In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 2 (Sentence Completion)

  1. The sea at that time was perfectly _____.

    1. harmonious
    2. concordant
    3. calm
    4. in agreement
  2. If you wait here, I _____ if the Manager is in.

    1. would see
    2. will have seen
    3. would have seen
    4. will see
  3. The eruption of the volcano in January was only ________ of the much larger event in March.

    1. an advent
    2. a ukase
    3. an elision
    4. a precursor
    5. a subtext
  4. Vitamin _____ can lead to illness.

    1. shortage
    2. deficiency
    3. poverty
    4. want
  5. Getting this contract is _____ to the future of our company.

    1. humane
    2. crucial
    3. reciprocal
    4. brutal
  6. We must _____ this accord.

    1. greet
    2. hail
    3. salute
    4. receive
  7. The success of the English-Spanish simulcast must be ________ to Margo Quiroz, who interprets 40 different news items in each nightly newscast.

    1. attested
    2. censured
    3. interpreted
    4. transliterated
    5. attributed
  8. This disease is _____ do not sit near him.

    1. contagious
    2. contiguous
    3. infectious
    4. touchy
  9. So many servants attended _____ him during his illness.

    1. only how
    2. with
    3. at
    4. upon
  10. Government did not realize the _____ of people's feeling on this issue.

    1. fragments
    2. attrition
    3. intensity
    4. barbarism
  11. The jaw structure of a snake permits it to eat much larger than.

    1. it
    2. itself
    3. its
    4. it has
  12. He keeps forgetting things: I think he is getting _____.

    1. feeble
    2. an octogenarian
    3. forgetful
    4. senile
  13. You will feel better when you _____ that tooth out.

    1. had
    2. have
    3. have had
    4. will have had
  14. _____ at 212 degrees F and freezes at 32 degrees F.

    1. waters boils
    2. the water boils
    3. water bills
    4. water boil
  15. We should try to avoid one who is brave in words but not in _____.

    1. actions
    2. reaction
    3. job
    4. fighting
  16. Because light travels faster then sound lightning appears to _____ thunder.

    1. prolong
    2. traverse
    3. go before
    4. repel
  17. By the twenty-first century, the computer _____a necessity in every home.

    1. became
    2. becoming
    3. has become
    4. will have become
  18. Her fears were first _____ when her son did not come here.

    1. arise
    2. arisen
    3. arouse
    4. aroused
  19. It is _____ to steal.

    1. sinful
    2. corrupt
    3. immoral
    4. wicked
  20. Time alone will ____ those unpleasant memories.

    1. efface
    2. deface
    3. erase
    4. wipe away
  21. A _____ of the medal was put on show at the museum.

    1. fable
    2. facsimile
    3. allegory
    4. cosmos
  22. Although we often use "speed" and "velocity" interchangeably, in a technical sense "speed" is not always _____ "velocity".

    1. alike
    2. the same as
    3. similar
    4. as
  23. The officer waited until the clerks ________ busily.

    1. worked
    2. were working
    3. had worked
    4. are working
  24. I insisted ________ my fee paid.

    1. to have
    2. on having
    3. to having
    4. in having
    5. with having
  25. ________ must be distinguished from ________, which is the recognition of different categories of people without the inputing of any differences in rank.

    1. Totalitarianism . . . brotherhood
    2. Modification . . . ossification
    3. Classification . . . ramification
    4. Stratification . . . differentiation
    5. Finitude . . . infinitude


1 C 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 B
6 B 7 E 8 A 9 A 10 C
11 B 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A
16 C 17 D 18 D 19 C 20 A
21 B 22 B 23 B 24 B 25 D

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3