In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 1 (Antonyms)


    1. intermittent
    2. parietal
    3. bland
    4. resonant
    5. sublime
    (C. bland) The adjective fervent means ardent, intensely felt, the opposite of bland, which means dull or tasteless. Choice A intermittent means periodic or recurrent. Choice B parietal means pertaining to a wall. Choice D resonant means resounding or vibrant. Choice E sublime means elevated, outstanding, or lofty.

    1. with many faults
    2. odorless
    3. agreeable in disposition
    4. fetid
    5. highly decorated
    (C. agreeable in disposition) Ornery means disagreeable, mean, crotchety. The adjective fetid, choice D, means noisome, stinking.

    1. verbose
    2. irrelevant
    3. prosaic
    4. excessive
    5. insufficient
    (E. insufficient.) Redundant means superfluous, extra, unneeded. Choice A verbose means using too many words. Choice C prosaic means dull or ordinary. Choice E insufficient means not enough.

    1. incarcerate
    2. eat heartily
    3. dance wildly
    4. keep watch
    5. publicize
    (E. publicize) As a verb, hugger-mugger means to hush up. Choice E publicize means to announce, promote, or advertise. To incarcerate, choice A, is to imprison.

    1. Separate
    2. Pack
    3. Bottom line
    4. Scratch
    5. Ambulatory
    (B. Pack) Detach means to separate or unfasten. The best opposite is choice Pack.
  6. NOVEL

    1. fictional
    2. poetic
    3. ordinary
    4. narrative
    5. peerless
    (C. ordinary) Novel means new or unique. Fictional means made up or fabricated. Poetic means elegant or musical. Ordinary means common or everyday. Narrative means related to a story. Peerless means unique.

    1. customary
    2. naturalistic
    3. adventitious
    4. unnatural
    5. pernicious
    (A. customary) Preternatural means extraordinary. Customary means normal or regular. Naturalistic means based on natural desires or events. Adventitious means fortuitous. Unnatural means artificial or abnormal. Pernicious means harmful or wicked.

    1. obsequious
    2. cantankerous
    3. rare
    4. intermittent
    5. omnivorous
    (C. rare) Ubiquitous means omnipresent, everywhere. Choice A obsequious means excessively or sickeningly respectful. Choice B cantankerous means bad-tempered. Choice C rare means seldom found or occurring. Choice D intermittent means occurring at intervals, not continuous. Choice E omnivorous means feeding on both plants and animal flesh.

    1. grounded
    2. raised
    3. excited
    4. subterranean
    5. moody
    (D. subterranean.) Elevated means above the ground. Choice A grounded means connected to the earth. Choice D subterranean means beneath the surface.

    1. skim
    2. devour
    3. elaborate
    4. comprehend
    5. question
    (A. skim.) Scrutinize means to examine something thoroughly and carefully. Choice A skim means to glance at or read quickly. Choice B devour means to hungrily or greedily consume.

    1. controlled by hand
    2. making fast
    3. imposing
    4. freewheeling
    5. obtuse
    (D. freewheeling) The adjective puritanic means excessively strict in morals. The most nearly opposite choice here is choice D freewheeling. Choice E obtuse means dull-witted, dense, or ignorant.

    1. obvious
    2. plane
    3. fit
    4. cryptic
    5. cabalistic
    (A. obvious) Recondite means mystical or profound. Obvious means apparent. Plane means flat. Fit means trim. Ambiguous means cryptic. Cabalistic means abstruse or incomprehensible.

    1. articulate
    2. speculate
    3. divorce
    4. impart
    5. graduate
    (E. graduate) Matriculate means to sign up, to register for or join, especially for college. Choice A articulate means to express ideas clearly. Choice B speculate means to form opinions without definite knowledge. Choice E graduate means to be awarded a diploma for a course of study or to conclude school successfully.

    1. depth
    2. shallowness
    3. profanity
    4. perfidy
    5. complexity
    (B. shallowness) Profundity means having great depth of understanding or importance. Choice B shallowness means not deep, or an incapability of having deep feelings. Choice C profanity means coarse or irreverent speech. Choice D perfidy means treachery.

    1. secede
    2. succeed
    3. impede
    4. lead
    5. recede
    (E. recede.) Proceed means move forward, go ahead as planned. Choice E recede means to move backward. Choice A secede means to withdraw or quit. Choice C impede means to slow down.

    1. love
    2. aversion
    3. disaffection
    4. purity
    5. effect
    (B. aversion.) Affection means love or liking. Choice B aversion means strong dislike. Choice C disaffection means alienation or resentment. Choice D purity means cleanness, freedom from physical or moral pollution.

    1. selfish
    2. below sea level
    3. interdisciplinary
    4. nonalcoholic
    5. self-reliant
    (A. selfish) Altruistic means benevolent, generous, or unselfishly concerned for others. Choice A is the best opposite.

    1. fetch
    2. glut
    3. hone
    4. idle
    5. veil
    (E. veil) The verb trumpet means to announce loudly, to proclaim. The opposite is veil, which means to cover or conceal.
  19. IRONIC

    1. literary
    2. figurative
    3. analogous
    4. mysterious
    5. literal
    (E. literal) Ironic means using words to express the opposite of their literal meaning. Choice B figurative means metaphoric, a kind of literary comparison. Choice C analogous means a resemblance between two things that are otherwise unlike. Choice E literal means exact or verbatim.

    1. assurance
    2. acquaintance
    3. enemy
    4. confession
    5. ally
    (C. enemy.) Confidant means a friend, a person you can confide in. Choice C enemy is the opposite of friend.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3