In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 3 (Analogies)

  1. Rejuvenate : Youth ::

    1. recuperate : disease
    2. reelect : provident
    3. reiterate : item
    4. reimburse : money
  2. Poison : Death ::

    1. purgative : disease
    2. experience : knowledge
    3. growth : maturation
    4. beauty : cosmetics
  3. Heat : Calorimeter ::

    1. speed : altimeter
    2. distance : odometer
    3. fuel : tachometer
    4. degree : thermometer
  4. Porter : Terminal ::

    1. clerk : store
    2. cashier : restaurant
    3. lawyer : court
    4. waitress : restaurant
  5. Stethoscope : Physician ::

    1. canvas : sculptor
    2. pestle : pharmacist
    3. scalpel : teacher
    4. editor : author
  6. Infinite : End ::

    1. spontaneous : occur
    2. isolated : envision
    3. buoyant : sink
    4. parallel : align
  7. Moisten : Drench ::

    1. scrub : polish
    2. head : chill
    3. disregard : ignore
    4. prick : stab
  8. Drizzle : Cloudburst ::

    1. grass : dew
    2. wind : air
    3. shore : waves
    4. furry : blizzard
  9. Trickle : Spew ::

    1. breathe : inhale
    2. saunter : run
    3. sing : harmonize
    4. clean : brush
  10. Snare : Animal ::

    1. nest : bird
    2. pouch : kangaroo
    3. net : fish
    4. kennel : dog
  11. Malleable : Shaped ::

    1. flexible : bullied
    2. amenable : persuaded
    3. tolerable : handled
    4. negotiable : sold
  12. Carelessness : Accident ::

    1. assiduity : success
    2. indifference : fruition
    3. care : avoidance
    4. writer : blot
  13. Explosion : Debris ::

    1. flood : water
    2. famine : food
    3. fire : ashes
    4. disease : germ
  14. Capricious : Predictability ::

    1. barbaric : warfare
    2. solvent : finance
    3. subsisting : viability
    4. disorient : direction
  15. Team : Coach ::

    1. corporal : squad
    2. army : general
    3. team : member
    4. club : advisor
  16. Industrious : Assiduous ::

    1. affluent : impoverished
    2. mendacious : beggarly
    3. fortuitous : fortunate
    4. impecunious : poor
  17. Prohibited : Refrain ::

    1. innocuous : forbid
    2. deleterious : embark
    3. required : decide
    4. compulsory : comply
  18. Imitation : Individuality ::

    1. veneration : defense
    2. determination : success
    3. recklessness : courage
    4. debauchery : morality
  19. Incorrigible : Reform ::

    1. immutable : speak
    2. intractable : manage
    3. impartial : decide
    4. intolerable : criticize
  20. Mendicant : Begging ::

    1. competitor : joining
    2. legislator : funding
    3. miser : donating
    4. prevaricator : lying
  21. Amulet : Evil ::

    1. fort : attack
    2. fire : hose
    3. eggs : rotten
    4. police : law
  22. Enmity : Hate ::

    1. emulation : jealousy
    2. glory : envy
    3. intimidation : fear
    4. arbitration : love
  23. Indigent : Wealth ::

    1. emaciated : nourishment
    2. aristocratic : stature
    3. variegated : variety
    4. contended : happiness
  24. Backlog : Merchandise ::

    1. jam : traffic
    2. intermission : play
    3. deficit : money
    4. bonus : worker
  25. Hospital : Nurse ::

    1. college : professor
    2. theater : dramatist
    3. artist : studio
    4. drug : pharmacist


1 D 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 B
6 C 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 C
11 B 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 D
16 D 17 D 18 D 19 B 20 D
21 A 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 A

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3