In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 1 (Antonyms)


    1. an unfortified place
    2. patriotism
    3. drollery
    4. merrymaking
    5. nonchalance
    (E. nonchalance) Fervor means zeal or warmth of feeling, and choice E nonchalance is cool indifference. Choice C drollery is something amusing.

    1. eager
    2. deprived
    3. indulgent
    4. free
    5. anxious
    (C. indulgent) Captious means quick to find fault, carping. The opposite is indulgent.

    1. expel
    2. exit
    3. infer
    4. refer
    5. inter
    (E. inter) Exhume means to remove from the grave. Expel means to force out, eject. Exit means to depart. Infer means to conclude or deduce. Refer means to relate. Inter means to bury a dead body.
  4. INANE

    1. foolish
    2. serious
    3. mature
    4. nameless
    5. contrary
    (B. serious.) Inane means silly or empty. Choice B serious means important or solemn.

    1. pliable
    2. facetious
    3. evident
    4. intangible
    5. careful
    (D. intangible) Palpable means easily perceived, obvious, tangible. Choice A pliable means flexible, easily influenced. Choice B facetious means intending to be funny. Choice D intangible means not tangible.

    1. acrid
    2. piquant
    3. harmonious
    4. untenable
    5. insipid
    (E. insipid) Pungent means sharply affecting the organs of taste, or a strong sour or bitter taste. Choice E insipid means tasteless. Choices A and B are synonyms of pungent. Choice D untenable means implausible or unreasonable.

    1. eager for praise
    2. criminal
    3. with a good reputation
    4. heinous
    5. appearing often
    (C. with a good reputation) Infamous means having a bad reputation. The adjective heinous, choice D, means evil, abominable.

    1. articulate
    2. speculate
    3. divorce
    4. impart
    5. graduate
    (E. graduate) Matriculate means to sign up, to register for or join, especially for college. Choice A articulate means to express ideas clearly. Choice B speculate means to form opinions without definite knowledge. Choice E graduate means to be awarded a diploma for a course of study or to conclude school successfully.

    1. extravagant
    2. antinatural
    3. immodest
    4. sparse
    5. refutable
    (D. sparse) Profuse means lavish, lush, or abundant. Choice A extravagant means going beyond what is reasonable. Choice B antinatural means against nature. Choice C immodest means lacking in modesty or indecent. Choice D sparse means not thickly grown. Choice E refutable means able to be proved wrong.

    1. Insufficient
    2. Expanded
    3. Profound
    4. Numerous
    5. Verbose
    (A. Insufficient) Redundant means superfluous, extra, unneeded. But insufficient means not enough.
  11. PALLID

    1. resplendent
    2. lackluster
    3. enervated
    4. impaled
    5. impervious
    (A. resplendent) Pallid means drab or colorless. Choice A resplendent means bright or brilliant. Choice B lackluster means drab or colorless. Choice C enervated means frail or feeble. Choice D impaled means pierced. Choice E impervious means impenetrable.

    1. probation
    2. guilt
    3. disapproval
    4. disavowal
    5. disaffected
    (C. disapproval) Approbation means approval. Choice A probation is a period of time for examination or evaluation. Choice C disapproval means objection, and is the opposite of approbation. Choice D disavowal means a denial of responsibility. Choice E disaffection means discontent.
  13. LOUCHE

    1. inflexible
    2. manifest
    3. reputable
    4. wolflike
    5. gloomy
    (C. reputable) Louche means shady, disreputable. Choice B manifest means evident. Choice C reputable means having a good reputation.

    1. customary
    2. naturalistic
    3. adventitious
    4. unnatural
    5. pernicious
    (A. customary) Preternatural means extraordinary. Customary means normal or regular. Naturalistic means based on natural desires or events. Adventitious means fortuitous. Unnatural means artificial or abnormal. Pernicious means harmful or wicked.

    1. intermittent
    2. parietal
    3. bland
    4. resonant
    5. sublime
    (C. bland) The adjective fervent means ardent, intensely felt, the opposite of bland, which means dull or tasteless. Choice A intermittent means periodic or recurrent. Choice B parietal means pertaining to a wall. Choice D resonant means resounding or vibrant. Choice E sublime means elevated, outstanding, or lofty.

    1. fetch
    2. glut
    3. hone
    4. idle
    5. veil
    (E. veil) The verb trumpet means to announce loudly, to proclaim. The opposite is veil, which means to cover or conceal.

    1. self-indulgent
    2. on the dole
    3. self-sacrificing
    4. off the mark
    5. self-satisfied
    (A. self-indulgent) Abstemious means self-denying, temperate.

    1. elastic
    2. resinous
    3. resolute
    4. inflexible
    5. malleable
    (D. inflexible.) Resilient means elastic, easily regaining its original shape. Choice B resinous means composed of resins (particular kinds of particles). Choice C resolute means determined. Choice D inflexible means stiff or rigid. Choice E malleable means moldable or flexible.

    1. harshly astringent
    2. axiomatic
    3. quietly reclusive
    4. parched
    5. highly spiced
    (D. parched) Succulent means full of juice, juicy. Choice D parched means dried out. Choice B axiomatic means self-evident.

    1. explicit
    2. cryptic
    3. implicit
    4. syntactic
    5. impolitic
    (A. explicit) Enigmatic means puzzling, unclear, obscure. Explicit means clear and direct. Cryptic means puzzling. Implicit means indirect. Syntactic means having to do with sentence structure. Impolitic means unwise.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3