In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Wireless Networks

Handouts | Lectures | Contents | Books

Course Code: CS718

Instructor: Dr. Ghalib A. Shah

Total Lectures: 45

Handouts / Power Point Slides

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Course Contents

Introduction to Wireless Communication, Wired vs. Wireless Communication, Electromagnetic Signal, Time-Domain Concepts, Frequency-Domain Concepts, Channel Capacity, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, EM Spectrum, Design Challenges, Wireless Transmission, Signal Encoding and Modulation, Categories of Noise, Attenuation and other Impairments, Multiplexing, Transmission Mediums, Propagation Modes, Multipath Propagation, Types of Fading, Error Detecting and Correcting Techniques, Multiple Access Techniques, CSMA and Spread Spectrum, Evolution of Wireless Networks (1G Cellular Networks, 2G Cellular Networks, 2.5G Cellular Networks, 3G Cellular Networks, Limitation of 3G, 4G Objectives, Issues, QoS, Security, Multimedia Services and Applications, Convergence of Cellular and WLAN, Billing Issue, WLANS(IEEE802.11), WiMAX (IEEE802.16), Wireless PAN(IEEE802.15)), Fundamentals of Cellular Concepts(Cellular Concept, AMPS Architecture, Frequency Reuse, Locating co-channel cells, Channel Assignment Strategies, Handoff Strategies, Prioritizing Handoff, Practical Handoff Considerations, Co-channel Interference and Capacity, Adjacent Channel Interference and Capacity, Channel Planning for Wireless System, Trunking and Grade of Service, Measuring Traffic Intensity, Trunked Systems, Erlang Charts, Improving Coverage and Capacity, Cell Splitting, Sectoring, Repeaters for Range Extension, Microcell Zone Concept), Analog Mobile Phone System (Introduction, Architecture, System Overview, Call Handling, Air Interface, Supervisory Signals, N-AMPS), GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication (Introduction, System Architecture, Network Areas, Specifications, Subscriber Services, Mobility, Identifiers in GSM Network) Identifiers in GSM Network, Call Routing in GSM, GPRS: General Packet Radio Service (Introduction, Architecture, Registration and Session Management, Routing Scenario in GPRS, Channels Classification, Protocol Architecture, Air Interface, Data Routing and Mobility, Uplink Data Transfer, Downlink Data Transfer, QoS in GPRS, EDGE Airlink), IS-136, IS-136 Channels and Specifications, CDMA One / IS-95 (Advantages and Drawbacks of CDMA Cellular, Mobile Wireless CDMA Design Considerations, IS-95 CDMA Forward Channel), Walsh Codes, IS-95 Reverse Link, EDGE: Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution (Introduction, Modulation and Coding Schemes, Link Adaptation and Incremental Redundancy, Capacity Planning, Dynamic Abis Pool, Benefits), WCDMA / UMTS (Introduction, Service Classes in UMTS, UTRAN Architecture, Radio Interface protocol Architecture, Protocol Models for UTRAN, Logical Channels in WCDMA, Spreading and Scrambling, Transport and Physical Channels, Signaling, Physical Layer Procedures, Compressed Mode Measurements, Handover Measurements, WCDMA Packet Data Access, Transport Channels For Packet Data, Packet Scheduling Algorithms), CDMA 2000 (Introduction, New MAC and Physical Layer Features, Physical Layer of cdma2000, Reverse Physical Channels, New Network Elements in cdma2000, Mobility Management, Handoff, Wireless LAN/IEEE 802.11 (Overview, IEEE 802.11 Protocols, Architecture, Services, MAC Protocols, CSMA/CA Algorithm) , Problems with DCF, RTC / CTS Protocol, PCF, MAC Frames, Physical Media in Original IEEE 802.11, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Introduction, Characteristics, Ad Hoc vs. Cellular Networks, Applications, Challenges, Routing Protocols), 802.11 Security, Types of Attacks, Flaws, WEP Protocol, WEP Authentication, Security Flaws in Original 802.11, IBSS Security Model, QoS in WLAN, Limitations of QoS in IEEE 802.11, Overview of 802.11e, Traffic Categories, EDCF,HCF, Mobile IP in Details, Introduction to Wireless Mesh Networks, Characteristics, WMN vs MANET, Architecture, Applications, Critical Factors Influencing Performance , MAC Layer in WMN, Network Layer in WMN, QoS Support at Each Layer, WMN Standards, TCP for Wireless Networks (Motivation, TCP Variants, Issues in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, TCP Schemes for Wireless), Sensor Networks (Introduction, Applications, Factors Influencing Performance of WSN, Architecture and Communication Protocols, Challenges in WSNs), Research Directions, TinyOS, Overview of MAC Protocols in WSN, Energy Efficiency in MAC, Proposed MAC Routing Protocol in WSNs, Routing Challenges and Design Issues, Routing Protocols in WSN (SPIN, Directed Diffusion, ACQUIRE, LEACH, TEEN/APTEEN, GAF, GEAR, SPEED), Transport Protocols for WSN, TCP/UDP for WSN, Security Threats in WSN, TinySec, Motivations of Link Layer security, TinySec Design Goals, Semantic Secure Encryption in TinySec, Security primitives in TinySec, Encryption Schemes, Keying mechanism, Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks(WMSN), Wireless Sensor Actor Networks(WSAN), WSANs vs. WSN, Introduction to WPAN, Bluetooth introduction, Technical Features, Access Technique, Bluetooth Topology/Scenario, Specifications and Architecture, Core Protocols, Packet Format, Link Connections and Flow Specification Parameters, High Rate WPAN (IP Over Bluetooth, Bluetooth Security, WPAN Standards,IEEE 802.15.3, Overview, Topology, Coordination, Medium Access, Channel Time Management, Power management, MAC Frame format), IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee (Overview, Basics, Type of Devices, Topology, Addressing, Physical Layer, Channel Access Mechanisms, Data Transfer Model, Superframe Structure), WiMax/IEEE 802.16 (Basics and Overview, Forum, IEEE 802.16 Evolution and Standard, Comparison 802.11 and 802.16,Network Architecture, OFDM, OFDMA, Physical Layer Features, MAC Layer), WiMax/IEEE 802.16 MAC QoS (Reference Model, Burst Profiles, Convergence Sub-layers, MAC PDU Format and Transmission, Fragmentation / Packing, Request/Grant Scheme, Classes of Uplink Service, Power Management/Handoff), 4G Overview, Issues, Mobility Management, Handoffs (Types, Issues, Process and Standard),QoS Considerations

Course Codes

ACC311 ACC501 ACC707 BIF101 BIF401 BIF402 BIF501 BIF601 BIF602 BIF604 BIF731 BIF732 BIF733 BIO101 BIO102 BIO201 BIO202 BIO203 BIO204 BIO301 BIO302 BIO303 BIO401 BIO502 BIO503 BIO504P BIO505P BIO506P BIO731 BIO732 BIO733 BIO734 BIT701 BIT703 BIT710 BIT715 BNK601 BNK603 BNK604 BNK610 BNK611 BNK612 BNK613 BNK701 BNK703 BNK704 BNK725 BT101 BT102 BT201 BT301 BT302 BT401 BT402 BT403 BT404 BT405 BT406 BT501 BT503 BT504 BT505 BT511P BT512P BT513P BT513T BT514P BT514T BT601 BT603 BT604 BT605 BT611P BT613P BT614P BT731 BT732 BT733 BT734 BT735 CHE201 CHE301 CS001 CS101 CS201 CS202 CS204 CS205 CS206 CS301 CS302 CS302P CS304 CS310 CS311 CS312 CS314 CS315 CS401 CS402 CS403 CS405 CS406 CS407 CS408 CS409 CS410 CS411 CS431 CS432 CS435 CS442 CS501 CS502 CS504 CS506 CS507 CS508 CS510 CS511 CS601 CS602 CS603 CS604 CS605 CS606 CS607 CS608 CS609 CS610 CS611 CS612 CS614 CS615 CS620 CS642 CS701 CS702 CS703 CS704 CS706 CS707 CS708 CS709 CS710 CS711 CS712 CS713 CS716 CS718 CS721 CS723 CS724 CS725 CS726 ECE101 ECE201 ECE202 ECE203 ECE204 ECE301 ECE302 ECE402 ECO302 ECO303 ECO401 ECO402 ECO403 ECO404 ECO406 ECO501 ECO601 ECO602 ECO603 ECO604 ECO605 ECO606 ECO607 ECO608 ECO609 ECO612 ECO613 ECO614 ECO615 ECO616 ECO622 ECO704 EDU101 EDU201 EDU301 EDU302 EDU303 EDU304 EDU305 EDU306 EDU401 EDU402 EDU403 EDU404 EDU405 EDU406 EDU407 EDU410 EDU411 EDU430 EDU431 EDU433 EDU501 EDU505 EDU510 EDU512 EDU515 EDU516 EDU601 EDU602 EDU603 EDU604 EDU654 EDU702 EDU705 EDUA305 EDUA411 EDUA430 ENG001 ENG101 ENG201 ENG301 ENG401 ENG501 ENG502 ENG503 ENG504 ENG505 ENG506 ENG507 ENG508 ENG509 ENG510 ENG511 ENG512 ENG513 ENG514 ENG515 ENG516 ENG518 ENG519 ENG524 ENG527 ETH100 ETH201 ETH202 FIN611 FIN621 FIN622 FIN623 FIN624 FIN625 FIN630 FIN702 FIN703 FIN704 FIN711 FIN722 FIN723 FIN725 FIN730 GEN731 GEN732 GSC101 GSC201 HRM611 HRM613 HRM617 HRM623 HRM624 HRM625 HRM626 HRM627 HRM628 HRM630 HRM713 HRM724 HRM727 HRM730 HRM733 HRM737 ISL1151 ISL1253 ISL201 ISL202 IT430 MB501P MB502P MB503P MB504P MCD401 MCD402 MCD403 MCD404 MCD501 MCD502 MCD503 MCD504 MCM101 MCM301 MCM304 MCM310 MCM311 MCM401 MCM404 MCM411 MCM431 MCM501 MCM511 MCM514 MCM515 MCM516 MCM517 MCM520 MCM531 MCM532 MCM601 MCM604 MCM610 MGMT510 MGMT611 MGMT614 MGMT615 MGMT617 MGMT622 MGMT623 MGMT625 MGMT627 MGMT628 MGMT629 MGMT630 MGMT631 MGMT715 MGMT723 MGMT725 MGMT727 MGMT728 MGMT729 MGMT730 MGMT731 MGMT737 MGT101 MGT111 MGT201 MGT211 MGT301 MGT401 MGT402 MGT404 MGT411 MGT501 MGT502 MGT503 MGT504 MGT510 MGT513 MGT520 MGT522 MGT601 MGT602 MGT603 MGT604 MGT610 MGT611 MGT612 MGT613 MGT621 MGT701 MGT703 MGT704 MGT705 MGT711 MGT713 MGT714 MGT717 MGT722 MGT723 MGT725 MGTE630 MIC501P MKT501 MKT529 MKT530 MKT610 MKT611 MKT621 MKT624 MKT625 MKT626 MKT627 MKT630 MKT703 MKT711 MKT721 MKT724 MKT725 MKT726 MKT728 MKT730 MKT731 MKT740 MTH001 MTH100 MTH101 MTH201 MTH202 MTH301 MTH302 MTH303 MTH401 MTH403 MTH501 MTH601 MTH603 MTH631 MTH632 MTH633 MTH634 MTH641 MTH642 MTH701 MTH706 MTH7123 MTH721 PAD603 PAK301 PAK302 PHY101 PHY301 PSC201 PSC401 PSY101 PSY401 PSY402 PSY403 PSY404 PSY405 PSY406 PSY407 PSY408 PSY409 PSY502 PSY504 PSY505 PSY510 PSY511 PSY512 PSY513 PSY514 PSY515 PSY516 PSY610 PSY611 PSY613 PSY631 PSY632 PSYP402 SOC101 SOC301 SOC302 SOC401 SOC402 SOC403 SOC404 SOC509 SOC601 SOC602 SOC603 SOC604 SOC605 SOC606 SOC607 SOC608 SOC609 SOC610 SOC611 SOC612 SOC613 SOC614 SOC615 SOC616 SOC617 SPT730 STA100 STA301 STA304 STA404 STA408 STA621 STA630 STA631 STA632 STA633 STA641 STA642 STA643 STA644 STA730 STAT406 STAT730 URD101 VU001F ZOO101 ZOO102 ZOO103 ZOO201 ZOO301 ZOO302 ZOO401 ZOO403 ZOO404 ZOO501 ZOO502 ZOO502P ZOO502T ZOO503 ZOO504 ZOO505 ZOO506 ZOO507 ZOO510 ZOO511P ZOO511T ZOO512P ZOO512T ZOO513P ZOO514P ZOO514T ZOO515P ZOO516P ZOO516T ZOO517P ZOO517T ZOO518P ZOO519P ZOO519T ZOO603P ZOO630 ZOO630P ZOO731