In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 3 (Quantitative Ability)

  1. 8 : ? :: 1 : 4

    1. 24
    2. 16
    3. 0
    4. 32
    5. 20
    ? × 1 = 8 × 4
    ? = 32
  2. A train takes 50 minutes for a journey if it runs at 48 km/hr. The rate at which the train must run to reduce the time to 40 minutes will be

    1. 50 km/hr
    2. 55 km/hr
    3. 60 km/hr
    4. 57 km/hr
    5. 65 km/hr
    \(50 × 48 \over 40\) = 60 \(km \over hr\)
  3. A man bought a flat for $ 820000. He borrowed 55% of this money from a bank. How much money did he borrow from the bank?

    1. $ 451000
    2. $ 452000
    3. $ 453000
    4. $ 454000
    5. $ 450000
    55% of 820000 = 0.55 × 820000 = $ 451000
  4. A man is 5 times as old as his son. 2 years ago the sum of the squares of their ages was 1114. Find the present age of son.

    1. 7 years
    2. 9 years
    3. 8 years
    4. 8 1/2 years
    5. 6 years
    Let son's age = x, then
    father's age = 5x
    As before 2 years ago the sum of the squares of their ages was 1114, the equation becomes as
    \((x - 2)^2 + (5x - 2)^2 = 1114 \)
    By simplifying the equation, we have
    \(13x^2 -12x -553 = 0\)
    Now solving the equation, we have
    \(13x^2 - 12x - 553 = 0\)
    \(13x^2 - 91x + 79x -553 = 0\)
    13x(x - 7) + 79(x - 7) = 0
    (x - 7)(13x + 79) = 0
    x = 7 and x = -6.077
    As age could not be negative, hence the present age of the son is 7 years.
  5. 42.98 + ? = 107.87

    1. 64.89
    2. 65.89
    3. 64.98
    4. 65.81
    5. 63.89
    ? = 107.87 - 42.98 = 64.89
  6. Which of the following is the largest?

    1. half of 30% of 280
    2. one-third of 70% of 160
    3. twice 50% of 30
    4. three times 40% of 40
    5. 60% of 60
    Let us calculate the value of each:
    A. 0.5 × 0.3 × 280 = 42
    B. 0.33 × 0.7 × 160 = 36.96
    C. 2 × 0.5 × 30 = 30
    D. 3 × 0.4 × 40 = 48
    E. 0.6 × 60 = 36
  7. A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B can do it in 15 days. The number of days required by them to finish it, working together is

    1. 8
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 4
    5. 3
    A's 1 day work = \(1 \over 10\)
    B's 1 day work = \(1 \over 15\)
    Now both A and B's 1 day work = \({1 \over 10} + {1 \over 15}\) = \(3 + 2 \over 30\) = \(1 \over 6\)
    Hence the work by both A and B will be completed in 6 days.
  8. A man earned an annual income of $ 245000 in 1990. He was allowed a deduction of $ 15000 relief for each of his three children and a personal relief of $ 30000. If he was charged a tax rate of 4% on first $ 50000 and 6% on his remaining income, calculate the total tax charged.

    1. $ 9200
    2. $ 8700
    3. $ 9500
    4. $ 9400
    5. $ 9000
    Total Income = $ 245000
    Total relief = 3 × 15000 + 30000 = $ 75000
    Rest income = 245000 - 75000 = 170000
    Tax on 1st 50000 = 0.04 × 50000 = $ 2000
    Tax on rest amount 120000 = 0.06 × 120000 = $ 7200
    Total tax = 200 + 7200 = $ 9200
  9. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to \(\frac{𝑥^2 + 3x + 1}{𝑥 + 1}\)?

    1. x + 2
    2. 𝑥 + 3
    3. 𝑥 + 2 - 1/(𝑥 + 1)
    4. 𝑥 + 3 + 1/(𝑥 + 1)
    5. 𝑥 + 4 + 5/(𝑥 + 1)
    As \(𝑥^2 + 3x + 1 = (𝑥^2 + 3x + 2) -1\)
    \(\frac{𝑥^2 + 3x + 2}{x + 1} = \frac{(𝑥 + 2)(x + 1)}{x + 1} = 𝑥 + 2\)
    \(\frac{𝑥^2 + 3x + 1}{x + 1} = \frac{𝑥^2 + 3x + 2}{x + 1} - \frac{1}{x + 1} = (𝑥 + 2) - \frac{1}{x + 1}\)
  10. A shopkeeper sold two articles for $ 48 each. He made a 25% profit on one article and a loss of 20% on the other. What was his net gain or loss on the sale of the two articles?

    1. loss of $ 1.40
    2. gain of $ 2.40
    3. loss of $ 2.40
    4. gain of $ 1.40
    5. gain of $ 2.60
    25% profit at selling price $ 48 = 48 x .25 = $ 12
    20% loss at selling price $ 48 = 48 x 0.2 = $ 9.6
    gain = profit - loss = 12 - 9.6 = $ 2.4
  11. A and B can reap a field in 30 days, working together. After 20 days, however, B is called away and A takes 20 days more to complete the work. B alone could do the whole work in

    1. 48 days
    2. 50 days
    3. 56 days
    4. 60 days
    5. 64 days
    (A + B)'s 20 day's work = \(1 \over 30 \) × 20 = \(2 \over 3 \)
    Remaining work = 1 - \(2 \over 3 \) = \(1 \over 3 \)
    Now, \(1 \over 3 \) work is done by A in 20 days.
    Therefore, the whole work will be done by B in 20 × 3 = 60 days.
  12. A group of boys were to choose between playing hockey and badminton. The number of boys choosing hockey was three times that of those choosing badminton. Asking 12 boys who chose hockey to play badminton would make the number of players for each game equal. Find the number who chose badminton originally.

    1. 12
    2. 14
    3. 11
    4. 13
    5. 10
    Let no. of boys for badminton = x
    then no. of boys for hockey = 3x
    According to the statement,
    3x - 12 = x + 12 (12 leave hockey, 12 join badminton)
    2x = 24
    x = 12
    Hence, there were 12 boys originally choosing badminton.
  13. By selling a fan for $ 475, a person loses 5%. To get a gain of 5%, he should sell the fan for:

    1. $ 500
    2. $ 525
    3. $ 535
    4. $ 575
    5. $ 505
    cost price = 100/(100 - 5) x 475 = $ 500
    sale price = (100 + 5)/100 x 500 = $ 525
  14. ? × 12 = 75% of 336

    1. 48
    2. 252
    3. 28
    4. 21
    5. 23
    ? × 12 = 75% of 336
    ? × 12 = 0.75 × 336
    ? × 12 = 252
    \(? = \frac{252}{12}\)
    ? = 21
  15. if x% of 60 = 48 then x = ?

    1. 80
    2. 60
    3. 90
    4. 40
    5. 70
    x = \( {48 × 100 \over 60} \) = 80
  16. 350 × ? = 4200

    1. 12
    2. 24
    3. 15
    4. 30
    5. 16
    \( ? = {4200 \over 350} =12 \)

  17. In the figure above, AB is one edge of a cube. If AB equals 5, what is the surface area of the cube?

    1. 25
    2. 100
    3. 125
    4. 150
    5. 300
    Since one edge of the cube is 5, all edges equal 5. Therefore, the area of one face of the cube is:
    5 × 5 = 25
    Since a cube has 6 equal faces, its surface area will be:
    6 × 25 = 150
  18. 40 men can build a wall 4 metres high in 15 days. The number of men required to build a similar wall 5 metres high in 6 days is

    1. 115
    2. 125
    3. 105
    4. 135
    5. 130
    \( 40 × 15 × 5 \over 6 × 4 \) = 125 men
  19. A shopkeeper bought a radio from a wholesaler for $ 250.00. In addition, he paid a sales tax of 15% on the cost price. He then sold the radio for $ 315.00. Calculate the cash profit made by the shopkeeper.

    1. $ 20.00
    2. $ 22.50
    3. $ 25.00
    4. $ 27.50
    5. $ 27.00
    cost price = $ 250
    sales tax = .15 × 250 = $ 37.5
    cash profit = 315 - 250 - 37.5 = $ 27.5
  20. Which expression is equivalent to \(\frac{6𝑥^2 + 4𝑥}{2𝑥}\)?

    1. 7x
    2. 5x2
    3. 3x + 2
    4. 6x2 + 2
    5. 3x2 + 2x
    As \(\frac{6𝑥^2}{2𝑥} = 3𝑥,\) and \(\frac{4𝑥}{2𝑥} = 2,\) so then \(\frac{6𝑥^2 + 4𝑥}{2𝑥} = 3𝑥 + 2\)

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3