Multiple Choice Questions
In JavaScript, in order to change the content of an HTML document or the CSS style of HTML elements, we use:
var x = 4; var y = 9; var z = x < y; What is the data type of the variable z above?
Consider the following object: var book = { title: "Romeo and Juliet", author: "William Shakespeare", publishDate: 1597 }; Considering the book object above, which line of code will write the publish date of the book object to the browser console?
Which message will be displayed on the document when the following code is executed? var num = 40; if(num > 60) { document.write("zone 1"); } else if(num > 25) { document.write("zone 2"); } else{ document.write("zone 3"); }
Which line of code creates a variable named language that holds that value "JavaScript"?
Which of the following statements declares a (non-global) variable named myNum and assigns it a value of 24?
var x = 25; var y = 12; var z = x < y;What value is stored in the variable z above?
Consider the following code: var x = 2; var y = 6; var z = -3; What is the datatype of the variable **z**?
JavaScript allows you to develop webpages that are ________. This means the webpage's content changes based on conditions and interactions.
Which JavaScript statement creates a new list item element and stores it in a new variable named listItem.
A complete line of JavaScript code that can be executed by the computer is called a(n) ________.
Which alert message(s) will be displayed when the following code runs? var num = 35; if(num <= 30) { document.write("Alert message #1"); } else{ document.write("Alert message #2"); }
Which of the following statements invokes a function named myFunction that accepts a numeric parameter?
What value is stored in the variable x after the following lines of code are executed? var x = 9; var y = 3; var z = x%y;
JavaScript can only run in a browser (It cannot run in other environments).
var myVar = "23"; What is the data type of the variable myVar?
What is the result of the following statement? typeof 340.2
Which message will be displayed on the document when the following code is executed? var num = 24; if(num > 82) { document.write("zone 1"); } else if(num >= 43) { document.write("zone 2"); } else{ document.write("zone 3"); }
JavaScript code is case sensitive.
A JavaScript script will always be executed after the HTML page finishes loading.
Which of the following does not output information to the user via the webpage?
Consider the following code: var book = { title: "Romeo and Juliet", authorFirstName: "William", authorLastName: "Shakespeare", publishDate: 1597 }; The code above creates a(n) ________ with the identifier book.
What causes a loop to be infinite?
Consider the following object: var book = { title: "Romeo and Juliet", author: "William Shakespeare", publishDate: 1597 }; Considering the book object above, author is a ________ of the book object.
A JavaScript variable that originally stored a number can later store a string value.
What is the primary role of JavaScript?
Which of the following for-loop declarations creates a loop that will execute 4 times?
var language = "JavaScript"; The data type of the language variable above is:
What belongs immediately after the if keyword in an if statement, within the parentheses? if ( )
Which message will be displayed on the document when the following code is executed? var x = 3; var y = 8; if(x % 2 == 1 && y > 6) { document.write("This test passed" ); }else{ document.write("This test failed"); }
How can a function return a value?
What is an infinite loop?
A(n) ________ can hold a collection of named values, known as properties.
var mySection = document.getElementById("mySection"); var special = mySection.getElementsByClassName("special");What will the variable special contain after this code is executed?
var x = 25; var y = 12; var z = x < y;What is the data type of the variable z above?
What output will be displayed on the document when the following loop completes? for(x = 0; x < 4; x++){ document.write(x + " "); }
Which of the following lines of code produces the value "William Shakespeare"?
var x = 34; var y = 10; var z = x%y;What value is stored in the variable z after the following lines of code are executed?
Which of the following statements invokes a function named myFunction that has no parameters?
typeof "Hello, world"
Which statement creates an array named colors and stores 4 elements?
Which of the following statements changes the CSS background-color of an element to "green"?
Which JavaScript statement uses the document object to get a list of all of the h1 elements on a page and stores the collection in a variable named headings.
Which statement retrieves the element with the value 32 from the array numbers? var numbers = [1, 3, 12, 42, 32, 4];
Consider the following code: var x = 2; var y = 6; var z = -3; Which of the following line of code will update the stored value of the variable y to 3?
JavaScript statements end with ________.
Consider the code: var greeting = "Hello"; var contact = { firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", age: 35 }; What line of code update the greeting variable to store the value "Hello Jane"?
Which of the following statements changes the href attribute of an element to ""?
Which of the following statements declares a variable named score?
Consider the following code: var book = { title: "Romeo and Juliet", authorFirstName: "William", authorLastName: "Shakespeare", publishDate: 1597 }; What line of code logs the value of the title property to the console?
Assume that a variable has been declared and initialized with the following statement: var count = 4;Which of the following statements updates the variable with the value 24?
Consider the variable: var greeting = "Hello"; greeting += "John";What value is stored in the greeting variable after the 2nd line of code?
Which alert message(s) will be displayed when the following code runs? var num = 42; if(num <= 30) { document.write("Alert message #1"); } else{ document.write("Alert message #2"); }
Which of the following statement sets a function called myHandler to be called when myButton is clicked?
JavaScript was created by Google in 2005 for the Gmail application that needed more interactivity
var x = 4; var y = 9; var z = x < y; What value is stored in the variable z above?
Which of the following statements calls a function, giveMeANumber, and passes the number 4 as a parameter?
typeof -34.7
Which of the following statements declares a variable named highScore?
Which of the following are used to create a variable and assign it a value?
Which of the following statements defines a function named increment that returns a value and defines a parameter?
Which message will be displayed on the document when the following code is executed? var x = 3; var y = 8; if(x < 5 && y > 6) { document.write("This test passed"); } else{ document.write("This test failed"); }
typeof "390" What is the result of the this statement?
Which of the following statements stores a value returned from a function?
In order to write JavaScript code that is embedded in an HTML file, your JavaScript code belongs ________.
What will the value of x be when the following while loop stops executing? var x = 4; while(x > 0) { alert("Hello "); x--; }
Which JavaScript statement creates a new list item element and stores it in a new variable named listItem?
Which of the following statement would return a collection of elements that have the class "special"?
typeof "-34.7"
A ________ is a container that can store a value in your program that can be accessed or modified at a later point.
Which of the following can be used to modify the text within a paragraph?
JavaScript is a(n) ________.
What value is stored in the variable x after the following lines of code are executed? var x = 3; x*=2;
Which of the following keywords is used to define a function?
Which of these is a JavaScript array?
Which statement retrieves the element "d" from the array myArray? var myArray = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"];