In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots

The following abbreviated list should help you arrive at the definitions of unfamiliar words. These prefixes, suffixes, and roots apply to thousands of words.


Prefixes Meaning Example
pre- before precede
de- away, from deter
inter- between interstate
ob- against objection
in- into instruct
mono- alone, one monolith
epi- upon epilogue
mis- wrong mistake
sub- under submarine
trans- across, beyond transcend
over- above overbearing
ad- to, toward advance
non- not nonentity
com- together, with composite
re- back, again regress
ex- out of expel
in- not insufficient
pro- forward propel
anti- against antidote
omni- all, everywhere omniscient
equi- equal, equally equivalent
homo- same, equal, like homogenized
semi- half, partly semicircle
un- not unneeded
bi- two bicycle
poly- many polymorphous
retro- backward retrograde
mal- bad malfunction
hyper- over, too much hyperactive
hypo- under, too little hypodermic


Suffix Meaning Example
-able, -ible able to usable
-er, -or one who does competitor
-ism the practice of rationalism
-ist one who is occupied with feminist
-less without, lacking meaningless
-ship the art or skill of statesmanship
-fy to make dignify
-ness the quality of aggressiveness
-tude the state of rectitude
-logue a particular kind of speaking or writing prologue


Root Meaning Example
arch to rule monarch
belli war, warlike belligerent
bene good benevolent
chron time chronology
dic to say indicative
fac to make, to do artifact
graph writing telegraph
mort to die mortal
port to carry deport
vid, vis to see invisible