In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 3 (Antonyms)


    1. Insufficient
    2. Expanded
    3. Profound
    4. Numerous
    5. Verbose
    (A. Insufficient) Redundant means superfluous, extra, unneeded. But insufficient means not enough.

    1. articulate
    2. speculate
    3. divorce
    4. impart
    5. graduate
    (E. graduate) Matriculate means to sign up, to register for or join, especially for college. Choice A articulate means to express ideas clearly. Choice B speculate means to form opinions without definite knowledge. Choice E graduate means to be awarded a diploma for a course of study or to conclude school successfully.

    1. inconsequential
    2. nonnative
    3. extraterrestrial
    4. affluent
    5. compliant
    (D. affluent) Indigent means needy, poor. Choice D affluent means rich, wealthy, or prosperous. Choice E compliant means obliging.

    1. Barren
    2. Funnel
    3. Censored
    4. Deaf
    5. Notable
    (D. Deaf) Garrulous means talking too much. Only Deaf; who cannot speak is the right answer.

    1. intercept
    2. disrupt
    3. supersede
    4. intervene
    5. question
    (B. disrupt) Intercede means to mediate, to help two sides reach an agreement. Choice A intercept means to take something away. Choice B disrupt means to push apart. Choice C supersede means to replace or overrule. Choice D intervene means to intercede.

    1. fetters
    2. repose
    3. smear
    4. illumination
    5. remainder
    (B. repose) The noun travail means toil, hard labor; its opposite here is repose, which means to rest.
  7. INANE

    1. foolish
    2. serious
    3. mature
    4. nameless
    5. contrary
    (B. serious.) Inane means silly or empty. Choice B serious means important or solemn.

    1. love
    2. aversion
    3. disaffection
    4. purity
    5. effect
    (B. aversion.) Affection means love or liking. Choice B aversion means strong dislike. Choice C disaffection means alienation or resentment. Choice D purity means cleanness, freedom from physical or moral pollution.

    1. extravagant
    2. antinatural
    3. immodest
    4. sparse
    5. refutable
    (D. sparse) Profuse means lavish, lush, or abundant. Choice A extravagant means going beyond what is reasonable. Choice B antinatural means against nature. Choice C immodest means lacking in modesty or indecent. Choice D sparse means not thickly grown. Choice E refutable means able to be proved wrong.

    1. iridescent
    2. cooperative
    3. irregular
    4. commensurate
    5. devilish
    (B. cooperative) Irascible means quarrelsome or hot-tempered. Choice A iridescent means giving off a rainbow glow. Choice B cooperative means agreeable or easygoing. Choice D commensurate means proportionate. Choice E devilish means evil or sinister.
  11. NADIR

    1. ebb tide
    2. positron
    3. mean
    4. median
    5. zenith
    (E. zenith) Nadir is the bottom, the lowest point. Choice A ebb tide means a period or state of decline. Choice B positron means an electrically charged particle. Choice C mean means the average. Choice D median means the middle point. Choice E zenith means topmost or highest point.

    1. Immersive
    2. Orderly
    3. Hectic
    4. Nervous
    5. Embarrasing
    (B. Orderly) Chaotic is a negative word that means in a state of complete confusion or disorder. Orderly is the positive word that is the best opposite.

    1. depth
    2. shallowness
    3. profanity
    4. perfidy
    5. complexity
    (B. shallowness) Profundity means having great depth of understanding or importance. Choice B shallowness means not deep, or an incapability of having deep feelings. Choice C profanity means coarse or irreverent speech. Choice D perfidy means treachery.

    1. obvious
    2. plane
    3. fit
    4. cryptic
    5. cabalistic
    (A. obvious) Recondite means mystical or profound. Obvious means apparent. Plane means flat. Fit means trim. Ambiguous means cryptic. Cabalistic means abstruse or incomprehensible.
  15. NOVEL

    1. fictional
    2. poetic
    3. ordinary
    4. narrative
    5. peerless
    (C. ordinary) Novel means new or unique. Fictional means made up or fabricated. Poetic means elegant or musical. Ordinary means common or everyday. Narrative means related to a story. Peerless means unique.

    1. calm
    2. reason
    3. whisper
    4. intensify
    5. lead
    (D. intensify.) Moderate means to make less intense. Choice D intensify means to make more intense.
  17. LOUCHE

    1. inflexible
    2. manifest
    3. reputable
    4. wolflike
    5. gloomy
    (C. reputable) Louche means shady, disreputable. Choice B manifest means evident. Choice C reputable means having a good reputation.
  18. PALLID

    1. resplendent
    2. lackluster
    3. enervated
    4. impaled
    5. impervious
    (A. resplendent) Pallid means drab or colorless. Choice A resplendent means bright or brilliant. Choice B lackluster means drab or colorless. Choice C enervated means frail or feeble. Choice D impaled means pierced. Choice E impervious means impenetrable.

    1. flowery
    2. direct
    3. amazing
    4. dark
    5. towering
    (B. direct) Labyrinthine means mazelike. The best opposite is direct, which means straightforward.

    1. pliable
    2. facetious
    3. evident
    4. intangible
    5. careful
    (D. intangible) Palpable means easily perceived, obvious, tangible. Choice A pliable means flexible, easily influenced. Choice B facetious means intending to be funny. Choice D intangible means not tangible.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3