The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is one of the standardized exams used in admission decisions. This exam is
- used by more than ~7,000 graduate management programs worldwide,
- at ~2,300 graduate business schools worldwide.
This exams helps student's gauge, and demonstrate to schools, student's academic potential for success in graduate-level management studies.
The GMAT exam measures higher-order analytical skills comprising of several reasoning types. The Analytical Writing Assessment asks to analyze the reasoning
behind an argument and respond in writing; the Integrated Reasoning asks to interpret and synthesize information from multiple sources and in different formats
to make reasoned conclusions; the Qyantitative section asks to reason quantitatively using basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry; and the Verbal section asks
to read and comprehend written material and to reason and evaluate arguments.
The test consists of following types of questions: