In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Introduction to Social Work (SOC301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. The ________ is method of description of facts in social research that demands both a physical and a mental activity.

    1. Results
    2. Observation
    3. Bibliographies
    4. Tables and charts
  2. In Social Case Work, any pers on who is seeking help or is being offered specialized service is called:

    1. Worker
    2. Client
    3. Poor
    4. Helper
  3. System of interconnected logical ideas that organizes the knowledge about the social world and explains how it works is known as:

    1. Social theory
    2. Scientific theory
    3. Psychological theory
    4. Philosophy
  4. The relationship between the worker and the client is called:

    1. Social work process
    2. Social work research
    3. Social work theory
    4. Social work agency
  5. To solve psycho-social problems of the people is one of the main objectives of:

    1. Social Work
    2. Sociology
    3. Anthropology
    4. Social Policy
  6. Who among the following defined social research as "Systematic method of discovering new facts and verifying old facts, their sequences inter relationship, casual explanations and the natural laws govern them"?

    1. P.V. Young
    2. Lawrence Neumann
    3. Michael Crotty
    4. Merriam webster
  7. Community wants change but also ________ change at the same time.

    1. Accepts
    2. Resists
    3. Complain
    4. Generate
  8. The objective of social group work is to address which type of growth and solve the problems of adjustment through group process?

    1. Intellectual
    2. Emotional
    3. Psychological
    4. All of the given
  9. During the process of community organization, the entire community is considered as a:

    1. Single unit
    2. Aggregation
    3. Group
    4. Process
  10. Zakat provides ________ in the society.

    1. Sincerity
    2. Economic justice
    3. Integrity
    4. Authenticity
  11. Policy changes and enactments for women empowerment is an example of ________ approach.

    1. Therapeutic
    2. Psychological
    3. Emancipatory
    4. Maintenance