In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Practice Test Set 1 (Analogies)

  1. Incorrigible : Reform ::

    1. immutable : speak
    2. intractable : manage
    3. impartial : decide
    4. intolerable : criticize
  2. Constellation : Stars ::

    1. earth : moon
    2. center : circle
    3. archipelago : islands
    4. rain : water
  3. Caravan : Procession ::

    1. merchant : commerce
    2. wedding : ceremony
    3. menagerie : animal
    4. hunter : prey
  4. Lubricant : Friction ::

    1. motor : electricity
    2. speed : drag
    3. insulation : heat
    4. muffler : noise
  5. Walk : Stumble ::

    1. trot : race
    2. look : ogle
    3. hear : ignore
    4. speak : stammer
  6. Felicity : Sorrow ::

    1. agility : skill
    2. agility : clumsiness
    3. concept : scheme
    4. congratulations : benediction
  7. Hospital : Nurse ::

    1. college : professor
    2. theater : dramatist
    3. artist : studio
    4. drug : pharmacist
  8. Glove : Hand ::

    1. teeth : chewing
    2. neck : collar
    3. coat : pocket
    4. stocking : leg
  9. Abhor : Dislike ::

    1. rebuke : ridicule
    2. torture : distress
    3. calcify : petrify
    4. like : love
  10. Chalk : Blackboard ::

    1. handle : door
    2. pen : paper
    3. note : music
    4. window : wall
  11. Enmity : Hate ::

    1. emulation : jealousy
    2. glory : envy
    3. intimidation : fear
    4. arbitration : love
  12. Entrepreneur : Laborer ::

    1. profits : wages
    2. arbitrator : capitalist
    3. mediator : conflict
    4. moonlighting : worker
  13. Exertion : Fatigue ::

    1. school : graduation
    2. exercise : muscles
    3. carelessness : accident
    4. effort : results
  14. Charity : Virtue ::

    1. greed : evil
    2. avaricious : vicious
    3. penury : crime
    4. avarice : vice
  15. Umpire : Playing Field ::

    1. farmer : city
    2. plumber : wrench
    3. carpenter : cabinet
    4. judge : courtroom
  16. Comet : Tail ::

    1. traffic : lane
    2. missile : trajectory
    3. vessel : wake
    4. engine : fuel
  17. Dusk : Dawn ::

    1. senility : childhood
    2. adolescence : infancy
    3. loquaciousness : garrulity
    4. necromancy : magic
  18. Counterfeiter : Money ::

    1. forger : document
    2. arsonist : building
    3. deceiver : fraud
    4. fabricator : alibi
  19. Altimeter : Height ::

    1. speedometer : velocity
    2. observatory : constellation
    3. racetrack : furlong
    4. vessel : knots
  20. Author : Inventor ::

    1. copyright : patent
    2. plot : machine
    3. book : factory
    4. works : gadgets
  21. Continent : Island ::

    1. river : canal
    2. ocean : lake
    3. plateau : plain
    4. country : city
  22. Analgesic : Pain ::

    1. anesthetic : surgery
    2. palliative : violence
    3. operation : health
    4. prosthesis : limb
  23. Explosion : Debris ::

    1. flood : water
    2. famine : food
    3. fire : ashes
    4. disease : germ
  24. Ungainly : Elegance ::

    1. stately : majesty
    2. suitable : propriety
    3. vacuous : temerity
    4. perfunctory : attention
  25. Anger : Insult ::

    1. business : judgment
    2. admiration : happiness
    3. conduct : behavior
    4. appreciation : kindness


1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 D
6 B 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 B
11 C 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 D
16 C 17 A 18 A 19 A 20 A
21 D 22 A 23 C 24 D 25 D

Practice Test Set 1
Practice Test Set 2
Practice Test Set 3