In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 1 (Quantitative Ability)

  1. ?% of 60 = 24

    1. 40
    2. 48
    3. 45
    4. 42
    5. 38
    ?% × 60 = 24
    \(? = {24 \over 60} × 100 \) = 40
  2. If n! = n ⋅ (n − 1) ⋅ (n − 2) ⋅ (n − 3) . . . 2 ⋅ 1, what is the value of \(\frac{(6!)(4!)}{(5!)(3!)}\)

    1. 5/4
    2. 8/5
    3. 10
    4. 24
    5. 1152
    \(\frac{(6!)(4!)}{(5!)(3!)}\) = \(\frac{(6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1)(4 . 3 . 2. 1)}{(5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1)(3 . 2 . 1)}\) = \(\frac{6 . 4}{1}\) = 24
  3. A and B can reap a field in 30 days, working together. After 20 days, however, B is called away and A takes 20 days more to complete the work. B alone could do the whole work in

    1. 48 days
    2. 50 days
    3. 56 days
    4. 60 days
    5. 64 days
    (A + B)'s 20 day's work = \(1 \over 30 \) × 20 = \(2 \over 3 \)
    Remaining work = 1 - \(2 \over 3 \) = \(1 \over 3 \)
    Now, \(1 \over 3 \) work is done by A in 20 days.
    Therefore, the whole work will be done by B in 20 × 3 = 60 days.
  4. Which expression is equivalent to \(\frac{6𝑥^2 + 4𝑥}{2𝑥}\)?

    1. 7x
    2. 5x2
    3. 3x + 2
    4. 6x2 + 2
    5. 3x2 + 2x
    As \(\frac{6𝑥^2}{2𝑥} = 3𝑥,\) and \(\frac{4𝑥}{2𝑥} = 2,\) so then \(\frac{6𝑥^2 + 4𝑥}{2𝑥} = 3𝑥 + 2\)
  5. \( {2244 \over 0.88} = ? × 1122 \)

    1. 20.02
    2. 20.2
    3. 19.3
    4. 2.27
    5. 3.27
    \( {2244 \over 0.88} = ? × 1122 \)
    \(? = {2550 \over 1122} = 2.27 \)
  6. A man was 32 years old when his daughter was born. He is now five times as old as his daughter. How old is his daughter now?

    1. 7 years
    2. 8 years
    3. 9 years
    4. 10 years
    5. 6 years
    Let's assume the daughter is d years old now. That means that the man is now (32 + d) years old, so that
    (32 + d) = 5d
    32 = 4d
    d = 8
  7. A man pays 10% of his income for his income tax. If his income tax amounts to $ 1500, what is his income?

    1. $ 13000
    2. $ 15000
    3. $ 17000
    4. $ 19000
    5. $ 11000
    Let x = income
    10% of x = $ 1500
    0.1x = $ 1500
    x = \(1500 \over 0.1\) = $ 15000
  8. A bank increased the rate of interest which it paid to depositors from 3.5% to 4% per annum. Find how much more interest a man would receive if he deposited $ 64000 in the bank for 6 months at the new interest rate

    1. $ 160
    2. $ 180
    3. $ 200
    4. $ 220
    5. $ 150
    If the interest rate is 3.5% then interest amount is
    3.5% of 6400 = 0.035 × 6400 = $ 2240
    If the interest rate is 4% then interest amount is
    4% of 6400 = 0.04 × 6400 = $ 2560
    Now the difference of both interests = 2560 - 2240 = $ 320 per annum
    Interest for half year (6 months) = \(320 \over 2\) = $ 160
  9. A and B enter into a partnership contributing $ 800 and $ 1000 respectively. At the end of 6 months they admit C, who contributes $ 600. After 3 years they get a profit of $ 966. Find the share of each partner in the profit.

    1. $ 336, $ 420, $ 210
    2. $ 360, $ 400, $ 206
    3. $ 380, $ 390, $ 196
    4. $ 345, $ 405, $ 210
    5. $ 325, $ 400, $ 200
    A shares = 800 × 3 = 2400
    B shares = 1000 × 3 = 3000
    C shares = 600 × 2 1⁄2 = 1500
    Total shares = 2400 + 3000 + 1500 = 6900
    A's profit = \(2400 \over 6900 \) × 966 = $ 336
    B's profit = \(3000 \over 6900 \) × 966 = $ 420
    C's profit = \(1500 \over 6900 \) × 966 = $ 210
  10. A shopkeeper buys 300 identical articles at a total cost of $ 1500. He fixes the selling price of each article at 20% above the cost price and sells 260 articles at the price. As for the remaining articles, he sells them at 50% of the selling price. Calculate the shopkeeper's total profit.

    1. $ 180
    2. $ 185
    3. $ 200
    4. $ 190
    5. $ 170
    cost price of each item = \( 1500 \over 300 \) = $ 5
    selling price at 20% above the cost price = 5 + 5 × .2 = $ 6
    selling price of 260 items = 260 × 6 = $ 1560
    selling price of remaining 40 items = 40 × 6 × .5 = $ 120
    Total profit = 1560 + 120 - 1500 = $ 180
  11. 5.41 - 3.29 × 1.6 = ?

    1. 14.6
    2. 0.3392
    3. 0.146
    4. 3.392
    5. 1.46
    5.41 - 3.29 × 1.6 = 5.41 - 5.264 = 0.146
  12. 72 + 679 + 1439 + 537+ ? = 4036

    1. 1309
    2. 1208
    3. 2308
    4. 2423
    5. 1309
    72 + 679 + 1439 + 537+ ? = 4036
    2727 + ? = 4036
    ? = 4036 - 2727 = 1309
  13. \(25 \text{% of }{4 \over 4\text{%}} \text{ of }{1 \over 25} = ?\)

    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 0
    4. 67
    5. 25
    \(25 \text{% of }{4 \over 4\text{%}} \text{ of }{1 \over 25}\)
    \(= 25 \text{% } × {4 \over 4\text{%}} × {1 \over 25} \)
    \(= 0.25 × {4 \over 0.04} × {1 \over 25}\)
    \(= {25 \over 25}\)
    = 1
  14. \( {1250 \over 25} × 0.5 = ? \)

    1. 250
    2. 50
    3. 2.5
    4. 25
    5. 125
    \( {1250 \over 25} × 0.5 = 50 × 0.5 = 25 \)
  15. A man travelled 120 km to a town. He could have reached the town 4 1⁄2 hours earlier had he increased his speed by 3 km/h. Find the speed at which he travelled.

    1. 6.56 km
    2. 7.57 km
    3. 8.58 km
    4. 9.59 km
    5. 5.55 km
    Let the normal speed \(= x \text{ } \frac{km}{hr}\)
    Time taken when travelled at the normal speed \(= \frac{120}{x}\) hr
    Time taken when travelled at the increased speed \(= \frac{120}{x + 3}\) hr
    $$\frac{120} {x} - \frac{120}{x + 3} = 4.5$$ $$120(x + 3) − 120x = 4.5x(x + 3)$$ $$360 = 4.5x(x + 3)$$ $$720 = 9x(x + 3)$$ $$80 = x(x + 3)$$ $$x^2 + 3x - 80 = 0$$ $$x = \frac{-3 \pm \sqrt{3^2-4 × (-80)}}{2} = \frac{-3 \pm \sqrt{329}}{2}$$ $$= \frac{-3 \pm 18.14}{2} = 7.57 \text{ (ignoring the negative value)}$$
  16. A shopkeeper sold two articles for $ 48 each. He made a 25% profit on one article and a loss of 20% on the other. What was his net gain or loss on the sale of the two articles?

    1. loss of $ 1.40
    2. gain of $ 2.40
    3. loss of $ 2.40
    4. gain of $ 1.40
    5. gain of $ 2.60
    25% profit at selling price $ 48 = 48 x .25 = $ 12
    20% loss at selling price $ 48 = 48 x 0.2 = $ 9.6
    gain = profit - loss = 12 - 9.6 = $ 2.4
  17. 40 men can build a wall 4 metres high in 15 days. The number of men required to build a similar wall 5 metres high in 6 days is

    1. 115
    2. 125
    3. 105
    4. 135
    5. 130
    \( 40 × 15 × 5 \over 6 × 4 \) = 125 men
  18. How much would I have to pay for a book which cost $ 72 to product, if the printing company sold it to a bookseller at 20% profit and in return the bookseller sold it to me at a profit of 25%?

    1. $ 104
    2. $ 106
    3. $ 108
    4. $ 110
    5. $ 109
    Cost of the book product = $ 72
    Profit of printing company = 20% of 72 = 0.2 x 72 = 14.4
    Now the cost of the book = 72 +14.4 = $ 86.4
    Profit of the bookseller = 25% of 86.4 = 21.4
    Finally, the cost of the book = 86.4 + 21.4 = $ 108
  19. A man is 5 times as old as his son. 2 years ago the sum of the squares of their ages was 1114. Find the present age of son.

    1. 7 years
    2. 9 years
    3. 8 years
    4. 8 1/2 years
    5. 6 years
    Let son's age = x, then
    father's age = 5x
    As before 2 years ago the sum of the squares of their ages was 1114, the equation becomes as
    \((x - 2)^2 + (5x - 2)^2 = 1114 \)
    By simplifying the equation, we have
    \(13x^2 -12x -553 = 0\)
    Now solving the equation, we have
    \(13x^2 - 12x - 553 = 0\)
    \(13x^2 - 91x + 79x -553 = 0\)
    13x(x - 7) + 79(x - 7) = 0
    (x - 7)(13x + 79) = 0
    x = 7 and x = -6.077
    As age could not be negative, hence the present age of the son is 7 years.
  20. A man saves $ 500, which is 15% of his annual income. How much does he earn in one year?

    1. $ 3542.5
    2. $ 3333.33
    3. $ 3132.3
    4. $ 3075.75
    5. $ 4444.4
    Let annual income = x
    15% of x = 500
    x = \(500 \over 15\) × 100 = \(10000 \over 3\) = 3333.33

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3