary structure
    2. Secondary structure
    3. Tertiary structure
    4. Quaternary structure
  14. Laboratory work using computers and computer-generated models generally offline is referred as:

    1. Dry-Lab
    2. In-vitro
    3. Web-Lab
    4. Dry-Lab and In-vitro
  15. X-ray diffraction data helps measure ________.

    1. Phi and angles
    2. C-Alpha atoms
    3. Protein structure
    4. Atomic positions
  16. Name any two frequently used scoring matrices

    1. BLAST & FASTA
    2. Protparam & Protscale
    4. BLOSUM & PAM
  17. Sum of stabilizing and destabilizing energies can help determine the ________.

    1. Quantity of 3' RNA structure
    2. Quantity of 2' RNA structure
    3. Quality of 3' RNA structure
    4. Quality of 2' RNA structure
  18. Dot plot of repeating elements would be small crosses on plot.

    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE
  19. Which of the following is untrue about the Unweighted Pair Group Method Using Arithmetic Average?

    1. The simplest clustering method is UPGMA, which builds a tree by a sequential clustering method
    2. Given a distance matrix, it starts by grouping two taxa with the largest pairwise distance in the distance matrix
    3. The distances between this new composite taxon and all remaining taxa are calculated to create a reduced matrix
    4. The grouping process is repeated and another newly reduced matrix is created
  20. The BLAST program was developed in ________ .

    1. 1992
    2. 1995
    3. 1990
    4. 1991
  21. Zuker's Algorithm involves energy ________.

    1. Maximization
    2. Minimization
    3. Stabilizing
    4. Destabilizing
  22. Unfolding of a protein can be termed as ________.

    1. Renaturation
    2. Denaturation
    3. Oxidation
    4. Reduction
  23. Beta Sheets are secondary structure that can be formed as a result of ________.

    1. Hydrophobic Bond
    2. Hydrogen Bond
    3. Ionic Bond
    4. All of the given
  24. ________ are the units of proteins.

    1. Glucose
    2. Amino acids
    3. Nucleotides
    4. Nucleosides
  25. In dynamic programming we can do multiple sequence alignment upto ________

    1. 20 sequences
    2. 9 sequences
    3. 21 sequences
    4. 50 sequences
  26. DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein, this process is termed as

    1. Central Dogma
    2. Replication
    3. Translation
    4. Transcription
  27. The basic idea of thermodynamic stability is to maximize bonding in order to minimize the free energy.

    1. True
    2. False
  28. Bioinformatics can deliver:

    1. Provide us better understanding of life
    2. Provide us better understanding of evolutions and molecular mechanisms
    3. can help to store and process experimental Data
    4. All of the given
  29. RNA is the genetic material in

    1. Viruses only
    2. In some viruses and some prokaryotes
    3. In some viruses and some prokaryotes and rarely in eukaryotes
    4. Only in some viruses
  30. Which of the following is not a benefit of BLAST?

    1. Handling of gaps
    2. Speed
    3. More sensitive
    4. Statistical rigor
  31. If two atoms are participating in a covalent bond, their distance will be equal to?

    1. 1 A
    2. ~0.96 A
    3. 0.096
    4. 0.0096
  32. Alpha helices and beta sheets are formed because of ________.

    1. Hydrophobic interactions
    2. Hydrogen bonds
    3. Salt bridges
    4. All of the given
  33. Messenger RNA is only ________ of RNA content in the cell.

    1. 1-5%
    2. 5-10%
    3. 10-15%
    4. 15-20%
  34. GenBank and SWISSPORT are example of

    1. Primary Database
    2. Secondary Database
    3. Composite Database
    4. None of the given
  35. Which of the following is not a benefit or a factual of FASTA over BLAST?

    1. FASTA scans smaller window sizes
    2. It gives more sensitive results
    3. It gives less sensitive results
    4. It gives results with a better coverage rate for homologs
  36. Which of the following statements about amino acids is correct?

    1. Amino acids are uncharged at neutral pH
    2. Amino acids are classified according to the structures and properties of their side chains
    3. Amino acids in proteins are mainly in the D-configuration
    4. Twenty-four amino acids are commonly used in protein synthesis
  37. The first RNA processing event is

    1. Capping
    2. Tailing
    3. Splicing
    4. Editing
  38. For which one of the following activities, bioinformatics is used in modern biological sciences?

    1. Developing algorithms for organizing data collected from experiments
    2. Data processing to determine the role of underlying biomolecule
    3. To perform wet lab experiments
    4. Both 1 & 2
  39. Ribbon diagram use cylinders or spiral ribbons to represent alpha-helices and broad, flat arrows to represent beeta-strands.

    1. True
    2. False
  40. Translation is the process in which

    1. DNA is formed on DNA template
    2. DNA is formed on RNA template
    3. RNA is formed on DNA template
    4. Protein is formed on RNA template
  41. Dynamic Programming uses a "________" to deal with matches, mismatches and gaps.

    1. Dynamic Algorithms
    2. Order of Algorithms
    3. Scoring Function
    4. Sequence Identification
  42. CLUSTALW is a more recent version of CLUSTAL with the W standing for ________.

    1. Weakening
    2. Winding
    3. Weighting
    4. Wiping
  43. Which of the following doesn't describe local alignment?

    1. A local alignment aligns a substring of the query sequence to a substring of the target sequence
    2. A local alignment is defined by maximizing the alignment score, so that deleting a column from either end would reduce the score, and adding further columns at either end would also reduce the score
    3. Local alignments have terminal gaps
    4. The substrings to be examined may be all of one or both sequences; if all of both are included then the local alignment is also global
  44. Amino acids are mostly synthesized from

    1. Fatty acids
    2. Mineral salts
    3. Alpha-ketoglutaric acid
    4. Volatile acids
  45. All of the following are protein sequence database, except ________.

    1. Swiss Prot
    2. PIR
    3. TREMBL
    4. DDBJ
  46. The greater the number of bonds between the amino acids, the ________ stable a protein becomes.

    1. More
    2. Less
    3. No relation of bonds with stability of protein -> Incorrect Statement
    4. Number of bonds direct proportional to stability of protein
  47. BLASTX uses protein sequences as queries to search against a protein sequence database.

    1. True
    2. False
  48. How many types of secondary structures can be formed possibly by folding of RNA?

    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. 6
  49. To determine the number of each type of interaction within a protein, we need to find its inter atomic distances.

    1. True
    2. False
  50. X-Ray Crystallography data shows that hydrogen atoms of N-Term may come together with Oxygen atoms of C-term amino acid at ________ position.

    1. 2nd neighboring
    2. 3rd neighboring
    3. 4th neighboring
    4. None of the given
  51. In multiple sequence alignment (MSA), we have ________ .

    1. Local alignment
    2. Global alignment
    3. Both
    4. None of the given
  52. Which of these bonds is not involved in forming the secondary structure of a protein?

    1. Peptide
    2. Covalent
    3. Hydrogen
    4. Disulphide
  53. The ________ E-Value, the more significant the hit.

    1. Lower
    2. Higher
    3. Average
    4. Superior
  54. The interactions which holds and stabilizes the sub-units in 4' structure of proteins are:

    1. Hydrophilic interactions
    2. Hydrogen bonding
    3. Hydrophobic interactions
    4. Ionic bonding
  55. The putative ORF can be translated into a protein sequence, which is then used to search against a protein database.

    1. True
    2. False
  56. Elongation of transcription and RNA processing are all interconnected?

    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE
  57. All of the following are protein sequence databases except ________.

    1. PIR
    2. PSD
    3. Swiss Prot
    4. EMBL
  58. Which of the following is the correct order of organization of genetic material from largest to smallest?

    1. Genome, Chromosome, Gene, Nucleotide
    2. Genome, Gene, Chromosome, Nucleotide
    3. Gene, Nucleotide, Chromosome, Genome
    4. Chromosome, Genome, Gene, Nucleotide
  59. Amino acids are chained together by ________.

    1. hydrogen bond
    2. peptide bond
    3. covalent bond
    4. van der walls forces
  60. Nussinov-Jacobson (NJ) Algorithm is a dynamic Programming (DP) strategy to predict ________.

    1. Stabilizing energies
    2. Destabilizing energies
    3. Optimal RNA 2' structures
    4. Optimal RNA 3' structures
  61. The identification of drugs through genomic study is known as

    1. Genomics
    2. Cheminformatics
    3. Pharma genomics
    4. Pharmacogenetics
  62. X-Ray data need a minimum of ________ resolution.

    1. 1
    2. 1.97
    3. 2
    4. 2.97
  63. Which of the following is not an ionization techniques in proteins?

    1. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization
    2. MALDI
    3. Electro spray ionization
    4. X-ray crystallography
  64. Messenger RNA is

    1. Single stranded
    2. Double stranded
    3. Forms a sheet
    4. ?- Sheet
  65. Amino acids are joined together to form polypeptides. Each amino acid is attached to another by a peptide bond. What functional group is created when amino acids are joined together?

    1. Ester
    2. Amide
    3. Ketone
    4. No new functional groups are created
  66. A Protein Data Bank (PDB) data file for a protein structure contains only x and y coordinates of atoms.

    1. True
    2. False
  67. rRNA is synthesized by:

    1. Nucleus
    2. Cytoplasm
    3. RER
    4. Nucleolus
  68. Balls and sticks are solid spheres and rods, representing atoms and bond, respectively.

    1. True
    2. False
  69. Which one of the following is not a "Sequence Alignment Tool"?

    1. FASTA
    2. BLAST
    3. Rasmol
    4. ClustalW
  70. The secondary structure of a protein consists of all but one of the following, which is odd one out?

    1. Turns
    2. Alpha helices
    3. Beta Sheets
    4. Disulfide bridges
  71. What are 2 things required in order to successfully use the dynamic programming technique?

    1. Optimal structure and overlapping subproblems
    2. A problem that can't be subdivided and is complex
    3. Non-overlapping subproblems and intervals
    4. Recursion and a problem that is complex
  72. Black analysis methods use substitution matrices such as the PAM and BLOSUM matrices to score matches.

    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE
  73. Addition or removal of amino acids from protein sequences or nucleotides from DNA or RNA sequences is known as?

    1. Insertion
    2. Deletion
    3. Indels
    4. None of the given
  74. Alpha Helices are formed by hydrogen bonding between ________ and ________ atoms in the protein backbone?

    1. Ci and Ni+4
    2. C and N
    3. O and H
    4. Oi and Hi+4
  75. In a similar way to structure prediction methods can be evaluated using RMSD to measure the similarity between two molecular complexes.

    1. True
    2. False
  76. FASTA format start with ________ symbol.

    1. /
    2. *
    3. @
    4. >
  77. RNA is found in the nucleolus of the cell and DNA is found in

    1. Chromosomes
    2. Cytosol
    3. Cell Wall
    4. Vacuole
  78. GeneBank and UniPort have

    1. large number of sequences publically
    2. speciec name only
    3. RNA extraction techniques
    4. None of the given
  79. The procedure of aligning two sequences by searching of patterns that is in the same order in the sequences?

    1. Sequence Alignment
    2. Pairwise Alignment
    3. Multiple Sequence Alignment
    4. All of the given
  80. 74- Scoring Matrices contains,

    1. Positive values
    2. Negative values
    3. Alphabets and characters
    4. Both +VE and -VE values
  81. Which algorithm is used by global alignment?

    1. Needleman-Wunsch
    2. Smith-Waterman
    3. BLAST
    4. PAM
  82. There are 64 codons in the genetic dictionary as:

    1. There are 64 amino acids to be coded
    2. Genetic code has a triplet nature
    3. There are 3 nonsense codons and 61 sense codons
    4. There are 64 different types of t-RNA
  83. Which one of the following methods can be used for statistical evaluation of data?

    1. T-test
    2. ANOVA
    3. Both 1 & 2
    4. None of the given
  84. ________ compares protein sequence against protein databases.

    1. blastp
    2. blastn
    3. blastx
    4. tblastx
  85. All are nucleotide sequence database, except

    1. SwissProt
    2. EMBL
    3. DDBJ
    4. GenBank
  86. The scoring of gaps in a MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment) has to be performed in a different manner from scoring gaps in a pair-wise alignment?

    1. True
    2. False
  87. C-Alpha atoms are traced to recreate the ________ protein structure.

    1. 2D
    2. 3D
    3. Can be used for both 2D and 3D
    4. None of the given
  88. The Alignment method suitable for finding out conserved patterns in DNA or Protein sequences is

    1. Multiple sequence alignment
    2. Pair wise alignment
    3. Global Alignment
    4. Local Alignment
  89. The peptide bond in protein is:

    1. Planar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles
    2. Nonpolar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles
    3. Nonpolar, and fixed in a trans conformation
    4. Planar, and usually found in a trans conformation
  90. Which of the following is not a variant of BLAST?

    1. BLASTN
    2. BLASTP
    3. BLASTX
  91. In multiple sequence alignment ________ .

    1. doing so many progressive alignments can be slow
    2. doing so many progressive alignments is easy
    3. doing so many progressive alignments is not possible
    4. None of the given
  92. The major element of secondary structure in myoglobin and hemoglobin is:

    1. The P-strand
    2. The a-helix
    3. The reverse turn
    4. All of the given
  93. Which of the following methods are broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results.

    1. Martinez Algorithm
    2. N-J Algorithm
    3. Dynamic Programming
    4. Monte Carlo methods
  94. The correct order of progressive alignment steps for multiple sequence alignment is ________ .

    1. Guide tree, Pairwise alignment, Branching order in tree
    2. Pairwise alignment, Guide tree, Branching order in tree
    3. Guide tree, branching order in tree, Pairwise alignment
    4. Branching order in tree, Guide tree, Pairwise alignment
  95. Choose the incorrect statement out of the following?

    1. Only L-amino acids are found in the biological system
    2. Glycine is optical inactive
    3. Tyrosine is a modified amino acid
    4. Sereno cysteine is 21st proteinogenic amino acid
  96. Which is the default scoring matrix used in BLAST?

    1. PAM62
    2. BLOSUM 62
    3. BLOSUM 60
    4. BLOSUM 80
  97. Which one of the following issues are addressed by using computational methods, data processing techniques and algorithms?

    1. Storage and Organization of data
    2. Analysis of many experiments
    3. For representation of biological information
    4. All of the given
  98. mRNA directs the building of proteins through a sequence of

    1. Introns
    2. Codons
    3. Exons
    4. Anticodons
  99. In GenBank, specific gene can be searched by using?

    1. Sequence ID
    2. Name
    3. Species
    4. All of the given
  100. What is the source of protein structures in SCOP and CATH?

    1. UniPort
    2. Protein Databank
    3. Ensemble
    4. InterPro
  101. Which one of the following types of bond is principally responsible for holding the α-helix shape of a protein secondary structure?

    1. Disulphide
    2. Peptide
    3. Ionic
    4. Hydrogen
  102. Which of the following is the character based phylogenetic tree construction methods?

    1. N-J
    2. UPGMA
    3. Maximum Parsimony
    4. All of the given
  103. Single letter code of Tyrosine is ________.

    1. B
    2. J
    3. O
    4. Y
  104. In the alpha helix the hydrogen bond:

    1. are roughly parallel to the axis of the helix.
    2. are roughly perpendicular to the axis of the helix
    3. occur mainly between electronegative atoms of the R groups.
    4. occur only between some of the amino acids of the helix.
  105. The Phi and Psi values of a Beta-strand composed of all D-amino acids will mainly occupy which quadrant in the Ramachandran plot?

    1. Upper Left
    2. Upper Right
    3. Lower Left
    4. Lower Right
  106. Block analysis methods use substitution matrices such as the PAM and BLOSUM matrices to score matches.

    1. True
    2. False
  107. Your lab partner is using BLAST, and his best E-value is 3. This means that

    1. He's found 3 protein in the database that have the same sequence as his protein
    2. The chance that these similarities arose due to chance is one in 10^3
    3. There would be 3 matches that good in a database of this size by chance alone
    4. The match in amino acid sequence is perfect, except for the amino acids at 3 positions.
  108. Which one of the following are Archaea?

    1. Firmicutes
    2. Chlamydiae
    3. Thermococci
    4. Chlorobi
  109. Bioinformatics is the interdisciplinary relative new development of ________.

    1. mathematics and biology
    2. physics and biology
    3. physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and biology
    4. maths, physics and biology
  110. Progressive alignment methods use the dynamic programming method to build a MSA starting with the most related sequences and then progressively adding less related sequences or groups of sequences to the initial alignment?

    1. True
    2. False
  111. In Bottom up proteomics, Enzyme ________ is used to cleave the proteins.

    1. Trypsin
    2. Lipases
    3. Amylase
    4. None of the given
  112. Analyzing or comparing entire genome of species known as,

    1. Bioinformatics
    2. Genomics
    3. Proteomics
    4. Pharmacogenomics
  113. Which of the following doesn't describe PAM matrices?

    1. This familt of matrics list the likelihood of change from one amino acid to another in homologous protein sequences during evolution
    2. There is presently no pther type of scoring matrix that is based on such sound evolutionary principles as are these matrices
    3. Even though they were originally based on a relatively small data set, the PAM matrices remain a useful tool for sequence alignment
    4. It stands for Percent Altered Mutation
  114. Visualization methods are very important in viewing molecular properties on molecules. Of particular note is the rendering of molecular surfaces according to their various properties (that can be expressed numerically).

    1. True
    2. False