In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 1 (Antonyms)


    1. ailing
    2. hospitalized
    3. robust
    4. recovering
    5. firm
    (C. robust.) Infirm means weak, especially from illness or old age. Choice C robust means very healthy.

    1. eager for praise
    2. criminal
    3. with a good reputation
    4. heinous
    5. appearing often
    (C. with a good reputation) Infamous means having a bad reputation. The adjective heinous, choice D, means evil, abominable.

    1. obvious
    2. plane
    3. fit
    4. cryptic
    5. cabalistic
    (A. obvious) Recondite means mystical or profound. Obvious means apparent. Plane means flat. Fit means trim. Ambiguous means cryptic. Cabalistic means abstruse or incomprehensible.

    1. inflexible
    2. manifest
    3. reputable
    4. wolflike
    5. gloomy
    (C. reputable) Louche means shady, disreputable. Choice B manifest means evident. Choice C reputable means having a good reputation.

    1. love
    2. aversion
    3. disaffection
    4. purity
    5. effect
    (B. aversion.) Affection means love or liking. Choice B aversion means strong dislike. Choice C disaffection means alienation or resentment. Choice D purity means cleanness, freedom from physical or moral pollution.

    1. acrid
    2. piquant
    3. harmonious
    4. untenable
    5. insipid
    (E. insipid) Pungent means sharply affecting the organs of taste, or a strong sour or bitter taste. Choice E insipid means tasteless. Choices A and B are synonyms of pungent. Choice D untenable means implausible or unreasonable.

    1. resplendent
    2. lackluster
    3. enervated
    4. impaled
    5. impervious
    (A. resplendent) Pallid means drab or colorless. Choice A resplendent means bright or brilliant. Choice B lackluster means drab or colorless. Choice C enervated means frail or feeble. Choice D impaled means pierced. Choice E impervious means impenetrable.

    1. relaxed
    2. restrained
    3. underutilized
    4. flawed
    5. underestimated
    (A. relaxed.) Overwrought means overcome by nervous agitation or being overexcited. Choice A relaxed means an absence of tension or tightness.

    1. articulate
    2. speculate
    3. divorce
    4. impart
    5. graduate
    (E. graduate) Matriculate means to sign up, to register for or join, especially for college. Choice A articulate means to express ideas clearly. Choice B speculate means to form opinions without definite knowledge. Choice E graduate means to be awarded a diploma for a course of study or to conclude school successfully.

    1. eager
    2. deprived
    3. indulgent
    4. free
    5. anxious
    (C. indulgent) Captious means quick to find fault, carping. The opposite is indulgent.

    1. fetters
    2. repose
    3. smear
    4. illumination
    5. remainder
    (B. repose) The noun travail means toil, hard labor; its opposite here is repose, which means to rest.
  12. NOVEL

    1. fictional
    2. poetic
    3. ordinary
    4. narrative
    5. peerless
    (C. ordinary) Novel means new or unique. Fictional means made up or fabricated. Poetic means elegant or musical. Ordinary means common or everyday. Narrative means related to a story. Peerless means unique.

    1. racist
    2. gourmet
    3. crass
    4. popular
    5. segregated
    (C. crass) Discriminating means being able to make fine distinctions. Choice C crass means gross, being unable to make fine distinctions.
  14. DOWDY

    1. slovenly
    2. out of date
    3. stylish
    4. above average
    5. seasonal
    (C. stylish) Dowdy means drab or out of date. Choice A slovenly means untidy.

    1. grounded
    2. raised
    3. excited
    4. subterranean
    5. moody
    (D. subterranean.) Elevated means above the ground. Choice A grounded means connected to the earth. Choice D subterranean means beneath the surface.

    1. pliable
    2. facetious
    3. evident
    4. intangible
    5. careful
    (D. intangible) Palpable means easily perceived, obvious, tangible. Choice A pliable means flexible, easily influenced. Choice B facetious means intending to be funny. Choice D intangible means not tangible.

    1. thoughtlessly
    2. carelessly
    3. coherently
    4. openly expressed
    5. mildly amused
    (D. openly expressed) Tacitly means silently, without being openly expressed.

    1. Barren
    2. Funnel
    3. Censored
    4. Deaf
    5. Notable
    (D. Deaf) Garrulous means talking too much. Only Deaf; who cannot speak is the right answer.

    1. dissimilar
    2. similar
    3. disconcerted
    4. contrite
    5. desperate
    (B. similar.) Disparate means different. Choice A dissimilar means different. Choice B similar means the same or nearly the same. Choice C disconcerted means bewildered or confused. Choice D contrite means repentant.

    1. mandate
    2. intoxicant
    3. life
    4. euthanasia
    5. gloom
    (E. gloom.) Euphoria means a feeling of well-being or elation. Choice A mandate means an order or command. Choice B intoxicant means a mind-altering substance. Choice D euthanasia means mercy killing. Choice E gloom means sadness or depression.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3