In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Frequently Asked Questions about NAT

What is NAT?

National Aptitude Test (NAT) is an assessment test conducted by NTS (National Testing Service). Results of NAT are used by various colleges and universities to evaluate applicant's rank in their merit.

Why NAT is important for students seeking admission for higher education?

Prospective graduate applicants take the NAT test. NAT test scores are used by admissions panels to suppement undergraduate records and other qualifications for graduate study. The score provides common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants and aid in and recommendations.

Who administers the NAT?

The NAT is written and administered by National Testing Service (NTS) Pakistan.

Who is NTS?

NTS stands for National Testing Service, which is a private organization engaged in developing and conducting various types of educational evaluation tests.

What is the minimum score for qualifying NAT?

The minimum score to qualify NAT is 50

Does score of 50 in NAT provide any surety of admission in any college or university?

No. Certainly not. Every institution has its own evaluation criteria for admission and scholarship award. Normally, score in NAT is used on comparative basis, that is, a test taker with higher score in NAT is prefered for admission if other criteria of evaluation also met. You must prepare the test for higher score.

What is the validity period of NAT?

The test result will remain valid for 1 year for admissions.

Can an applicant take NAT more than once?

Yes, candidate intending to improve their previous NAT score can also apply for the test again.

Is there any minimum qualification criterion for taking NAT?

Yes. Candidates with a minimum of 12 years of education are eligible to appear in NAT-I. Candidates with a minimum of 14 years of education are eligible to appear in NAT-II

How can I register for NAT?

Registration for NAT is an easy process. Download NAT application from NTS official Website (, fill in the required fields in the form, deposit the prescribed fee in the designated bank mentioned in the form and post the form to the address given in the form.

When should I take NAT?

If you are willing to have higher qualification after 12/14 years of education then you should take NAT just after you take the final exams for intermediate/bachelor degree. The test result will remain valid for 1 year for admissions. Early taking of NAT enables you to apply in more institutions. You can take the test any time after passing inter or graduation according to NTS schedule. You can visit NTS official website ( for finding the date available to you.