#include #include #include using namespace std; //----------------defining user class---------------------------- class user{ //data member of user class char * ID; char * Name; char * Address; protected: char * Status; //public interface of user class public: // Default and overloaded constructors user(); user(char * ID,char * Name,char * Address,char * Status); // Setter and Getter fucntions void set_Name(); const char * get_Name() const; void set_add(); void verify_user(); // Destructor ~user(); // end of user class }; // Implementation of overloaded constructor user::user(char * id,char * aname,char * address,char * astatus){ ID=new char[strlen(id)+1]; strcpy(ID,id); Name = new char[strlen(aname)+1]; strcpy(Name,aname); Address = new char[strlen(address)+1]; strcpy(Address,address); Status = new char[strlen(astatus)+1]; strcpy(Status,astatus); } // Implementation of set_Name() method void user::set_Name(){ char name[50]; cout<<"\nEnter user name:"<<"\n"; cin.getline(name,50); Name = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(Name,name); } // Implementation of get_Name() method const char * user::get_Name() const{ if(Name != NULL){ return Name; } } // Implementation of set_add() method to set the value of Address void user::set_add(){ char add[300]; cout<<"\nEnter address:"<<"\n"; cin.getline(add,300); Address = new char[strlen(add)+1]; strcpy(Address,add); } // Implementation of Verify_user() method, to varify a user void user::verify_user() { cout<<"\n\n -------------User Verification---------\n\n"; //----set_Name function call--------- set_Name(); //--------set_address call--------- set_add(); //------set status as verified---------- char stat[20]="verified"; Status = new char[strlen(stat)+1]; strcpy(Status,stat); cout<<"\n\nUser\t"<