In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 1 (Sentence Completion)

  1. It is now believed that some damage to tissues may result _____ them to frequent X-rays.

    1. the exposing
    2. from exposing
    3. from exposure
    4. expose
  2. The _____ arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impress anybody.

    1. specious
    2. intemperate
    3. spurious
    4. convincing
  3. He was quite able _____ after himself.

    1. to looking
    2. for looking
    3. to look
    4. of looking
  4. You will feel better when you _____ that tooth out.

    1. had
    2. have
    3. have had
    4. will have had
  5. Slovenia’s declared intention to ________ and Croatia’s decision to ________ the conference, aimed at preventing the breakup of the federation, are twin blows to Yugoslavian unity.

    1. secede . . . boycott
    2. withdraw . . . foster
    3. divide . . . consolidate
    4. recede . . . avoid
    5. patronize . . . exclude
  6. A seventeen-year-old is not _____ to vote in an election.

    1. old enough
    2. as old enough
    3. enough old
    4. enough old as
  7. My land is _____ to your Land.

    1. contagious
    2. contiguous
    3. infectious
    4. touchy
  8. Although we often use "speed" and "velocity" interchangeably, in a technical sense "speed" is not always _____ "velocity".

    1. alike
    2. the same as
    3. similar
    4. as
  9. Comparing him to P.T. Barnum, Mencken called William Jennings Bryan a ________, a mountebank, a fake without shame or dignity.

    1. coward
    2. charlatan
    3. poltroon
    4. craven
    5. demigod
  10. The ________ of Darwin’s theory of evolution on Victorian religion was to create a bitter ________ of ideas and beliefs.

    1. result . . . moderation
    2. effect . . . conflict
    3. extension . . . growth
    4. origin . . . compromise
    5. influence . . . solidarity
  11. The description of the accident given by him was quite _____.

    1. bright
    2. vivid
    3. glaring
    4. telling
  12. The task seemed impossible but some-how Rashid _____ very skillfully in the end.

    1. pulled it up
    2. pulled it off
    3. pulled it away
    4. pulled it out
  13. His knowledge of the subject is _____.

    1. expensive
    2. extensive
    3. spacious
    4. spatial
  14. He _____ satisfactory progress in the school.

    1. makes
    2. has made
    3. had made
    4. is making
  15. He _____ our help.

    1. resents
    2. recants
    3. remove
    4. resign
  16. Your remarks are not _____ to the matter we are discussing.

    1. pertinent
    2. prolix
    3. prolonged
    4. acrimonious
  17. He _____ get up early.

    1. used
    2. used to
    3. is used to
    4. was used to be
  18. It is important that the office _____ your registration.

    1. will confirm
    2. confirm
    3. confirms
    4. must confirm
  19. The reduction of unemployment should be ______ in government's economic policy.

    1. paragon
    2. paramount
    3. paradox
    4. partition
  20. So many servants attended _____ him during his illness.

    1. only how
    2. with
    3. at
    4. upon
  21. There is _____ among the members of the party.

    1. contention
    2. discord
    3. battle
    4. war
  22. There seems to be a _____ of good young players at the moment.

    1. plague
    2. series
    3. plethora
    4. dearth
  23. This legend has been _____ from father to son.

    1. handed down
    2. handed for
    3. handed in
    4. handed over
  24. We _____ ourselves for difficult times.

    1. prop
    2. support
    3. brace
    4. refresh
  25. The meager ruins of the castle, which once covered 6 acres of ground, can now be of interest only to ________.

    1. antiques
    2. antiquaries
    3. reliquaries
    4. patricians
    5. histrionics


1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A
6 A 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 B
11 B 12 D 13 B 14 B 15 A
16 A 17 B 18 B 19 B 20 A
21 B 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 B

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3