#include #include class topic{ // Data members of Topic class int ID; char * Title; char discription[200]; //Public interface of topic class public: //Default constructor topic(){ ID=1; Title=NULL; } //parametrized constructor topic(int id, char *title){ ID=id; Title=new char[strlen(title)+1]; strcpy(Title,title); } //setter function for ID void setId() { int id; cout<<"\nEnter ID: "; cin>>id; } void setTitle() { char pChar[50]; cout<>subid; } void setdiscription(char []){ char dChar[200]; cout<<"Enter discription of Sub topic:"<=90){ cout<<"Eligible for being a topic"<>inPut; if(i==1) { add(); } else if(i==2) { View(); } else if(i==3) { remove(); } else if(i==4) { edit(); } } void course::add() { cout<<"\n...Type a course code in 8 length... "; cin>>code; getline(cin, courseCode); courseCode = code+courseCode; setCode(courseCode); if(courseCode.empty()){ cout<<"\n... Retype a course code.... "; cin>>code; getline(cin, courseCode); courseCode = code+courseCode; setCode(courseCode); } else{ arrayCode[crsID]=courseCode; } if(!courseCode.empty()) { cout<<"\ .... Type a course Name of 10 length. "; cin>>name; getline(cin, courseName); courseName = name + courseName; setTitle(courseName); if(courseName.empty()){} else{ arrayName[crsID]=courseName; } } if(!courseName.empty()){ cout<<"...Type a course duration in months.... "; cin>>duration; arrayDuration[crsID]=duration; cout<<"\n...Type no of lessons...... "; cin>>totalLessons; arrayLesson[crsID]=totalLessons; crsID++; } } void course::View() { if(select()) { int j=0; int blank=0; if (crsID<1) { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"... List of course is empty ..."<=1) { int a = 0; for(a=0; a0){ arrayCode[a]=arrayCode[a+1]; arrayCode[a+1].empty(); arrayName[a]=arrayName[a+1]; arrayName[a+1].empty(); } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"... List of all available courses with code ..."< "; cin>>code; getline(cin, courseCode); courseCode = code+courseCode; for(k=0; k "; cin>>code; getline(cin, courseCode); courseCode = code+courseCode; for(k=0; k "; cin>>name; getline(cin, courseName); cout<<"\n"; courseName = name+courseName; setTitle(courseName); if(courseName.empty()){} else{ arrayName[codeIndex]=courseName; } } } string course::setTitle(string n) { if(n.length()>=10) { cout<<"... Eligible for being a course Name ..."<0)) { cout<<"... Eligible for being a course Code ..."<8){ cout<<"... course Code must be 10 or less characters ..."<>i; if(i==1) { add(); } else if(i==2) { View(); } else if(i==3) { remove(); } } void studyprogram::add(){ cout<<"\n....Type a study program code of 10 length... "; cin>>code; getline(cin, prCode); prCode = code+prCode; setCode(prCode); if(prCode.empty()){ cout<<"\n...Re-type a study program code..... "; cin>>code; getline(cin, prCode); prCode = code+prCode; setCode(prCode); } else{ arrayCode[studID]=prCode; } if(!prCode.empty()){ cout<<"\n.... Type a study program...."; cin>>name; getline(cin, prName); prName = name + prName; setTitle(prName); if(prName.empty()){} else{ arrayName[studID]=prName; } } if(!prName.empty()){ cout<<"\n... Type a study program duration (in months)..."; cin>>prDuration; arrayPrDuration[studID]=prDuration; studID++; } } void studyprogram::View() { if(select()) { int j=0; int blank=0; if (studID<1){ cout<<"... List of study programs is empty ..."<=1) { int a = 0; for(a=0; a0){ arrayCode[a]=arrayCode[a+1]; arrayCode[a+1].empty(); arrayName[a]=arrayName[a+1]; arrayName[a+1].empty(); } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"... List of all available study programs ..."< "; cin>>code; getline(cin, prCode); prCode = code+prCode; for(k=0; k=10){ cout<<"... Eligible for being a Program Name ..."<8){ cout<<"... Program Code must be 8 or less characters ..."<>i; if(i==1) { stdProg.add(); } else if(i==2) { stdProg.View(); } else if(i==3) { search(); } else if(i==4) { stdProg.remove(); } else if(i==5) { print(); } else if(i==6) { download();} } void portal::search( ){ if(select()) { int sFlag=0; int k=0; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"... Type a study program code to search ...> "; cin>>stdProg.code; getline(cin, stdProg.prCode); cout<<"\n"; stdProg.prCode = stdProg.code+stdProg.prCode; for(k=0; k0){ cout<<"Program Code "<<"Program Name "<<"Duration "<<""< "; cin>>k; if(k<=stdProg.studID) { cout<<"... The study program "<"; cin>>k; if(k<=stdProg.studID) { cout<<"... The study program "<>i; if(i==1) { accTopic.initialFun(); } else if(i==2) { accLesson.initialFun(); } else if(i==3) { accCourse.initialFun(); } else if(i==4) { accStdPrg.initialFun(); } else if(i==5) { accPortal.initialFun(); } } main(){ student s1; s1.initialFun(); system("PAUSE");