In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Marketing Management (MKT501)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. A company is producing 1000 units at cost of Rs. 500000. Variable cost for the production of 1000 units is Rs. 350000. What will be fix cost?

    1. Rs. 350000
    2. Rs. 150000
    3. Rs. 300000
    4. Rs. 200000
  2. XYZ Company is a manufacturer of chocolates. After analysis we concluded that this business has low market share and low growth. Which of the following option best reflects this condition?

    1. Cash Cow
    2. Question Mark
    3. Star
    4. Dogs
  3. Which of the following aggressive strategy is without direction?

    1. Reactor
    2. Analyzer
    3. Defender
    4. Prospector
  4. Which is the application of marketing technique to specify product, product line and form of product?

    1. Marketing management
    2. Brand management
    3. Marketing
    4. Advertising
  5. Which of the following technique used in portfolio management?

    1. B.C.G. Boston Consulting Group-ANALYSIS
    2. Contribution Margin Analysis
    3. GE General Electric. Multi Factorol Analysis
    4. All of the given
  6. Which of the following product takes less time for adoption?

    1. Fashion
    2. Automobile
    3. Technology
    4. All of the given
  7. Which of the following is NOT the phase included in Idea Screening of new product development?

    1. Elimination of unsound concepts
    2. Asking relative questions
    3. Testing a concept
    4. Measuring technical feasibility
  8. Identify the revenue which is added by the sales of an additional item.

    1. Basic revenue
    2. Marginal revenue
    3. Average revenue
    4. Total revenue
  9. Which of the following is usually the target of a market challenger?

    1. Market nicher
    2. Market leader
    3. Market follower
    4. Market segment
  10. The loyalty marketing focuses on establishing long term relationship between:

    1. Company and retailer
    2. Retailer and customer
    3. Retailer and consumer
    4. Company and customer
  11. _______ incorporates the concept of socially responsible marketing and understanding broader concerns and ethical, environment, legal and social context of marketing activities and programs.

    1. Integrated Marketing
    2. Relationship Marketing
    3. Societal Marketing Concept
    4. Internal Marketing
  12. In _______ communications, products and services, pricing strategies and channels should all be interlinked.

    1. Integrated Marketing
    2. Relationship Marketing
    3. Societal Marketing
    4. Internal Marketing
  13. The _____ is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing effort.

    1. Business plan
    2. Production plan
    3. Market plan
    4. Selling plan
  14. Saira Rizwan Clothing is planning to launch its new winter collection in Canada. Which of the following is the critical decision of commercialization stage of New Product Development that has to be taken by Saira Rizwan Clothing?

    1. When to launch the product?
    2. Where to launch the product?
    3. Whom to launch the product?
    4. How to launch the product?
  15. For the packaging of the mobile phones, which packaging type is more appropriate?

    1. Boxes
    2. Bags
    3. Bottles
    4. Blister packs
  16. Financial summary of a marketing plan includes all EXCEPT:

    1. Pro-forma income statement
    2. Month-by-month agenda
    3. Breakeven analysis
    4. Assumptions
  17. Which of the following is the period when sales fall off and profits drop?

    1. Introduction
    2. Growth
    3. Maturity
    4. Decline
  18. An outlet of Nishat Linen in Emporium Mall, Lahore is an example of:

    1. Wholesaler
    2. Retailer
    3. Producer
    4. None of the given
  19. Which of the following is/are the part of commercialization phase of new product development?

    1. Launching the product
    2. Placing advertisements
    3. Critical path analysis
    4. All of the given
  20. _______ products are those which are bought by the customer in an unplanned manner. When a customer sees it placed near point of purchase he buys it impulsively. E.g. cigarettes, chewing gums etc.

    1. Core
    2. Actual
    3. Augmented
    4. Impulse
  21. Labeling of the product includes all information about:

    1. How to use
    2. Transport
    3. Dispose off
    4. All of the given
  22. All of the following are the examples of controllable factors EXCEPT:

    1. Line of business
    2. Corporate culture
    3. Overall objectives of organizations
    4. Competition in the market
  23. Which of the following is Not a component of a marketing plan?

    1. Marketing advantages
    2. Environmental analysis
    3. Executive summary
    4. Marketing implementation
  24. A brand which cost more than other products is called:

    1. Premium brand
    2. Economy brand
    3. Co-brand
    4. Family brand
  25. Which of the following is a strategy of using a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a new category?

    1. Line extension
    2. Co-branding
    3. Brand extension
    4. Multibranding
  26. Which one of the following BEST describes the human need?

    1. Food
    2. French-fries
    3. Burger
    4. Pizza
  27. This leadership strategy is wherein in order to be competitive companies appeal to price-sensitive customers by offering lowest possible prices as compared to the rest of the competitors.

    1. Cost leadership strategy
    2. Differentation strategy
    3. Horizontal
    4. Vertical
  28. ________ products are those which are bought by the customer in an unplanned manner. When a customer sees it placed near point of purchase he buys it impulsively. E.g. cigarettes, chewing gums etc.

    1. Core
    2. Actual
    3. Augmented
    4. Impulse
  29. Which of the following is an example of ancillary service?

    1. Warranty
    2. Promotion
    3. Labeling
    4. Packaging
  30. Which of the following best describes the spread of idea from the source of invention or creation to the ultimate user or consumer?

    1. Innovation diffusion process
    2. Innovativeness
    3. Early adoption process
    4. None of the given
  31. At which of the following stages of Consumer adoption Process, a customer finally continues using any product?

    1. Evaluation
    2. Interest
    3. Awareness
    4. Adoption
  32. Which of the following is NOT an example of fix cost?

    1. Depreciation of building
    2. Maintenance of equipment
    3. Rent of factory
    4. Power
  33. Tight cost control is associated with which of the following strategy?

    1. Market segmentation strategy
    2. Market dominance strategy
    3. Differentiation strategy
    4. Cost leadership strategy
  34. B.C.G. Analysis is a technique used by a company to decide what products to add to its product portfolio. The horizontal axis reflects the:

    1. Relative Market Share
    2. Market Segment Size
    3. Market Growth Rate
    4. None of the given
  35. Which one of the following tend to market high end goods and services and are able to use a premium pricing strategy in a specific market segment.

    2. Challengers
    3. Leaders
    4. Nichers
  36. Which of the following explains the description of the product?

    1. Brand
    2. Container
    3. Labeling
    4. Packaging
  37. Which of the following best describes the use of existing strong brand name to launch a new/modified product?

    1. Brand extension
    2. Brand leveraging
    3. Brand licensing
    4. Multibrands
  38. For which of the following products, demonstrations and personal selling is important to launch the new product/innovation?

    1. Cosmetic items
    2. Food items
    3. Electronics
    4. All of the given
  39. _______ refers to knowledge and technical capabilities that allow a business to perform competitively in the marketplace and have three features: it allows a company to enter into new markets; it provides a significant benefit or value to the customer; it is hard for competitors to imitate.

    1. Core competency
    2. Customer experience management
    3. Customer lifetime value
    4. Selling concept
  40. During product life cycle ________ should be informative in introduction stage, persuasive in growth and maturity stages and reminder oriented in decline stage.

    1. Advertising
    2. Profits
    3. Sales
    4. Direct sales
  41. Which of the following is a strategic planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long-term plans?

    1. Monitoring
    2. Forecasting
    3. Scenario planning
    4. Guemilla marketing
  42. In which of the following company introduces new brand names under the same product category?

    1. Multibrands
    2. Brand extension
    3. Line extension
    4. New brands
  43. Which of the following is known as a set of marketing tools used by the firms to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market?

    1. Marketing mix
    2. Promotion mix
    3. Offering mix
    4. Product mix
  44. Which of the following can be used to improve the customer’s viewpoint about firm’s products and services?

    1. Experiential innovation
    2. Customer interface
    3. Experiential world of customers
    4. Building experiential platform
  45. Early adopters are defined as:

    1. Willing to try new idea
    2. Quick response
    3. Innovators
    4. All of the given
  46. IMC stands for what?

    1. Internal marketing communication
    2. Integrated marketing communication
    3. Integrated managing company
    4. Internal marketing community
  47. Which of the following offers an incentive to buy a product?

    1. Direct mail
    2. Public relations
    3. Sales promotion
    4. Advertising
  48. Which of the following is TRUE about marketing concept?

    1. The customer is always right
    2. Business is about making money
    3. Sell, sell and sell
    4. Keep prices low
  49. The consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort are called:

    1. Industrial products
    2. Speciality products
    3. Unsought products
    4. Shopping products
  50. Which of the following is NOT the part of 4P’s of marketing mix?

    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. People
    4. Promotion
  51. In which of the following the manager attempts to maintain the same margin regardless of changes in cost?

    1. Satabilization of margin
    2. Increasing the margin
    3. Decreasing the cost
    4. Increasing the cost
  52. The _______ part of marketing plan specifies target markets and the value proposition based on market analysis while ________ part of marketing planlays down guidelines for all four Ps.

    1. Strategic, Tactical
    2. Tactical, Strategic
    3. Product, Price
    4. Price, Product
  53. Which of the following is included in task environment?

    1. Economy
    2. Technology
    3. Media
    4. Promotion
  54. Critical path analysis is useful at which stage of the product development Process?

    1. Commercialization
    2. Concept development
    3. Beta testing
    4. Business Analysis
  55. Which of the following is an effective short-hand summary of the situation analysis?

    1. Competition analysis
    2. SBU analysis
    3. SWOT analysis
    4. BCG analysis
  56. Which of the following is an advantage of sales promotion?

    1. Increase sales in long run
    2. Decreases consumer traffic
    3. Create awareness about product
    4. Increase sales in short term
  57. Which of the following are called value maximizers?

    1. Sellers
    2. Customers
    3. Marketers
    4. Manufacturers
  58. While deciding pricing objectives, which of the following objective(s) should consider?

    1. Financial objective
    2. Marketing objective
    3. Product objective
    4. All of the given