In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 3 (Quantitative Ability)

  1. 5789 - 2936 + 1089 = ?

    1. 3942
    2. 4041
    3. 2626
    4. 3932
    5. 3940
    5789 - 2936 + 1089 = 6878 - 2936 = 3942
  2. A man bought a flat for $ 820000. He borrowed 55% of this money from a bank. How much money did he borrow from the bank?

    1. $ 451000
    2. $ 452000
    3. $ 453000
    4. $ 454000
    5. $ 450000
    55% of 820000 = 0.55 × 820000 = $ 451000
  3. A man saves $ 500, which is 15% of his annual income. How much does he earn in one year?

    1. $ 3542.5
    2. $ 3333.33
    3. $ 3132.3
    4. $ 3075.75
    5. $ 4444.4
    Let annual income = x
    15% of x = 500
    x = \(500 \over 15\) × 100 = \(10000 \over 3\) = 3333.33
  4. If n! = n ⋅ (n − 1) ⋅ (n − 2) ⋅ (n − 3) . . . 2 ⋅ 1, what is the value of \(\frac{(6!)(4!)}{(5!)(3!)}\)

    1. 5/4
    2. 8/5
    3. 10
    4. 24
    5. 1152
    \(\frac{(6!)(4!)}{(5!)(3!)}\) = \(\frac{(6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1)(4 . 3 . 2. 1)}{(5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1)(3 . 2 . 1)}\) = \(\frac{6 . 4}{1}\) = 24
  5. A fruit-seller has 120 oranges. Given that he has 20% more apples than oranges and 40% less oranges than pears, find the number of apples and the number of pears the fruit seller has.

    1. 144, 200
    2. 148, 380
    3. 149, 220
    4. 140, 190
    5. 142, 190
    No. of apples = 120 + 20% of 120 = 120 + 0.2 × 120 = 144

    Let x = No. of pears
    x - 40% of x = 120
    x - 0.4x = 120
    0.6x = 120
    x = \(120 \over 0.6\) = 200
    Hence, no. of pears = 200
  6. 42.98 + ? = 107.87

    1. 64.89
    2. 65.89
    3. 64.98
    4. 65.81
    5. 63.89
    ? = 107.87 - 42.98 = 64.89
  7. \( {0.027 \over 90} = ? \)

    1. 0.0003
    2. 0.03
    3. 3
    4. 0.00003
    5. 0.003
    \( {0.027 \over 90} = {27 \over 1000 × 90} = {3 \over 10000} = 0.0003 \)
  8. A group of boys were to choose between playing hockey and badminton. The number of boys choosing hockey was three times that of those choosing badminton. Asking 12 boys who chose hockey to play badminton would make the number of players for each game equal. Find the number who chose badminton originally.

    1. 12
    2. 14
    3. 11
    4. 13
    5. 10
    Let no. of boys for badminton = x
    then no. of boys for hockey = 3x
    According to the statement,
    3x - 12 = x + 12 (12 leave hockey, 12 join badminton)
    2x = 24
    x = 12
    Hence, there were 12 boys originally choosing badminton.
  9. A retailer bought a compact disc from a manufacturer for $ 200. In addition to that, he paid a 15% sales tax. If he sold the disc to a customer for $ 260, calculate the cash profit he made.

    1. $ 30.00
    2. $ 35.00
    3. $ 32.50
    4. $ 28.00
    5. $ 30.50
    price of a compact disc with sales tax = 200 + 0.15 × 200
    = 200 + 30 = $ 230
    As the selling price of the disc = $ 260
    Hence, cash profit = 260 - 230 = $ 30
  10. A shopkeeper buys 300 identical articles at a total cost of $ 1500. He fixes the selling price of each article at 20% above the cost price and sells 260 articles at the price. As for the remaining articles, he sells them at 50% of the selling price. Calculate the shopkeeper's total profit.

    1. $ 180
    2. $ 185
    3. $ 200
    4. $ 190
    5. $ 170
    cost price of each item = \( 1500 \over 300 \) = $ 5
    selling price at 20% above the cost price = 5 + 5 × .2 = $ 6
    selling price of 260 items = 260 × 6 = $ 1560
    selling price of remaining 40 items = 40 × 6 × .5 = $ 120
    Total profit = 1560 + 120 - 1500 = $ 180
  11. If 3x = −9, then 3x3 − 2x + 4 =

    1. -83
    2. -71
    3. -47
    4. -17
    5. 61
    First solving 3x = −9, x = −3. Now plug into 3x3 − 2x + 4:
    3x3 − 2x + 4
    = 3(-3)3 − 2(-2) + 4
    = 3(−27) + 6 + 4
    = −81 + 6 + 4
    = −71
  12. \(25 \text{% of }{4 \over 4\text{%}} \text{ of }{1 \over 25} = ?\)

    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 0
    4. 67
    5. 25
    \(25 \text{% of }{4 \over 4\text{%}} \text{ of }{1 \over 25}\)
    \(= 25 \text{% } × {4 \over 4\text{%}} × {1 \over 25} \)
    \(= 0.25 × {4 \over 0.04} × {1 \over 25}\)
    \(= {25 \over 25}\)
    = 1
  13. 72 + 679 + 1439 + 537+ ? = 4036

    1. 1309
    2. 1208
    3. 2308
    4. 2423
    5. 1309
    72 + 679 + 1439 + 537+ ? = 4036
    2727 + ? = 4036
    ? = 4036 - 2727 = 1309
  14. A and B can reap a field in 30 days, working together. After 20 days, however, B is called away and A takes 20 days more to complete the work. B alone could do the whole work in

    1. 48 days
    2. 50 days
    3. 56 days
    4. 60 days
    5. 64 days
    (A + B)'s 20 day's work = \(1 \over 30 \) × 20 = \(2 \over 3 \)
    Remaining work = 1 - \(2 \over 3 \) = \(1 \over 3 \)
    Now, \(1 \over 3 \) work is done by A in 20 days.
    Therefore, the whole work will be done by B in 20 × 3 = 60 days.
  15. 60% of 37 = ?

    1. 20
    2. 21
    3. 22.2
    4. 22
    5. none
    60% of 37 = 0.6 × 37 = 22.2
  16. Which of the following is the largest?

    1. half of 30% of 280
    2. one-third of 70% of 160
    3. twice 50% of 30
    4. three times 40% of 40
    5. 60% of 60
    Let us calculate the value of each:
    A. 0.5 × 0.3 × 280 = 42
    B. 0.33 × 0.7 × 160 = 36.96
    C. 2 × 0.5 × 30 = 30
    D. 3 × 0.4 × 40 = 48
    E. 0.6 × 60 = 36
  17. How much would I have to pay for a book which cost $ 72 to product, if the printing company sold it to a bookseller at 20% profit and in return the bookseller sold it to me at a profit of 25%?

    1. $ 104
    2. $ 106
    3. $ 108
    4. $ 110
    5. $ 109
    Cost of the book product = $ 72
    Profit of printing company = 20% of 72 = 0.2 x 72 = 14.4
    Now the cost of the book = 72 +14.4 = $ 86.4
    Profit of the bookseller = 25% of 86.4 = 21.4
    Finally, the cost of the book = 86.4 + 21.4 = $ 108
  18. A bank increased the rate of interest which it paid to depositors from 3.5% to 4% per annum. Find how much more interest a man would receive if he deposited $ 64000 in the bank for 6 months at the new interest rate

    1. $ 160
    2. $ 180
    3. $ 200
    4. $ 220
    5. $ 150
    If the interest rate is 3.5% then interest amount is
    3.5% of 6400 = 0.035 × 6400 = $ 2240
    If the interest rate is 4% then interest amount is
    4% of 6400 = 0.04 × 6400 = $ 2560
    Now the difference of both interests = 2560 - 2240 = $ 320 per annum
    Interest for half year (6 months) = \(320 \over 2\) = $ 160
  19. A man pays 10% of his income for his income tax. If his income tax amounts to $ 1500, what is his income?

    1. $ 13000
    2. $ 15000
    3. $ 17000
    4. $ 19000
    5. $ 11000
    Let x = income
    10% of x = $ 1500
    0.1x = $ 1500
    x = \(1500 \over 0.1\) = $ 15000
  20. After spending 88% of his income, a man had $ 2160 left. Find his income.

    1. $ 18000
    2. $ 19000
    3. $ 20000
    4. $ 22000
    5. $ 17000
    Let income = x
    x = 88% of x + 2160
    x - 0.88x = 2160
    0.12x = 2160
    x = \(216000 \over 12\) = 18000

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3