In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 2 (Antonyms)


    1. eager for praise
    2. criminal
    3. with a good reputation
    4. heinous
    5. appearing often
    (C. with a good reputation) Infamous means having a bad reputation. The adjective heinous, choice D, means evil, abominable.

    1. love
    2. aversion
    3. disaffection
    4. purity
    5. effect
    (B. aversion.) Affection means love or liking. Choice B aversion means strong dislike. Choice C disaffection means alienation or resentment. Choice D purity means cleanness, freedom from physical or moral pollution.

    1. probation
    2. guilt
    3. disapproval
    4. disavowal
    5. disaffected
    (C. disapproval) Approbation means approval. Choice A probation is a period of time for examination or evaluation. Choice C disapproval means objection, and is the opposite of approbation. Choice D disavowal means a denial of responsibility. Choice E disaffection means discontent.

    1. eager
    2. deprived
    3. indulgent
    4. free
    5. anxious
    (C. indulgent) Captious means quick to find fault, carping. The opposite is indulgent.

    1. incarcerate
    2. eat heartily
    3. dance wildly
    4. keep watch
    5. publicize
    (E. publicize) As a verb, hugger-mugger means to hush up. Choice E publicize means to announce, promote, or advertise. To incarcerate, choice A, is to imprison.

    1. verbose
    2. irrelevant
    3. prosaic
    4. excessive
    5. insufficient
    (E. insufficient.) Redundant means superfluous, extra, unneeded. Choice A verbose means using too many words. Choice C prosaic means dull or ordinary. Choice E insufficient means not enough.

    1. controlled by hand
    2. making fast
    3. imposing
    4. freewheeling
    5. obtuse
    (D. freewheeling) The adjective puritanic means excessively strict in morals. The most nearly opposite choice here is choice D freewheeling. Choice E obtuse means dull-witted, dense, or ignorant.

    1. pliable
    2. facetious
    3. evident
    4. intangible
    5. careful
    (D. intangible) Palpable means easily perceived, obvious, tangible. Choice A pliable means flexible, easily influenced. Choice B facetious means intending to be funny. Choice D intangible means not tangible.

    1. skim
    2. devour
    3. elaborate
    4. comprehend
    5. question
    (A. skim.) Scrutinize means to examine something thoroughly and carefully. Choice A skim means to glance at or read quickly. Choice B devour means to hungrily or greedily consume.
  10. IRONIC

    1. literary
    2. figurative
    3. analogous
    4. mysterious
    5. literal
    (E. literal) Ironic means using words to express the opposite of their literal meaning. Choice B figurative means metaphoric, a kind of literary comparison. Choice C analogous means a resemblance between two things that are otherwise unlike. Choice E literal means exact or verbatim.

    1. dispassionate
    2. obligatory
    3. voluntary
    4. inveterate
    5. disconsolate
    (C. voluntary) Mandatory means obligatory, ordered. Choice A dispassionate means impartial. Choice D inveterate means deep-seated. Choice E disconsolate means cheerless, unhappy.

    1. Creative
    2. Selfish
    3. Artistic
    4. Polite
    5. Overbearing
    (D. Polite) Bombastic is a very strong word that means boastful. Notice that it simply sounds like a strong word. The best opposite here is Polite.

    1. extravagant
    2. antinatural
    3. immodest
    4. sparse
    5. refutable
    (D. sparse) Profuse means lavish, lush, or abundant. Choice A extravagant means going beyond what is reasonable. Choice B antinatural means against nature. Choice C immodest means lacking in modesty or indecent. Choice D sparse means not thickly grown. Choice E refutable means able to be proved wrong.

    1. lucid
    2. ministerial
    3. wise
    4. graceful
    5. inarticulate
    (E. inarticulate.) Eloquent means articulate. Choice A lucid means clear. Choice B ministerial pertains to a minister. Choice E inarticulate means not eloquent.

    1. explicit
    2. cryptic
    3. implicit
    4. syntactic
    5. impolitic
    (A. explicit) Enigmatic means puzzling, unclear, obscure. Explicit means clear and direct. Cryptic means puzzling. Implicit means indirect. Syntactic means having to do with sentence structure. Impolitic means unwise.

    1. relaxed
    2. restrained
    3. underutilized
    4. flawed
    5. underestimated
    (A. relaxed.) Overwrought means overcome by nervous agitation or being overexcited. Choice A relaxed means an absence of tension or tightness.

    1. selfish
    2. below sea level
    3. interdisciplinary
    4. nonalcoholic
    5. self-reliant
    (A. selfish) Altruistic means benevolent, generous, or unselfishly concerned for others. Choice A is the best opposite.

    1. fetters
    2. repose
    3. smear
    4. illumination
    5. remainder
    (B. repose) The noun travail means toil, hard labor; its opposite here is repose, which means to rest.

    1. calm
    2. reason
    3. whisper
    4. intensify
    5. lead
    (D. intensify.) Moderate means to make less intense. Choice D intensify means to make more intense.

    1. compassion
    2. lack of feeling for others
    3. lack of religious certainty
    4. lack of credit
    5. recalcitrance
    (B. lack of feeling for others) Empathy means feeling for others, sympathy. Choice E recalcitrance means disobedience, noncompliance.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3