In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Limnology (ZOO401)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Tidal freshwater marshes are located ________ of estuaries. Tides influence water levels but the water is fresh. The lack of salt stress allows a greater diversity of plants to thrive?

    1. Downstream
    2. Level
    3. Downfall
    4. Upstream
  2. The Copepoda of Crustacean have ________ sub order?

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  3. The suborder Cladocera of Crustacean includes mainly micro zooplankton. Usually Cladocerans range in size from ________ mm?

    1. 10 to 20
    2. 1 to 10
    3. 0.5 to 6
    4. 0.2 to 3.0
  4. Terrestrial producers remove CO2 from the atmosphere and aquatic producers remove it from the ________?

    1. Air
    2. Land
    3. Plants
    4. Water
  5. Cyanobacteria contain differentiated cells as ________ which are major sites of nitrogen fixation?

    1. Chlorophyll
    2. Mitochondria
    3. Heterocysts
    4. Carotenoids
  6. The ________ commonly occur in poorly drained areas such as shallow lake basins, low-lying depressions, and the land between shallow marshes and upland areas. Precipitation serves as their primary water supply, so they are often dry in the summer?

    1. Fresh water
    2. Wet meadows
    3. Wet prairies
    4. Prairie patholes
  7. The sparkling white sand beaches of the Caribbean and many other areas in the world are eroded ________ remains of green algae.

    1. Calcium-Carbonate
    2. Calcium-Phosphate
    3. Calcium-Stearate
    4. Calcium-Aluminate
  8. ________ swamps are found in broad floodplains of the northeast, southeast, and south-central United States and receive floodwater from nearby rivers and streams.

    1. Forested
    2. Focal
    3. Gruvial
    4. Seminal
  9. There are ________ major groups of ciliate genera?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  10. Blue Green Algae have a role in forming of the early earth's atmosphere because they can fix ________ and carbon dioxide?

    1. Hydrogen
    2. Methane
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Phosphorous
  11. The ________ contains earth's largest store of carbon?

    1. Air
    2. Oceans
    3. River
    4. Land
  12. The ________ is the basic building block of the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA, and other organic compounds necessary for life?

    1. Nitrogen
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Carbon
    4. Sulfate
  13. Copepod of Crustacean eggs hatch into small free living larvae termed ________?

    1. Medusa
    2. Nauplii
    3. Caterpillar
    4. Sessile
  14. The ________ develop when snowmelt and rain fill the pockmarks left on the landscape by glaciers. Ground water input is also important?

    1. Fresh water
    2. Wet meadows
    3. Wet prairies
    4. Praitie potholes
  15. In basic physical structure, algae fall into ________ basic physical structures?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  16. The ________ marshes are characterized by periodic or permanent shallow water, little or no peat (decaying matter) deposition, and mineral soils. They typically derive most of their water from surface waters, including floodwater and runoff, but do receive ground water inputs?

    1. Fresh water
    2. Wet meadows
    3. Wet prairies
    4. Praitie potholes
  17. Lakes and ponds go through a natural aging process called ________. Marshes, swamps, and bogs are generally the mature stages of succession for lakes and ponds?

    1. Aging
    2. Earth quake
    3. Succession
    4. Marshes