In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Which of the following principle was NOT proposed by Aristotle?

    1. Contiguity
    2. Similarity
    3. Contrast
    4. Ground and Figure
  2. Farha is interested to study about progressive change in individuals' body and their functions throughout the life span. She is more likely to study:

    1. Psychological changes
    2. Qualitative changes
    3. Computable changes
    4. Biological changes
  3. Which of the following process is suggested by Bandura that help human behaviour to learn?

    1. Intention
    2. Observation
    3. Insight
    4. Reinforcement
  4. Who formulated the Law of Effect?

    1. Thorndike
    2. Pavlov
    3. Kurt Lewin
    4. Kohler
  5. Today psychology is considered as the scientific study of which of the followings?

    1. Behaviour and mental processes
    2. Soul
    3. Mind
    4. Conscious experiences
  6. In which of the following process sensory receptors become less sensitive to repeated presentations of the same stimulus?

    1. Sensation
    2. Adaptation
    3. Sensonal fatigue
    4. Discrimination
  7. 50 school going children were given the certain medione for increasing their energy level. What is the dependent variable in this research?

    1. Amount of medicine
    2. Intellectual ability
    3. Energy level
    4. Aggressive behaviour
  8. Which of the followings are the branch-like structures that receive messages from other neurons?

    1. Nurve bundles
    2. Dendrites
    3. Axons
    4. Synapses
  9. Which of the following statement best describes "Hormones"?

    1. The male gonads
    2. Chemicals found in the synaptic vesicles, which when released have an effect on the next cell
    3. Chemicals released into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands
    4. The female gonads
  10. Which of the following is a clear and colorless fluid covering the entire surface of central nervous system?

    1. Choroid plexuses
    2. Cerebrospinal fluid
    3. Hydrocephalus
    4. Arachnoid
  11. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by which of the followings?

    1. Lens
    2. Retina
    3. Cornea
    4. Pupil
  12. Who among the following talked about the "cognitive maps"?

    1. Tolman
    2. Skinner
    3. Thorndike
    4. Maslow
  13. Which of the following learning forms an association between two stimuli?

    1. Classical conditioning
    2. Operant conditioning
    3. Latent learning
    4. Vicious learning
  14. When two lights are in close proximity to each other, flashing alternately, appear to be one light moving back and forth, it is called:

    1. Phi phenomenon
    2. Proximal
    3. Continuity
    4. Configuration
  15. Which of the following statement best describes "Endocrine glands"?

    1. These are a thin layer of cells coating the axons
    2. These are an extensive network of specialized cells
    3. Secrete harmones directly into the bloodstream
    4. These are chemicals released into the bloodstream
  16. People do take drugs for all of the following reasons Except:

    1. Addiction
    2. Peer modeling
    3. Thrill or excitement
    4. Building relationships
  17. Which of the following is NOT a part of mid brain?

    1. Tectum
    2. Cerebrum
    3. Substantia nigra
    4. Tegmentum
  18. Jean Piaget is famous for his theory of ________.

    1. Cognitive development
    2. Language development
    3. Motor development
    4. Perceptual development
  19. All of the following statements concern with the concept of learning EXCEPT:

    1. Learning is relatively permanent
    2. Learning involves experiences
    3. Learning is another word for physical growth
    4. Learning involves changes in behavior
  20. Which of the following harmone is involved in the growth and proper functioning of gonads and ovaries?

    1. Adrenocorticotropic
    2. Gonadotropic
    3. Prolactin
    4. Antidiuretic
  21. Rod-shaped structures in the cell nucleus that contain genes are referred as what?

    1. Sex-linked traits
    2. Chromosomes
    3. DNA
    4. Amines
  22. Which of the following monocular cue refers that higher objects seem to be more distant?

    1. Relative size
    2. Relative height
    3. Relative motion
    4. Interposition
  23. In the theory of classical conditioning, the acronym UCR stands for which of the following?

    1. Unconditioned response
    2. Unconditioned reinforcement
    3. Unconditioned reflex
    4. Unconditioned reflection
  24. In "Little Albert" study, which of the following was the fear-producing stimulus used as UCS?

    1. Fear of the place
    2. Fear of the rat
    3. Loud noise
    4. White rat
  25. Which of the following is NOT one of Piaget's stages of development?

    1. Concrete operations
    2. Sensory-motor
    3. Operational
    4. Formal operation
  26. Which of the following structure of ear is a tube like passage through which the sound waves travel to the inner part of the ear?

    1. Cornea
    2. Auditory canal
    3. Oval window
    4. Ear drum
  27. Which of the following process is suggested by Bandura that help human behavior to learn?

    1. Intention
    2. Observation
    3. Insight
    4. Reinforcement
  28. A gene that only influences the expression of a trait when paired with an identical gene is known as what?

    1. Dominant
    2. Mutated
    3. Recombinant
    4. Recessive
  29. Which of the following syndrome occurs when excessive amounts of glucocorticoid hormones are secreted in the body?

    1. Cushing syndrome
    2. Cretinism
    3. Acromegaly
    4. Hypothyroidism
  30. Helmholtz's explanation of color vision is called as what?

    1. Trichromatic theory
    2. Opponent-process theory
    3. Reductive color mixing theory
    4. Additive color mixing theory
  31. The wave pattern which becomes more regular and may momentarily shows sharp peaks, or waves that are sharply pointed, is/are called:

    1. Sleep spindles
    2. Sleep waves
    3. Sleep peaks
    4. Sleep stroke
  32. All of the following are the nature of correlation EXCEPT:

    1. Positive Correlation
    2. Standard Correlation
    3. Zero Correlation
    4. Negative Correlation
  33. Which of the following therapy was introduced by Albert Ellis?

    1. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
    2. Humanistic Therapy
    3. Observational Learning Therapy
    4. Behavioral Therapy
  34. Who among the followings gave the concept of Insight?

    1. Max Wertheimer
    2. Wolfgang Kohler
    3. James Rowland Angell
    4. James Mckeen Cattell
  35. Who gave the concept of "Tabula Rasa"?

    1. Rene Descartes
    2. John Locke
    3. Franz Joseph Gall
    4. Daniel Kahneman
  36. Which of the following psychologist refers that environment and external world shapes and determines behavior?

    1. J. B. Watson
    2. Sigmund Freud
    3. Carl Rogers
    4. Carl Jung
  37. All of the following are considered as the founders of gestalt school of thought EXCEPT:

    1. Max Wertheimer
    2. Carl Rogers
    3. Wolfgang Kohler
    4. Kurt Koffka
  38. Which of the following need as proposed by Maslow is fulfilled through marriage and friendship?

    1. Esteem
    2. Sellf-Actualization
    3. Love and belongingness
    4. Safety
  39. Which of the following statement best describes the survey research method?

    1. Existing data are examined
    2. A control group is necessary
    3. New data is generated
    4. A sample of people are asked questions
  40. All of the following are the areas of interest for Behaviorists EXCEPT:

    1. Observable/ Overt behavior
    2. Unconscious desires
    3. Control behavior by using environmental stimuli
    4. Specific measurable responses