In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 3 (Sentence Completion)

  1. Fauzia presents herself as a bold journalist by asking people in politics the kinds of ________ questions that other reporters do not ask.

    1. controversial
    2. circumnutating
    3. abnormal
    4. irrelevant
  2. So ________ was the sales person's tone about the qualities of the new computer system that Najam nearly missed the ________ in its calculations in his budget.

    1. Persuasive ... flaw
    2. adopted ... accuracy
    3. harsh ... amount
    4. irritating ... greatness
  3. When the hotel burned down, fifty people died in the _____.

    1. sirocco
    2. typhoon
    3. maelstrom
    4. holocaust
  4. His _____ simplicity is one of his qualities.

    1. childish
    2. childlike
    3. infantile
    4. puerile
  5. He flew into a _____ when I would not lend him any money.

    1. overt
    2. sporadic
    3. furtive
    4. fury
  6. It is important that the office _____ your registration.

    1. will confirm
    2. confirm
    3. confirms
    4. must confirm
  7. Time and time again, the power of the mob in Chicago appears to have been annihilated, but it has always ________ itself.

    1. reappeared
    2. eliminated
    3. returned
    4. regenerated
    5. exhumed
  8. The sea at that time was perfectly _____.

    1. harmonious
    2. concordant
    3. calm
    4. in agreement
  9. It is now believed that some damage to tissues may result _____ them to frequent X-rays.

    1. the exposing
    2. from exposing
    3. from exposure
    4. expose
  10. The results of this policy will remain _____ for some times.

    1. outstanding
    2. dubious
    3. impressive
    4. remarkable
  11. The primary ________ of the region’s cuisine, such as beans, legumes, and pasta, provide high levels of complex carbohydrates and often ________ meat as the primary source of protein in the diet.

    1. requirements . . . supplement
    2. components . . . replace
    3. fads . . . subjoin
    4. facet . . . duplicate
    5. ingredients . . . indemnify
  12. The company has accused its larger rival of trying to ________ the ________ retail market in the north by offering illegal contracts to outlets in the area.

    1. control . . . bankrupt
    2. monopolize . . . lucrative
    3. annul . . . profitable
    4. corner . . . factitious
    5. divest . . . remunerative
  13. Despite his illness, Inzamam was ________ in winning his team.

    1. disappointing
    2. useless
    3. vigorous
    4. instrumental
  14. All the family members will get together on the _____ day of Eid.

    1. suspicious
    2. obvious
    3. auspicious
    4. conspicuous
  15. Non-violence is the law of saints as violence is the law of the _____.

    1. coward
    2. foolish
    3. brute
    4. ignorant
  16. He became very _____ and started arguing with me angrily.

    1. subservient
    2. truculent
    3. pellucid
    4. stringent
  17. I _____ him for a long time.

    1. am not met
    2. did not meet
    3. do not meet
    4. have not met
  18. Because of his _____ personality he is always very difficult to handle.

    1. voluble
    2. volatile
    3. voluptuous
    4. expensive
  19. America at Sea is a one-volume ________ history that covers the nation’s military and commercial activities.

    1. aquatic
    2. ancient
    3. meretricious
    4. theological
    5. maritime
  20. The officer waited until the clerks ________ busily.

    1. worked
    2. were working
    3. had worked
    4. are working
  21. He's been elected _____?

    1. hasn't he
    2. didn't he
    3. isn't he
    4. doesn't he
  22. He has _____ all the miseries heroically.

    1. born
    2. borne
    3. bane
    4. boon
  23. The examiner made us _____ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.

    1. showing
    2. show
    3. showed
    4. to show
  24. Alarmist newspaper stories present the pit bull terrier as ________ killer, but owners insist that the dog is friendly and ________.

    1. an invidious . . . malleable
    2. a malign . . . philanthropic
    3. a ferocious . . . docile
    4. an infamous . . . self-serving
    5. a dissolute . . . venal
  25. He could not _____ the incident from his memory.

    1. emboss
    2. paramount
    3. exculpate
    4. expunge


1 A 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 D
6 B 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 B
11 B 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 C
16 B 17 D 18 B 19 E 20 B
21 A 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 D

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3