In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 2 (Sentence Completion)

  1. A _____ of the medal was put on show at the museum.

    1. fable
    2. facsimile
    3. allegory
    4. cosmos
  2. The ________ of Darwin’s theory of evolution on Victorian religion was to create a bitter ________ of ideas and beliefs.

    1. result . . . moderation
    2. effect . . . conflict
    3. extension . . . growth
    4. origin . . . compromise
    5. influence . . . solidarity
  3. You must show _____ for out teachers.

    1. reverence
    2. adoration
    3. homage
    4. veneration
  4. I would like to have the newspaper as soon as you ____ it.

    1. finished
    2. are finish
    3. will finish
    4. have finished
  5. Heavy snows in the passes of the Pyrenees have seriously ________ rescuers trying to reach travelers surprised by the spring blizzards.

    1. excluded
    2. expedited
    3. rappelled
    4. assisted
    5. hampered
  6. It is now believed that some damage to tissues may result _____ them to frequent X-rays.

    1. the exposing
    2. from exposing
    3. from exposure
    4. expose
  7. He often _____ from the subject while lecturing.

    1. rambles
    2. roams
    3. digresses
    4. ranges
  8. Slovenia’s declared intention to ________ and Croatia’s decision to ________ the conference, aimed at preventing the breakup of the federation, are twin blows to Yugoslavian unity.

    1. secede . . . boycott
    2. withdraw . . . foster
    3. divide . . . consolidate
    4. recede . . . avoid
    5. patronize . . . exclude
  9. It is important that the office _____ your registration.

    1. will confirm
    2. confirm
    3. confirms
    4. must confirm
  10. You ________ respect your parents and teacher.

    1. should
    2. would
    3. should have
    4. would have
  11. We should try to avoid one who is brave in words but not in _____.

    1. actions
    2. reaction
    3. job
    4. fighting
  12. The description of the accident given by him was quite _____.

    1. bright
    2. vivid
    3. glaring
    4. telling
  13. When the hotel burned down, fifty people died in the _____.

    1. sirocco
    2. typhoon
    3. maelstrom
    4. holocaust
  14. Wasim was so good at Mathematics that his friends considered him to be a _____.

    1. prodigy
    2. prodigal
    3. primeval
    4. profligate
  15. He _____ a few steps when it started raining.

    1. had hardly taken
    2. hardly took
    3. hardly taken
    4. taken hardly
  16. He has _____ all the miseries heroically.

    1. born
    2. borne
    3. bane
    4. boon
  17. All communication with outside world has been cut _____.

    1. out
    2. away
    3. down
    4. off
  18. Because of his _____ personality he is always very difficult to handle.

    1. voluble
    2. volatile
    3. voluptuous
    4. expensive
  19. My land is _____ to your Land.

    1. contagious
    2. contiguous
    3. infectious
    4. touchy
  20. I _____ him for a long time.

    1. am not met
    2. did not meet
    3. do not meet
    4. have not met
  21. Pretending in his works to be gauche, uneducated, and ________, the real Chaucer was a sophisticated, widely read, and ________ man.

    1. provincial . . . cosmopolitan
    2. exiguous . . . vigorous
    3. avuncular . . . shrewd
    4. inept . . . dauntless
    5. incompetent . . . flaccid
  22. Unfortunately, too many American actors in a Shakespeare play chop the verse into gobbets that are ________ to the audience and ________ to their own vocal chords.

    1. inscrutable . . . an expedience
    2. congenial . . . a danger
    3. galling . . . a panacea
    4. anodyne . . . an emollient
    5. incomprehensible . . . a threat
  23. A seventeen-year-old is not _____ to vote in an election.

    1. old enough
    2. as old enough
    3. enough old
    4. enough old as
  24. Like human, animals must have a dentist _____ their teeth.

    1. fill
    2. filled
    3. filling
    4. to be filled
  25. The success of the English-Spanish simulcast must be ________ to Margo Quiroz, who interprets 40 different news items in each nightly newscast.

    1. attested
    2. censured
    3. interpreted
    4. transliterated
    5. attributed


1 B 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 E
6 B 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 A
11 A 12 B 13 D 14 A 15 A
16 B 17 D 18 B 19 B 20 D
21 A 22 E 23 A 24 A 25 E

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3